Die Cartman die!


Hit me Cartman! :heh:
Don't make me laugh, Bart is just a kid, and quite frankly speaking, he's damn ugly.

On the other hand, Eric is more than a man, and he's so pleasantly plump that all the women of the neighborhood are in love with him!

In fact, your little Bart is no more than a fart, a simple Cartman wannabe, just past the toddler phase. He has to grow up first, stop sucking on his thumb and upgrade his major crime from breaking a vase to writing nasty (real nasty) songs - and preferably performing them on TV to "educate" everyone.

Well, Ivi my dear old friend, here's such a song from Mr Eric Von Cartman, dedicated to you, farty Barty, and all the little kids of our peaceful world:

- disclaimer: if you're under 18, or if you are a female, please proceed to the next post -

Uncle F*cka

Shut your f**king face uncle f**ka
You're a c*ck sucking ass licking uncle f**ka
You're an uncle f**ka, yes its true
Nobody f**ks uncles quite like you

Shut your f**king face uncle f**ka
You're the one that f**ked your uncle, uncle f*ka
You dont eat or sleep or mow the lawn,
You just f**k your uncle all day long

You're a bonefying bastard uncle f**ka
You're an uncle f**ka I must say
Well you f**ked your uncle yesterday
Uncle f**ka...
thats U-N-C-L-E
f**k you Uncle F**kaaaaaaaaaaaaa tonight...
...Suck my balls!



Naaaaaaaaaah, that is a song from T&P! :p Cartman can't even write his name, and definitely can not write a song! :rolleyes:
An Bart is not ugly, Cartman is fat and ugly! :heh: El Barto, alias Bartman is nasty, dumb , but funny and has a big big heart.

So here's a real message, not a fake like "Cartman's" was, from Bartman to Cartman (you see, even Cartman's name lacks imagination, they've just changed 1 letter, huh):
Written on his ass, of course :D
That song was written by Cartman, later to be performed by T&P. Watch the episode before you speak!
If you insist, I can offer a nice "Bart's Mom's a Bitch", both written and sung by Cartman himself (btw, Cartman's name is Eric and I can't see what it has got to do with a one-letter change at all, silly :D ).

I have to advise you to look at your own signature to check whether Bart is ugly or not. In fact, he's not only ugly but also -as Cartman would put it- superkinkamayamayassstupid. I can see that you admit Farty Barty's dumb, so there's no point discussing over this.

And please take a look at MY signature to see how damn SEXY Cartman is! Pleasantly plump is one thing, fat and ugly is quite another. You're probably just jealous because you have no chance to match his heavyweight highness.

One final comparison between Fartman and Cartman (regarding insults):

Eat my shorts (and this is written on his ASS dammit!)
Suck my balls

Now, let Farty slingshot bottles while Eric minds men's business. :D
Oh man ! :cry: Bart is not ugly, he's making faces in my sig :rolleyes:

And Bart is sexy too:

OK I didn't know it was "written" :)rolleyes: ) by Cartass, I just saw the movie not that episode!

"Bart's mom's a bitch" should be "Kyle's mom's a bitch", but what bad did poor Assassin do to you? ;)

Cartass is just a poor copy of Bartman! :p


Come on, you know Bart's even uglier without making faces!

And judging by the "slight" change from Bart into Bartman (so strange this new name reminds me of Cartman!), we can easily tell who imitates the other. Farty Bart is a waaaaaaaay poor copy of Eric Cartman, and the sooner you face the truth, the better a Cartman disciple you'll become.

Come my brother, I'll lead you the way.
Originally posted by Evilho
No my silly friend, Bart was named Bartman in the very first Simpsons episode! Umm... watch the episode before you speak! :D

The thing is, Cartman can do nothing but swear. :cry:

I'm not as silly as you think I am mate, I know Bart was NEVER named Bartman, not in the first episode, not in ANY episode. You should think before you make up something :D

AND, Cartman can at least swear right. Farty Barty can't do anything properly, and that anything includes swearing too! Bah, eat my shorts!

Tsc tsc tsc, as I said even in the very first episode Homer called Bart "Bartman" in a very funny scene. I have it on video. I'll show it in July/August (if you dare to come :heh: ) :p

FOR TURKS ONLY, , some Bartman pics, let's hope they believe their eyes at least as they can't read ;)



Originally posted by BARBARIAN
Taz ''FUCKS'' both cartman and bart(man)...:D

Yeah yeah, keep spinning furball...

My utterly stupid friend, Ivi;

You still cannot get the point: Having a name and having a nickname are quite different things. Bart Simpson is BART Simpson, not BARTMAN Simpson. His NAME has been BART from the beginning till the end. The fact that he's been CALLED a Bartman a couple of times only serves to reinforce my theory that he's a poor immitation of the mighty maestro (that is ERIC!). Cartman was there first, remember? I'll pray that you can understand now.

P.S. For the record, I'm only one (1) Turk.