Did you ever try the Orange Tiny Terror amp ?

I'd say it can do wonders for rock stuff. Haven't heard it with a screamer in front of it though, but why shouldn't it work? It has a great sound, and with the 7/15watt switch, it's simple to "go all in" without damaging ears/walls/neighbours. Well almost anyway ;)
In Flames are using it on their new cd. You see and hear them using it on their studio diary videos on their myspace page. Dont know how heavy it can get though
I had one. It definitely has the Orange vibe going without a boost, whether you like that or not. Good for doom, stoner rock, etc. But even for those styles in needs a boost IMO. With a boost however, it becomes quite chunky and will palm mute with the best.

it's an amazing sounding loud little tone machine..

even though it's small and affordable it sounds very "expensive"..just dripping with tone...

sort of a hot rodded marshall vibe... straight in I could get an great lead tone out of it...
DSon't listen to anyone who tells you it's not metal, i own one with laney 2X12 cab (celecstion V30's), and with (or without) a tube screamer it has a great metal tone, i had an effects loop built in mine so i can put an EQ pedal for sharper eq'ing. But a part from that it's one of the best amps i ever had + it's easy to carry around !!.
I've got one here... if anyone would like to hear it send me a track and i'll reamp it through the tiny terror.

In my experience, it can work for metal stuff if you had no other alternatives but my 5150 and Krank Rev Jr generally work better for metal (after all, that is their niche).

It has a great crunchy sound for rock and blues. Its very dynamic and responsive. Its sounds great with a nice american strat and the gain set to where its relatively clean but starts to break up on nice full chords.

I imagine if In Flames does use the TT, it will be used as a layering element along w/ other amps.
I've added 3 tracks of the tiny terror to my folder in the FTP.

1. Tiny Terror and Tube Screamer - This is a clip of the TT w/ the Tube Screamer. Settings: TT - 15 watt, volume 12 o'clock, tone 1 o'clock, gain touch past 3 o'clock TS - OD set to zero/off, tone at 11 o'clock and level at 12 o'clock

2. Tiny Terror Tube Screamer Off - Same as above but w/ the TS off. This should give you an indication of how the TS is affecting the amp.

3. Tiny Terror - This is a clip of the TT w/out the tube screamer, but the gain increased on the amp to about 4 o'clock.

Equipment used to record:
Maxon 808 TS pedal (clip 1)
Mesa 2x12 rectifier cab w/ V30s
API 3124 preamp
Lynx Aurora Converter

There has been no EQ, compresson, or any other processing applied - the tracks are raw.

The files are just MP3s... my upload speed sucks.

Let me know what you think of the sound.

I always thought Orange was for drug addicts but I'm actually thinking of buying one of these fuckers.