Die Mp3's Die!

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
It is becoming one hell of a fucking son-of-a-bitch to DL mp3's that aren't severely FUCKED and unlistenable latley!
I fucking hate it.
Maybe it's because i've been trying to DL relatively popular songs...so maybe that has something to do with it.
Well it appears that the Finger 11- Good Times is going well and not fucking up, but you never know.....so it appears that i'm safe on that front(after DLing the song like 9 fucking times).
Though, I've probably downloaded about 15 copies of Marilyn Manson's This Is The New Shit, and every single one had either wierd electronic swirling type sounds, beeps and shit that lasted 9 minutes, or the song was just chopped up and repeated one part over and over.
Fuck the whole world.
Fuck it right in the butt.
That's funny. All the shit I download are 95% of the time okay. Maybe you've been downloading too much and the record companies spotted you and they're trying to spoil your fun. And if you keep downloading stuff, next thing you know you'll be worrying about not dropping your soap haha.

Ecstatic Youth said:
and every single one had either wierd electronic swirling type sounds, beeps and shit that lasted 9 minutes
That's what the songs really sound like you expected something better? MM suck ASS, bunch of bisexual horse faced bitches.
yah well, i don't share anything, so they can't find out shit(referring to the record companies)

and why am i not surprised that SOMEONE flamed for me DLing some stuff that ain't "tr00"....honestly.....give it a fucking rest.....i guess if you can spew out 2 lines about me DLing 1 manson song.....you could have a fucking field day with my actual mp3 collecion.....well, f that noise.
i like the song and wanna DL it and its fucking up every time
dman the world as i said before
Ecstatic Youth said:
yah i know
it sucks though

oh well
it could be worse....i could be dead

it could be worse....you could be deaf