Orange Tiny Terror for Metal - Yay or Nay?

Some of the worst tones I've ever heard :p

Not my video. Get in touch with the guy if you want to comment, talking to me about the video is less productive than doing nothing.

I did another clip....

This one I quad-tracked, two mics. SM57Beta on the cone, RodeM3 on the edge.

Even if you don't like my recording, its pretty obvious that this thing can do metal.
so much agro - sorry for asking the question - lol - yea after so much reading now i think im all geared up to grab a tiny terror

who wants a free 6505+ then? lol
hahaha i know joshua - im not selling it or anything, i know it would crucify the tiny terror - i want to invest in a small tube amp for gigging because my current rig is getting difficult to truck around
I'm surprised of the sound it can give. For the bucks it could be a cool idea to run it into a good 1x12 or 2x12, to benefit from its little size in a room like mine :)
I would take a 6505+ way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way before a tiny terror.

Sorry, but this is a really ignorant thing to say. They are both good at different things. You cannot crank a 6505+ in a bedroom and get a good metal tone; not without killing your neighbours. The TT and DT you can push a lot further in a bedroom setting.

Use the right tool for the job.
Ever since I got my Krank Rev Jr Pro, I will never ever ever ever again drag a full-sized head to a gig. *, **

* Unless something is broken and I have to use one of my other heads.

** Unless I get a roadie.
I'm well chuffed. Went into my local store today and the manager is gonna do me a Tiny Terror for £219! The temptation to buy a few and sell some on ebay is very strong!
Check out the Krank Rev Jr Pro before buying the Tiny Terror. It's a fantastic little amp. MetalJonesy posted a great clip ages ago, so when he put his Rev Jr up for sale, I grabbed it!