Did anyone see Eidolon at PPV


New Metal Member
Mar 7, 2005
I've been reading a lot of threads regarding PPV and noticed no one mentioned seeing the guys from Eidolon just hanging out last year. I would have loved to see them live, but of course the Drover brothers are now in Megadeath. Did anyone get a chance to rap with these guys?
Yeah, they were there-- at least I saw Glen Drover getting a beer next to me at some point.

Shaun posts from time to time on the BWBK board, but that has disappeared since the hired guns gig began with Megadeth.

For the last 3 years I've been sure that they were going to be a #3 band at PP, especially this year with the Pagan's Mind fella singing with them....
Oh yeah. I was hanging out backstage with Into Etnernity and so was Glenn and Shawn. Rob D from IE introduced me to them and we hung out and talked for a little while. Glenn gave us the low down on Megadeth deal and was totally down to earth. It was a very cool experience.

I talked to Shaun at the last festival, and he was rather friendly. I can't understand why this band has not played at this festival. If Glenn wants to kick this show in the balls, these guys could easily do the work for him. Eidolon is one of the ten bands I absolutely have to see live before I die. At least the odds of that are more likely for me than those of seeing Crimson Glory or Black Sabbath with Tony Martin. I hate being young!

Stay metal. Never rust.
I saw Eidolon at BW&BK Fest in 2003 and they put up a pretty good show, although I was not too fond of the singer they had back then. I am really looking forward to hearing the Pagan's Mind singer on the new Eidolon CD...he is much better than any previous singer of that band and could help them make a memorable album. Lets see how it goes!
For the record, Eidolon is kaput right now and the "Pagan's Mind singer" isn't singing for Eidolon- it's a separate project. Just thought I'd clear the air...
am_ash2 said:
For the record, Eidolon is kaput right now and the "Pagan's Mind singer" isn't singing for Eidolon- it's a separate project. Just thought I'd clear the air...

where exactly did you hear this news???

I think ya have this backwards.... Dimension Inifinte was toi be the name of the side project till Eidolon fired thier singer and Nils slid into the spot .. The reocrd is mostly done and is due in late 2005.

This info is as of 12/24/04