Did I miss something??


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
Why was the thread I made about this deleted??? Seriously, this is starting to get ridiculous... unless I missed some reason that warranted it's deletion then I have to say this is really unfair. I don't see how that thread or this one is breaking the rules, it's just a few simple facts I would like reviewed, and yet they're ignored. Can I get an explanation?

Ok, well this is just my way of addressing the goings-on yesterday.

The whole thing about the "n*gger Deron" thread that was made, and the fact that people think it was Gonzo. I have done a little investigating into the matter and I have to say, while I have not found the asshole who is trolling our forum (I have a few good leads as to who it is though), I think I have found reasonable doubt that will clear Gonzo.

Now, that being said, before I continue I don't want anyone to think I am 'on Gonzo's side'... because I'm not. I am 100% unbiased. Yes, I did want him unb& because I think he was punished for no reason but I wouldn't go this far out of my way to have him back. Everyone here knows we have our differences, but I know how it feels to be banned for a bullshit reason so here I am in his defense because as I was snooping around I realized something.

Gonzo made this for me the last sunday ( what's the name of the program ? )


Well that solves one issue from today.

How the hell does that prove it was him? :lol: Honestly, I thought he was guilty too and it was case closed until I went back and saw this:


not in the now-thread, since it was yesterday

and if i were painting by botticelli, i would look like this:
lol, i'm quite pleased with it, actually

Did you make it on photoshop?

^oh hell no, i don't even HAVE photoshop :lol:
i did it with this site ^^ i will do you all a favour, and not post the one where i look like a man :)

HAHAHA thanks for the link, I look sooo funny with the Drunk option :lol::lol::lol:

See. Deadly posted the link to that site with the program on the forum out in the open, and that means ANYONE could have done this. It's bullshit to just accuse him because of what Alexis said. If anything, it proves his innocence more imo. If Gonzo had this program a week ago why the fuck would he wait all this time to post it? It doesn't make any sense. From what I recall, the Deron picture was posted after Deadly posted the link so ANYONE who was on the forum at the time is a potential suspect. I'd to see more evidence that proves he is responsible other than just jumping to conclusions.

Now, that being said, here is some more evidence in his favour. I messaged him inquiring about the incident and I am posting this convo COMPLETELY unaware to him.


(edit: pics are too huge so here's the link to the screencaps)

To me, this make me believe him. I just don't think he would do something so stupid. I know he wants back on the forum, BADLY. The mods are just ignoring him and his messages he sends to them. It's bullshit. I would like to see not only his name cleared in this incident, but his ban lifted completely. It's been like 2 weeks now, come on. Enough is enough. PROVE ME WRONG.

If anyone has any other evidence or reasons why they think Gonzo is guilty or innocent, post them here.

But seriously, any halfwit could work out that the mods obviously have a grudge against Gonzo. The fact that they delete any thread discussing his innocence is proof enough :lol:

"If I can't see it it's not there" mod mentality for the lose.
:lol: I know they do, but I just want to hear what he has to say for himself first. There's some strong evidence in my post and I want to see what he has against Gonzo, besides personal feelings. If he can't produce anything then he can just delete the thread :lol: Whoops, he already did :erk:
This thread is obviously going to get deleted. Everytime someone threatens a moderators integrity a member is banned or a thread is deleted.
Also the only person on this forum with a history of racism is Alexis.
:lol: I'm not breaking any rules. I don't see why/how I could be banned but then again... who knows... but if I'm banned, then I don't care, it only further proves my point. I'd rather try to fucking get some fair treatment brought to this place than sit by, after all:

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

I don't care really. This forum's been going downhill since last year when all the CoB bashing fags joined and they tried to be cool by trolling. I hardly ever visit COBOT anymore...just the official forums for news and vids and stuff.
:lol: Actually the forum was doing really good with like, minimal flaming and shit for a long time, that was until like 2-3 months ago... now it's become an epic shithole.

*epic FASCIST shithole
There's no turning back now...the forum's gonna become such a shithole that it's gonna be deleted and Bodom will have to think of makin a different forum :lol:
:lol: 1000 bucks says they won't even pay their next bill, they don't give a shit about this place. HE FUCKING WROTE A SONG PWNING THE FAGGOTS HERE :lol:
actually Kimberly Goss wrote the lyrics for LoBodomy. Check SOB, n00b :p
:lol: Actually the forum was doing really good with like, minimal flaming and shit for a long time, that was until like 2-3 months ago... now it's become an epic shithole.

*epic FASCIST shithole

Yeah i wonder why all that shit started going downhill when I JOINED!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:(Edit...it was okay IMO when i joined but when i started getting more into this shit then this was like a big rabbithole full of shit and pickles!)