Diet and Nutrition.

Jimmy... Dead.

contemplative curmudgeon
Feb 7, 2007
Planet Bullshit
Motivation thread guys!

I remember the last thread we had on this subject was full of negativity and egos; so lets stay away from that.

This is a positive thread for your goals - Compare and contrast our similar goals and objectives through Diet,Fat Loss, Muscle Building and Fitness.

So just stat your problems,questions and/or solutions.

I eat whatever I want, whenever I want, don't even care about exercising, and everyone who does is a faggot imo.

My BMI is 20-ish btw. 125 pounds, 5'6".
I workout six days a week split into three areas:

Monday and Thursday - Push workouts
Tuesday and Friday - Pull workouts
Wednesday and Saturday - Cardio

I'm hoping to be around 180 in the spring time. I've noticed over the past 3 weeks my bench alone has risen 35 lbs because of the workouts and my diet.
I eat whatever I want, whenever I want, don't even care about exercising, and everyone who does is a faggot imo.

My BMI is 20-ish btw. 125 pounds, 5'6".

I wonder why you feel that way.

I mean it sounds a bit arrogant/ignorant, ya know!?

esp. coming from you! I'm surprised.

Hey King, how much protein you eating everyday?
I see nothing arrogant/faggotish about a routine workout. My family has a history of low metabolism and heart problems/diabetes so I do my best to avoid it.
I was just joking about people caring about exercise/etc. being faggots :) I just don't like the elitism that sometimes comes with it.
I was just joking about people caring about exercise/etc. being faggots :) I just don't like the elitism that sometimes comes with it.

I completely understand, and that is exactly what we are going to avoid in this thread.

Zeph, keep it going man. I have the same problems within my family and at the age of 25 I'm already diagnosed. Never say never.
I wonder why you feel that way.

I mean it sounds a bit arrogant/ignorant, ya know!?

esp. coming from you! I'm surprised.

Hey King, how much protein you eating everyday?

Well from supplements I gain 54 grams per protein shake which I take 3 times a day. So that's 162 grams, plus I eat 3 powerbars with 23 grams of protein per bar (I love these things), so that's another 69 which equals 231. I'm not sure what the amount of protein per day I should be taking is, I think it's somewhere around 270. So generally my meals throughout the day cover the remainder. Although I eat a lot of egg whites (6 grams of protein per egg white), and tuna (39 grams per can). I usually make a bowl of tuna salad consisting of 2 cans of tuna, 8 egg whites, 4 tablespoons of mayo, and 2 sticks of celery chopped, and that makes about 126 grams of protein alone, which I eat for lunch and dinner. Just depends really. I'm not much of a picky eater, I just try to cram as many calories as I can in my stomach but I do pay attention to my protein intake so I don't take in too much. Drinking a lot of water helps too.
Try to maintain a high protein-lower carb diet, beer is my only diet killer really.
I did some sort of damage to my wrists so I can't lift like I was during the spring/summer but I am doing what I can.
Run roughly 3 miles in 20mins Mon/Wed/Fri and lift on Tues/Thurs and hit abs every week day. If I would stop drinking beer I would have a great 6 pack lol.

5'6/165lbs BMI of probably 15ish.

Edit: Average days diet

Breakfast: 4 Eggs Scrambled/2 Slices of Turkey Bacon
Lunch: Grilled Chicken on Whole Wheat with Pepperjack
Dinner: Steak or Protein Shake or another Grilled Chicken Sandwich.
I usually make a bowl of tuna salad consisting of 2 cans of tuna, 8 egg whites, 4 tablespoons of mayo, and 2 sticks of celery chopped, and that makes about 126 grams of protein alone,
I need to try this.

I've been lifting weights 4-5 times a week for about 9 years now,5'9 180lbs. Recently i went from 182 lbs down to 177 without even trying. My goal is to get up to 185 lbs and to bench 375lbs by spring. So now i am lifting even harder and eating a shitton of food on top of 450 calorie weight gainer shakes 2 times a day. No better time of year than the holidays then to gain a few pounds i guess. I just hope i gain mass and it all doesn't go to my stomach. Usually around March i start cutting up anyway.

If I would stop drinking beer I would have a great 6 pack lol.
Agreed. I'm with you on this one.
I quit drinking to the dismay of some I'm sure. Alcohol stunts your growth. Not only that but I just got tired of it. I wanted to get super ripped and my goal is to start taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu by summer time.
I just workout. I don't bother with pointless schedules. I concentrate on one muscle group per day, and take that area to it's breaking point. No time limit for me, I can do 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours. I work out generally everyday.

I skateboard alot as well.
I quit drinking to the dismay of some I'm sure. Alcohol stunts your growth. Not only that but I just got tired of it. I wanted to get super ripped and my goal is to start taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu by summer time.

I intend to start taking it again once I get out of the Marine Corp/can afford it. Took it for part summer when I was 18 and loved it, but the school couldn't develop enough interest and closed :mad: .
Hey King, not to sound like a "know it all" but you're really over doing it with the protein.

your body can only handle so much.

1/2 gram per body weight. so if you weigh 200 lbs all you need is 80-120 grams of protein.