Did I finally get a decent Revalver tone?


Dec 7, 2008
Waterford, Ireland
Hey guys, I grabbed some DIs that Moonlapse posted (hope you don't mind dude) and have been playing with Revalver.
I'm a drummer and am not used to paying so much attention to guitar tone, but have been learning a lot here (and have a lot more to learn).
This track is pure raw, nothing on the tracks other than Revalver and LAConvolver for the impulses, nothing on the master either.

Failure To Faulter

I'd appreciate not just opinions, but suggestions for improvements - thanks!
Yes, really really nice!! Share settings! :D

Thanks Dandelium, your Revalver tones rule and I was starting to think I should give up! :lol:

Impulse: Poidaobi - Englv30CAB -> englv30higherpres-01.wav


By the way, I should add that Moonlapse's DI tracks only had 2 guitar tracks, so I just copied them and added the JSX settings to them. I'd love to hear this quad tracked! :)