Diet and Nutrition.

I've heard from friends that vegan diets never really worked out for them.
I pretty much only eat chicken, and only when it is free range (which is why I have so many protein shakes and protein bars), and maybe like once every other month I'll have a nice steak or something. But I don't like the way most meats taste anyways.
Yea, well, I know it sounds silly but after watching the documentary Food Inc, further research and reading the book Slaughterhouse Blues, I've decided to take a break from meat and animal products in general. I was discussing this subject with my girlfriend and we could not believe the way we treat the animals we consume. She replied, yeah but we're addicted to meat and there is nothing you can do about it. Thats when I decided to do something about it for myself. So through this I know there are health benefits as well as detriments but I don't think i'm doing it for health reasons as much as the ethical commitment or moral conviction, but in no way am I doing this to be exalted. I think it's a personal decision.
My brother just read and highyl recommended the book "The Omnivores Delimma", having to do with the state of the meat we eat.

I am more concerned with the treatment of the animals in the meat industry from a personal health perspective than anything else. Animals that should be grassfed and free ranged are fed chemical and byproduct waste which eventually makes its way into us. Not to mention being stored face-to-ass and just kept pumped full of drugs so they live long enough to be hacked and sold.

I intend to eventually have enough of a land to grow my own food and raise my own animals, so I don't have to worry about the chemicals someone is trying to offload into my food supply.
For a long time now (like 3 months), I been trying to find the best solution to get healthier and lose weight. In the past, I did it the worst way ever and it just hit me harder. And I am sure most of you know what I am talking about. Not eating. It was dumb, but I felt like that was the only way. I am over it and ready to get in shape. I'm not obese or anything, but I have a few unwanted pounds and I want myself to feel better, I been wanting this. To get into shape and have more energy. I know you have to stick a regiment of some sort and things like this don't happen over night. I've pretty much kicked out all pop/soda, sweets, and little snacks. The only thing I have not is fast food. I know that would make quite the difference aswell. I am not having the problem of cutting it out or anything, but that is what is left. I am exercising daily and drinking plenty of water. I am thinking about adding a diet pill or something to my situation. A lot of people say they are a waste of money and won't work. And my teacher and I were talking about diets, he told me switching to organic foods and stuff would help out a lot too and that they taste way better. So, I am contemplating on all that. I know I may sound/seem dumb about this whole situtaion, but dieting is not the easiest thing in the world.

And I could never cut meat out of my daily life. I know with all the torture and harm most animals are put through in this process, but they are just so good. I do admire the fact that vegetarians, vegans, and whatever else have the power to do so.
From what I have heard, diet pills are not a smart choice. I'm a firm believer in being self-reliant and working hard.
Oh, so am I. For a long time I was against them and believed that they don't work. But, as much as I have been thinking about how I want this, I don't see the harm of adding something to it. I used to take these vitamins that seemed to work. Like, boost my energy. So, should I just take a vitamin instead of a diet pill? I know hard work and determination is a big part of a diet and I am will to do it. Things like this don't happen over one night.
Taking a B Complex vitamin will help with you energy levels/boost your metabolism.

On a daily basis I take the following vitamins/herbs:

Multi Vitamin
2-3000mgs of Vit. C
A Cal/Mag supp.
A B Complex
Omega 3 supp.
Vitamin D (will cut this out once I start being outside more as it turns spring)
Just started taking a Cayenne supplement as well.

Occasionally add Ecchinacea when I feel a cold coming on and up my C intake as well to knock it out quick.
Also occasionally take White Willow Bark for anti-inflammation.
Oh, alright, thanks. I'm not well knowledged with any of this, at all, but it does not harm you to take more than one supplement? I never really felt comfortable with taking pills, so I only took one and I don't even know what it was. I know it was a vitamin, I just cannot rememer the name. I have not took it for about 3 years though. I don't even like taking aspirin or anything like that. I just like to stay away from pills in general. But, if a vitami works more effectively than a diet pill then I would love to start myself on them.
Dakryn,I understand what you are saying and completely agree. But why even eat meat then?

Maybe I'm just going through a phase, but I do feel my duration of high feelings on this subject is of more importance than the intensity.

If you need to kill an animal to feed your family and survive I completly understand, but in my situation I've never killed my own food and feel I live in society the provides me with alternative resoures. Why should I eat something I don't have the heart to kill? and more importantly why should I kill something if I'm intelligent enough to make the choice not to.
Oh, alright, thanks. I'm not well knowledged with any of this, at all, but it does not harm you to take more than one supplement? I never really felt comfortable with taking pills, so I only took one and I don't even know what it was. I know it was a vitamin, I just cannot rememer the name. I have not took it for about 3 years though. I don't even like taking aspirin or anything like that. I just like to stay away from pills in general. But, if a vitami works more effectively than a diet pill then I would love to start myself on them.

Vitamins should not be considered "pills" like drugs are.

Vitamins are naturally occuring nutrients that, due to the processed nature of modern "food", and our poor diets, we very often are deficient in. Vitamin supplements are an easy way to bridge the gap between what your body needs and what you get through eating. Getting your vitamins through your diet is the best way, but its very difficult to get fresh organic produce.

Your body needs vitamins to help it perform it's regular functions, deficiencies lead to problems. I would recommend doing a little research into the different vitamins and what they do for your various body systems.

@Jimmy: I do not have a problem killing an animal to eat it. IMO animals exist for us to use just like plants do. Both plants and animals are alive prior to being harvested for consumption. Wasteful butchery though I do not approve of.
For a long time now (like 3 months), I been trying to find the best solution to get healthier and lose weight. In the past, I did it the worst way ever and it just hit me harder. And I am sure most of you know what I am talking about. Not eating. It was dumb, but I felt like that was the only way. I am over it and ready to get in shape. I'm not obese or anything, but I have a few unwanted pounds and I want myself to feel better, I been wanting this. To get into shape and have more energy. I know you have to stick a regiment of some sort and things like this don't happen over night. I've pretty much kicked out all pop/soda, sweets, and little snacks. The only thing I have not is fast food. I know that would make quite the difference aswell. I am not having the problem of cutting it out or anything, but that is what is left. I am exercising daily and drinking plenty of water. I am thinking about adding a diet pill or something to my situation. A lot of people say they are a waste of money and won't work. And my teacher and I were talking about diets, he told me switching to organic foods and stuff would help out a lot too and that they taste way better. So, I am contemplating on all that. I know I may sound/seem dumb about this whole situtaion, but dieting is not the easiest thing in the world.

And I could never cut meat out of my daily life. I know with all the torture and harm most animals are put through in this process, but they are just so good. I do admire the fact that vegetarians, vegans, and whatever else have the power to do so.

I would suggest keeping a small journal of everything you eat every day and
st3phanie33333333 - an easy trick for getting a balanced diet is to make sure every meal has lots of colors on the plate
Alright, well, thank all of you. And to Jimmy... Dead, that journal idea is a good one. I will have to try that. And krampus, thanks aswell. I never knew that. When I have a meal, there is not to much color at all. I'm ready for this change. I'm pumped.
Bumping to this to ask anyone if anyone has tried P90X. I'm doing the cardio/plios mainly and they are pretty intense.
Mathiäs;8928394 said:
Bumping to this to ask anyone if anyone has tried P90X. I'm doing the cardio/plios mainly and they are pretty intense.

I have never actually done the workouts, but my father purchased the whole program a while back. I looked over it this Chistmas season and it looks really good. My father never actually bothered to do the program, but I have seen someone who has and the results cannot be denied.

Could you give me an example of his cardio workouts so I can judge it more fairly? Why don't you do his whole workout plan as he prescribes - upperbody/back/core workouts? I would be more than happy to give you suggestions on your workout but I need to know where you stand physically and where you want to go. I keep a blog with all my workouts I do everyday and what I eat if you are interested.
Oh, I really don't want to do his weight bearing programs (I'm sure their great, but I already have a pretty good lifting regimine, and I need to cut mass, not build muscle). I go to the gym everyday in conjunction with the other stuff.

I'm really trying to lose 25 pounds. I'm 5'9, like 213ish. I have a lot of muscle, and I'm not that out of shape, either, so I'm focusing more on the plyometrics and cardio programs. My diet, while significantly better than it was before, still needs improving as well.
Mathiäs;8928394 said:
Bumping to this to ask anyone if anyone has tried P90X. I'm doing the cardio/plios mainly and they are pretty intense.

There is nothing wrong with this program but there are some things that aren't quite accurate.

First thing is this, muscle confusion, he talks about muscle confusion and how important it is like some how he has discovered this secret, he didnt discover anything. The reason why your muscles grow is not because they are confused it's because they are stressed. That's why the body changes, because the stress is applied and your body has to change to over come this stress.

Intense musculer contractions. The principals are the same, when muscles are flexed intensely, they change. So if you change your work out around but they are not that hard and not that challenging its not going to work.

He also talks about pushing verses pulling lol This makes NO difference. It's always intense muscular contractions.

There are a couple of other principals you should be aware of when watching this stuff on T.V. Notice he doesn't use any heavy poeple in his infomercials, because you can't achieve tremendous weight loss in 90 days. also if your just starting a program and I don't care what it is, the first 90 days you're going to see a dramatic difference because you haven't done much before that time. You don't see him doing a P365X.

It's a company trying to sell you a CD FOR 150 dollars.

Cut your calories and run. All free!