What are you guys using for bass amp modelling? (getting bored of SVX)


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
Ampeg SVX is a brilliant program, but no matter how I seem to EQ it it's just too warm for my tastes. I've recently started using external IR's with it which has helped get that 'rasp' but the amp itself is just too smooth. I want more grit, GRIT DAMMIT!

I've tried PodFarm with some ok results, might give that another shot, but I was just intrigued to see what else is out there?
more grit, have you thought about sticking an OD before the amp? With SVX, you need to high pass like a som' bitch, use the limiters and compressors on the amp hard and stick an OD pedal before (it could be a SVX OD, an OD sim or a physical OD pedal) and push the amp into distortion. I found that after the cabinet to add a limiter (Waves L1 is amazing for this) and push the bass until it starts to get dirty. I think its more of how you tweak before and after SVX that is going to help rather than getting another sim. However if you really wanted a better or differnt sound, sansamp is where it is at.
Don't use SVX for the crux of your tone. Use it to shape the lows and that's it. Use something like PODFarm, a PSA-1, guitar amp, guitar stomp box etc. etc. whatever on the highs to get the grit. Use SVX for what it does well - which is to round out your lows and stop your DIs sounding as flat.
AT3's bass amps - the GK model. Coupled sometimes with one of the guitar amps going into a bass cab - something like the Orange, to give it a little high-end grit.
With grit, just throw the kitchen sink at it. Basses are so unique that every new one might demand a different tool. Use everything at your disposal, get crazy with it, and see what works. Synth distortion, general distortion, saturation, preamp distortion, stomp boxes, guitar amps, bass pedals etc. etc. it can work in some quantities.
You could try out LeXTAC with bass impulses.
Don't know how it works for grit, but that thing has potential.

Yeh, LexTAC is surprisingly good for bass. Where do you get bass impulses from tho? I've got a few shitty ones.. I usually just go with guitar impulses or none for a brighter sound.

+1 to Ermz tho. I use so much shit on my bass tracks, and they are almost always one of the strongest parts of my mixes.
Studio Devil's VBA is actually really fucking cool to get the rounded, low-end part of the bass tone down.... after that, start trying any and all distortion type boxes/units/amps/plugins you have!

I used to reamp a high-passed version of the DI bass through my ENGL when reamping with it... sounded sweet.

And oh, I whipped out the ENGL for the first time in a WHILE for a record on my first label project...

Fireball + Marshal 1960B + 57 + R121 = WIN.

Some awesome ideas, thanks! Already getting better results with a tubescreamer plug-in shoved infront of Ampeg SVX :lol: then into impulses, compressed, then EQ'd, then using the limiting idea from TheWinterSnow (thanks for that man!)

Ideally I'd love the bass tone O'Beast from Mnemic has. It ALWAYS blows my fucking mind how heavy that shit is, it's just insanity.

Listen out at 0:49 when the bass disappears and it's just guitars, then it comes thundering back in at 0:55 and you really notice how much it makes up their sound, it's just... huge...
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Yeh, LexTAC is surprisingly good for bass. Where do you get bass impulses from tho? I've got a few shitty ones.. I usually just go with guitar impulses or none for a brighter sound.

+1 to Ermz tho. I use so much shit on my bass tracks, and they are almost always one of the strongest parts of my mixes.

Got a pack of Ampeg and Eden impulses from this forum a few years ago, they were included in one huge impulse package.
According to the readme they are by James Greenlee.

Are those the shitty ones you mentioned?

I didn't like the Eden impulses, but with a blend of the 57 and D6 Ampeg impulses I got pretty nice results. I believe I dimed the mids on LeXTAC though.
I used to reamp a high-passed version of the DI bass through my ENGL when reamping with it... sounded sweet.

YES! +1

I did this into the Dual Recto and it was amazing. It pisses all over the Sansamp any day of the week. If I could do it with every project I would. If there is one thing that Chaosphere taught us is that the Rectifier is the best amp in the world for both guitar AND bass.

Do you prefer the VBA to the SVX? If so, I'm switching over ASAP..
If you want grit, buy an MXR bass di+. Can go from amazingly dirty to amazingly clean. It is used on this song. I used it on my latest metal recording and was very happy with the result and will probably be buying one in the future. They are only $140 new, quite a bit cheaper than the Sansamp BDDI.

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