Diet and Nutrition.

More like a poor version of Beverly Hills Ninja. :lol:

I'd say he looks like the Ninja Assassin. I would watch out if I were you.

Try the Mediterrean "Diet" before deciding that. Scientific research has proven that people in that region are the healthiest for centuries some living up to 100+ years old. They have far less cases of heart disease, cancer etc. Read up on it and let me know what you think. I can even recommend a book on it that you can buy cheap used on Amazon.

I like the diet, but the only thing I see missing from it is protein from meat which provide essential amino acids and blood sugar regulation. Lentils are good but beef,chicken and fish are superior sources of natural protein and mono/poly fats.
Any further links you can give me regarding this (books, websites, etc.) would be much appreciated. This is almost identical to the "diet" that I have started consuming on my own with the exception of their reduced meat/poultry intake. I am more than willing to try this out.

I tend to raise my eyebrow if anything claims to be backed by "science". I look more towards functionality and living proof. This has both, and it also has a bit of nostalgia if you are fond of ancient Greek culture and myths like I am. I will be dining like Zeus tonight :kickass:
The people in the mediterrean are the living proof. The science just confirms it. Here's some links and the book i read:





Excellent book:

The Mediterranean Diet by Marissa Cloutier and Eve Adamson - can buy it for like $3 used on

I like the diet, but the only thing I see missing from it is protein from meat which provide essential amino acids and blood sugar regulation. Lentils are good but beef,chicken and fish are superior sources of natural protein and mono/poly fats.
They call it a "diet" but it's not a traditional diet as we know diets. It's a way of life what they eat and do in the mediterranean to maintain a healthy body. And I think you misread information because protein is not missing from MD at all. Everything is eaten in moderation. It's a plant based "diet" but beef, chicken and fish are not cut out at all. If anything fish is eaten alot in the Mediterrean Diet.Beef is eaten in small portions and poultry/chicken is more preferable. But fish is #1.

As for Mono fats, it is very prevalent in the Mediterranean diet due to the daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil in either bread that is dipped in it during a meal, foods cooked using the olive oil or in other ways.Extra Virgin Olive Oil is THE most excellent source of mono fats. Canola oil being 2nd.

Anyways the Mediterrean Diet isn't really for bodybuilding but definetly for healthy living because as I stated studies have shown that people in that region (greece, southern spain, southern france, italy/sicily/sardina, Lebanon etc.) are heart healthy with lower cases of cancer and live longer years then in Europe or the Americas. Here is what i read about Sardinia for example (note I got this on Wiki but i read it also independently from a Health magazine offline):

"Average life expectancy is 81.1 years (84.5 for women[7] and 77.7 for men[7]). Sardinia shares with the Japanese island of Okinawa the highest rate of centenarians in the world (22 centenarians/100,000 inhabitants)."

My suggestion Jimmy D is to read the links I sent Thanatcs... you may be surprised of things perhaps you misread or didn't know... Might change your mind. It did me.
I have to agree, the MD diet is the balls. It's just unaffordable for me :lol:
Yah, can be expensive but can substitute non-Mediterranean foods for those... For example you don't have to eat fish from the Mediterranean... can eat fish that is just as good and not as expensive from our side of the world... Extra Virgin Olive Oil can be substituted with Canola Oil... etc.. etc.. but going the traditional MD diet way is the best though... :kickass:
The people in the mediterrean are the living proof. The science just confirms it. Here's some links and the book i read:





Excellent book:

The Mediterranean Diet by Marissa Cloutier and Eve Adamson - can buy it for like $3 used on

They call it a "diet" but it's not a traditional diet as we know diets. It's a way of life what they eat and do in the mediterranean to maintain a healthy body. And I think you misread information because protein is not missing from MD at all. Everything is eaten in moderation. It's a plant based "diet" but beef, chicken and fish are not cut out at all. If anything fish is eaten alot in the Mediterrean Diet.Beef is eaten in small portions and poultry/chicken is more preferable. But fish is #1.

As for Mono fats, it is very prevalent in the Mediterranean diet due to the daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil in either bread that is dipped in it during a meal, foods cooked using the olive oil or in other ways.Extra Virgin Olive Oil is THE most excellent source of mono fats. Canola oil being 2nd.

Anyways the Mediterrean Diet isn't really for bodybuilding but definetly for healthy living because as I stated studies have shown that people in that region (greece, southern spain, southern france, italy/sicily/sardina, Lebanon etc.) are heart healthy with lower cases of cancer and live longer years then in Europe or the Americas. Here is what i read about Sardinia for example (note I got this on Wiki but i read it also independently from a Health magazine offline):

"Average life expectancy is 81.1 years (84.5 for women[7] and 77.7 for men[7]). Sardinia shares with the Japanese island of Okinawa the highest rate of centenarians in the world (22 centenarians/100,000 inhabitants)."

My suggestion Jimmy D is to read the links I sent Thanatcs... you may be surprised of things perhaps you misread or didn't know... Might change your mind. It did me.

I understand what you are trying to say but the Mediterranean Diet does not adequately address the biological causes of the binge eater in america. A key component of the "lose weight fast approach" is to understand that binging is induced by rich foods. When food gets beyond a certain density of energy (meaning packing a lot of energy in a small volume of food) it turns off the bodies hormonal signals for fullness and satiety. This is a biological response to food. Unless you understand this and have a method for dealing with it, you will ALWAYS be prone to periodic binging. Thus, as a way to eat, The Mediterranean Diet lacks any understanding or method for dealing with this very real problem.

The primary weakness of the Mediterranean Diet is adherence. Because the Mediterranean Diet is not a system per se, it does not deal with the practical and biological (that's correct, biological) issues to adhering to the diet, particularly for the struggle of weight loss (cutting calories), the catalyst for heart disease which is the number one health problem in the U.S.A.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil can be substituted with Canola Oil

This is not a legit substitute. Canola oil is bad stuff. Check it out.

The Mediterrean Diet is more or less a way of life, and the primary cause of heart disease is not weight gain, it is malnutrition, by which weight gain is a fellow symptom and co-contributor.

Eating a high suger, high artificial chemical and processed food diet turns off those sensors, as well as packing in more nutrition deficient calories at the expense of actual nutrients.

The main reason why the Mediterrean Diet works is because it involves eating natural, unprocessed foods like the body was intended to run on. It will (over time) bring a persons weight down with an active lifestyle.

Dieting (calorie cutting) with the sole goal of losing weight is as bad as the habits that lead to the weight gain, which is starving your body of necessary nutrition.
Google "Dangers of Canola Oil" and there is plenty of information. It comes from a genetically modified poisonous plant for starters.
Canola oil has been claimed to promote good health due to its very low saturated fat and high monounsaturated fat content, and beneficial omega-3 fatty acid profile. The Canola Council of Canada states that it is completely safe and is the "healthiest" of all commonly used cooking oils.[18] It has well established heart health benefits[19] and is recognized by many health professional organizations including the American Dietetic Association, and American Heart Association, among others.[20][21][22][23] Canola oil has been authorized a qualified health claim from the US Food and Drug Administration [24] based on its ability to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to its unsaturated fat content.

OK, yeah I think I'll trust some of your random sources over these.


Claims of several human health side effects from canola oil are loss of vision, disruption of the central nervous system, respiratory illness, anemia, constipation, increased incidence of heart disease and cancer, low birth weights in infants and irritability. Many of these have not appeared in medical journals, and long-term research has not been done to substiantiate or refute the claims

I'll concede re: vitamin E depletion.
based on its ability to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to its unsaturated fat content.

Edit correction: The majority of products containing conola oil actually include "hydrogenated canola oil" which is trans fat.

Natural saturated fats are actually good for you (in moderation). Trans fats are un-natural (as is the genetically modified poisonous rapeseed plant that Canola Oil comes from) and your body can't metabolize them properly, making them bad for you no matter how you get them.

Natural News: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Natural News is not exactly a "random" resource.

Regardless, I trust something from nature involves pressing to extract the juice/oil, as opposed something that basically requires a chemistry degree to create.
I understand what you are trying to say but the Mediterranean Diet does not adequately address the biological causes of the binge eater in america. A key component of the "lose weight fast approach" is to understand that binging is induced by rich foods. When food gets beyond a certain density of energy (meaning packing a lot of energy in a small volume of food) it turns off the bodies hormonal signals for fullness and satiety. This is a biological response to food. Unless you understand this and have a method for dealing with it, you will ALWAYS be prone to periodic binging. Thus, as a way to eat, The Mediterranean Diet lacks any understanding or method for dealing with this very real problem.

The primary weakness of the Mediterranean Diet is adherence. Because the Mediterranean Diet is not a system per se, it does not deal with the practical and biological (that's correct, biological) issues to adhering to the diet, particularly for the struggle of weight loss (cutting calories), the catalyst for heart disease which is the number one health problem in the U.S.A.
That goes without saying about binge eating but that is only because the average american binge eater is not used to a different way of eating so therefor the Mediterranean Diet will work for them if and ONLY if they gradually follow it over time and not make a dramatic change to it all of a sudden. If they do the latter then of course it will not work for a binge eater much like any other diet wouldn't work for them. Gradual is the key word.
Edit correction: The majority of products containing conola oil actually include "hydrogenated canola oil" which is trans fat.

Natural saturated fats are actually good for you (in moderation). Trans fats are un-natural (as is the genetically modified poisonous rapeseed plant that Canola Oil comes from) and your body can't metabolize them properly, making them bad for you no matter how you get them.

Natural News: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Natural News is not exactly a "random" resource.

Regardless, I trust something from nature involves pressing to extract the juice/oil, as opposed something that basically requires a chemistry degree to create.
I would rather go by V5's source then Natural News. Also I am not sure what state or country you are in but there is a move to regulate and/or outright ban trans fat. In fact NYC is the first major city to do so and it is spreading to other parts of the country. So manufacturers are taking notice of this trend and are trying to make products with zero or very low trans fat. Go check your supermarket and read the labels about trans fat content if any.

Plus there is more good then bad in Canola and if used in moderation much like anything else then you should be ok. But anyways I said it can be used as a substitute when Olive Oil is not available or you don't buy it all the time because of the price. All things being equal and excluding Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Canola Oil still is way better then any other oils we use.
In addition to trans-fats, people are also realizing how terrible sodium is in the amounts that we are eating it. I heard somewhere that New York is leading the fight against the use of so much salt in foods. I support this movement.

Thank you Unfaithfully Metalhead for those links and the book. This lifestyle is exactly what I have been attempting to create on my own. This really is a lifestyle more than a diet, and it isn't even that difficult to adhere to (at least it shouldn't be in my case).

@ whoever said something about the amount of protein - One thing I would like to point out is that we have a terribly misconstrued view of fitness and what someone who is in shape looks like. Look at any art from ancient Greece and you will see what someone who is in good physical condition should look like. I am willing to bet a lot that the scuptures of the best looking spartan warrior had the most restricted diet of anyone. Today we think fitness = lifting heavy weights to isolate certain muslce groups and make them look bigger (Guy 1 - "What are you working on today?" Guy 2 - "I am working my Biceps and Chest today." Guy 1 - "Rah! I have been in the gym for 3 hours already working on that!") + protein shakes after a "hard workout" + createine + eating laughably enormous amounts of food. /end rant
To be fair, Classical sculpture is heavily idealized in its rendering of the human form.

I will agree with you, but if you type in "greek art" into google images there is only one or two images on the whole first page that I would consider overly idealized and those are both depictions of gods. Keep in mind, that even most overly idealized scupture in ancient times was still very lean compared to what we consider "in shape" today.
So this is about what you would consider overly idealized and not about the Greeks? Or what? Pick one.

And your second point is valid but is immediately shown the exit door when you compare various notions of physical fitness, beauty, etc. over wildly varying cultures and time periods...
So this is about what you would consider overly idealized and not about the Greeks? Or what? Pick one.

And your second point is valid but is immediately shown the exit door when you compare various notions of physical fitness, beauty, etc. over wildly varying cultures and time periods...

It should be noted that you were the first one to say anything about greek art being heavily idealized to which I was simply agreeing that there are a number of cases, especially with the depictions of their gods, of this. So, in a way, isn't this all about what each of us is considering ideal? I would actually argue that with proper daily physical conditioning and a proper diet that it isn't hard to achieve the "ideal" fitness level depicted in greek art.

My second statement was me merely trying to quantify the point I was making that the ancient greek culture, even if some find it to be over idealized, was still much less idealized that we as a whole currently are today.


Arnold Schwarzenegger (poster boy for modern day bodybuilding)

300 Poster

Discus Thrower

Zeus (circa 460 BC)