Diet and Nutrition.

it's a different motivation when it's against the law to not run with everyone in the cold, I havent ran once on leave, or a day when I had free time and I probably never will
True, but I am giving it a shot. I knew a couple of really fast runners in the Marine Corp and they would literally sprint the whole 3 mile test course. At some point to run faster you have to switch to that form. I pretty much peaked out at a 20 min three mile running standard, so I am going to try switching the form up and see if I eventually get better results.

Cool, good luck there.
Mathiäs;8935523 said:
Dakryn, why did you leave the Marines? Just wondering.

Lots of different reasons, but not because I hated it. I actually enjoyed it more than the "civilian" jobs I have had. Mainly reasons of personal principle.

@RMS: Actually the Marine COrps req max is 18 minute 3 mile, so 6min avg for 3 miles. Not easy to do. I could easily do the Army 13 min 2 mile.
it's a different motivation when it's against the law to not run with everyone in the cold, I havent ran once on leave, or a day when I had free time and I probably never will

Hah, I'm sure it is.

Dak: what reasons of personal principle? Sorry just wondering.
Mathiäs;8935536 said:
I tried to run outside today, got like a lap in. I can't run in the cold at all.

I hear ya, i won't run outside in this shit. Once April hits then i start running, otherwise its the tredmill at the gym.
Mathiäs;8935709 said:
Dak: what reasons of personal principle? Sorry just wondering.

The Armed Forces haven't been used in defense of America since the war of 1812. I won't be used as a mercenary for corporate interests to fight CIA created bogeymen(the way I see it).
Long distance running for years will fuck your knees up and kill your back. (not to mention is a waste of time)

Real easy alternate solution for running.

Walk/hike uphill jog downhill.

or get on a treadmill, throw that sucker on a 15% incline, and walk at 3.0.
Going downhill, especially jogging downhill is just as bad for your knees as long distance running.
Running or walking on an incline though is an excellent workout.
Somewhat interesting comparison:
When I don't smoke for a few weeks I can run 3 miles in 23 or 24 minutes. When I do smoke (~pack/day), the same run under the same conditions takes 32 or 33 minutes.
The Marines out there who smoke a lot probably have the potential to be Olympic athletes.