Did The Great Escape meet expectations?


New Metal Member
Sep 17, 2011
Does the band think The Great Escape met expectations in regards to sales? I discovered Seventh Wonder just surfing the net one day and the Mercy Falls album honestly helped me get through some rough times a little while back. I'm just hoping sales were strong for The Great Escape to help the band with making new material down the road. From what I understand everyone in the band has other full time jobs. Hopefully things are going great. Just wanted to say thanks. :wave:
Welcome, Nazcro :wave: !

.....and the Mercy Falls album honestly helped me get through some rough times a little while back.....

Yes, that's what 'MF' does... :rock: (and hopefully you're 'back on track' now)!
Saleswise, I don't know. It met my expectations on a persona level though, I listen to TGE on one of my busrides to school at least once a week. At first I worried that nothing could surpass Mercy Falls, but TGE makes a darn good case. Is it better? that's subjective, but TGE kept to what made SW so great in the first place and added on more. Some interesting choices (adding Violin in Whitewater and TGE) and some tighter sound (I noticed that Tommy doesn't sound like he's gasping for air before a verse nearly as often on TGE). It met expectations in the recording level, thats for sure.