Diet and Nutrition.

I've gradually lost a lot of my appetite over the last year and a half. I also don't always make the most nutritionally wise food choices. I don't feel like I've been experiencing any major negative side effects beyond the fact that I'm very thin but it's something that I would like to try to stop before it gets really bad. Does anyone have any advice for me?
In addition to trans-fats, people are also realizing how terrible sodium is in the amounts that we are eating it. I heard somewhere that New York is leading the fight against the use of so much salt in foods. I support this movement.
Mayor Bloomberg is attempting to do what he did to Trans Fat to Sodium as well. Some support it and others don't. I support it but perhaps he may be overstepping his authority because the question is when will it end? They also tried to pass a high tax on sodas and such to cut down our consumption of it in NY. That one i highly supported. I read a article today about a medical study in the newspaper that 2 or more sodas per week increases your chance of pancreatic cancer among other things. But hey who knows <shrugs>:

Thank you Unfaithfully Metalhead for those links and the book. This lifestyle is exactly what I have been attempting to create on my own. This really is a lifestyle more than a diet, and it isn't even that difficult to adhere to (at least it shouldn't be in my case).
YW. Hope you enjoy the book/linnks and that you lead a long healthy life like the Blue Zones.

Look at any art from ancient Greece and you will see what someone who is in good physical condition should look like.
Though not from Ancient Greece, I would say Michelangelo's David is a perfect example of the perfect male body without overdoing it, no?
I've gradually lost a lot of my appetite over the last year and a half. I also don't always make the most nutritionally wise food choices. I don't feel like I've been experiencing any major negative side effects beyond the fact that I'm very thin but it's something that I would like to try to stop before it gets really bad. Does anyone have any advice for me?

I'm a picky eater.

ever tried one of these ?

You can have a glass of orange juice or V8, but with this you can mix fruits and vegetables figuring out what is healthy and what you like. I do not use it all the time and can get sick of using it, but you being chick might have more fun with it. who knows

I don't know, maybe you have an obsession with Anime girls! they're not real
I'm going to try to drink more fruit juice and eat better. That thing you posted looks cool. Does anyone know if trying to eat more smaller portions would be better for my low appetite? One of my friends told me it was a good idea.

I like anime but I'm not depressed or anorexic because of it. I don't know what's causing my appetite to drop. It bothers me because I know that I should be eating more than I am. :(
To be fair, Classical sculpture is heavily idealized in its rendering of the human form.

It's the Adonis effect/index aka The Golden Ratio

"This measurement is also known as the golden ratio, and it is 1 : 1.1618 of your waist to shoulder circumference. It is this ratio that your workout programs should be aimed to achieve, and not just to get "bigger". Men who have achieved this measurement have become more socially dominant and are able to build physical attraction with women very easily."
I'm going to try to drink more fruit juice and eat better. That thing you posted looks cool. Does anyone know if trying to eat more smaller portions would be better for my low appetite? One of my friends told me it was a good idea.

I like anime but I'm not depressed or anorexic because of it. I don't know what's causing my appetite to drop. It bothers me because I know that I should be eating more than I am. :(

How much do you weigh?

and do you know how many calories you are eating a day?
I've gradually lost a lot of my appetite over the last year and a half. I also don't always make the most nutritionally wise food choices. I don't feel like I've been experiencing any major negative side effects beyond the fact that I'm very thin but it's something that I would like to try to stop before it gets really bad. Does anyone have any advice for me?

Smoke pot. :) Hey, you might even qualify for one of those medical marijuana prescriptions if you told them you have an appetite problem.

But anyway, I don't really know what to say that others haven't already. Maybe try protein shakes for an easy way to add calories?
Maybe try protein shakes for an easy way to add calories?

Take three or four scoops of protein or buy a mass gainer, which has like 1,500 calories a serving or something ridiculous, maybe more than 1,500. Drink a couple of those a day since you most likely have a high metabolism already.
I've decided that for the next 3 months I will not touch fast food at all. I'm also thinking of cutting out shitty microwaveable dinners from Michellena's and what not even though they're convenient at work.

I instead want to actually go food shopping and just make things ahead of time that I can freeze or just seal and can heat up while at work so its healthier.

Primary thing is though ZERO fast food, nutritional and financial decision really.
I only eat out once a week (usually on Fridays) and its never usually fast food. My diet pretty much still consists of 5 egg whites, lite yogurt, small bowl of raisin bran crunch for breakfast. Lunch, 2 cans of tuna on whole wheat bread or lunchmeat on whole wheat w/ protein shake after workout. Dinner is usually something high carb/high protein.
Sounds like a similar diet to what I was on when I was lifting consistently. I am trying to ease my way back to that but it has been more challanging than I expected while married.

My wife considers that a bland diet (which it is) and keeps wanting to me to eat other stuff, just because she can't eating a repetitive diet.
No doubt, definitely a weight lifting diet.

I have the same issue with my wife thats why we usually come to an agreement for dinner. I'm on my own for breakfast/lunch.