
Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
Alright, here is the game, it's really funny and helps when you're bored, but PEOPLE HAVE TO PARTICIPATE!

1. Go to that site
2. Hit the 'Random' link
3. Draw the result you get to the best of your ability in MS Paint.

IE: >I have never done anything in my life I'm proud of. It's sad really.



i wish Katie would die, she isn’t worthy of kissing him, he is perfect and worth the world she is a slut who fucked her boyfriend in the bathroom of her friends house, broke the wall tiles and covered the floor in cum. DIE katie and Love ME dan

I'll try it when I get back from school :lol:
hey heartless, i found yours:


I lie about a made life of hard knocks when in all reality the worst thing I’ve ever done is go to a party without my mother knowing. I lie to cover up for the fact that I’ve never had a life.

I wanted to do this one, but for some reason this stupid computer doesn't have MS paint=/ :
I fell inlove with my pet dog and we made love all night long… now she wont look at the the same and is kinda scared when I enter the room
Windows XP, but for some odd reason every once in a while everything in the start menu disappears.. 0.o

Another way you can get to your mspaint without touching the start menu, is Right clicking on your desktop, then you click "New" in the drop option, and after that you click "Shortcut"

In the small search prompt, type the word "mspaint" in lower case and then click "Next" then "Finish"

And MS paint will be on your desktop as a shortcut.
That site is depressing to read, but this thread is even more boring