Diet and Nutrition.

man, im so out of shape right now. well, not really out of shape, just a little extra flab... i'd love to lose about 20 pounds right now. and to do so i'm eating much better and exercising more. its odd though. ive been eating things that are very low in all the nasty stuff for a few months now and i seem to be gaining weight. i dont get it, and its really frustrating. i gotta figure out what to do. ive gotta cut the weight by may.

but yeah. i'm 6' 215 lbs
I don't want to create a new thread on this so if anyone has any ideas feel free to chime in.

I'm looking for the correct way to gain weight without it all going to my gut and for strict diet plans to gain weight basically. I recently lost about 5-7lbs and want to get back up to 185lbs. I've been hearing mixed 5 times a day from one person, eat everything and anything from another person...i dunno.
I've been drinking 450 calorie weight gainer shakes 2 times a day for the last 3 weeks along with eating 3-4 times a day and haven't seen much progress yet. Also keep in mind i work out heavy 4-5 days a week so i'm looking to put on mass.
gr what kind of PT u guys do?

it varies. but since its getting colder, weve been doing plyometrics, or some other kind of circuit training. that is often followed by basketball, cuz our main ptl has mad skillz
Do they still include potatoes, pasta/rice, bread? i lost weight only when i got completely rid of those meals.

ive significantly cut down on it. i was always a meat and potatos kind of guy, now i'm eating all things in balance

joined the wrong service :lol: fucking running in 20 degree weather sucks my nuts

we do it in the gym hehehe
I don't want to create a new thread on this so if anyone has any ideas feel free to chime in.

Healthy fats.

On a cutting diet, when I consume 1800 calories, 10% fat would be 180 calories or roughly 20 grams of fat.

On a bulking diet, when I consume, say, 4200 calories, 10% fat would be 420 calories or roughly 45 grams of fat - nearly double the first example.

taking on a few extra tablespoons of healthy fats per day seems to help.

there is a minimum amount of fat required to reapir cell membranes, regulate hormone function, etc. Beyond that, some may be required for energy during endurance events. Then, it should be relatively fixed regardless of if you are gaining or losing.
I am trying something new I've done a little reading on, I am mixing some foodgrade hydrogen-peroxide in with water for a pre-work out pump/other health benefits. I read when dosed properly hydrogen peroxide does all kinds of wonders for the body.
I joined 14 other people at work for a little "Biggest Loser" competition. $20 buy in, winner takes all. This past weekend I ate like a mo-fo. Weighed in this morning and I was only 203. I am aboot 6 ft tall with a somewhat muscular build. I probably have 20 lbs I could drop, but I doubt I would be able to lose near that much by March 31.