Diet and Nutrition.

I quit drinking to the dismay of some I'm sure. Alcohol stunts your growth. Not only that but I just got tired of it. I wanted to get super ripped and my goal is to start taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu by summer time.

Sounds like it's time to take up teh chronic.

I have a terrible diet. I eat awful junk food all the time, and never exercise. I go through spurts of being really motivated and working out, but they fade quickly.

See, this I don't get. Seems really easy to just not buy junk food when you go grocery shopping. That shouldn't be a motivation issue, just an issue of remembering not to get the shit when you're at the store.
See, this I don't get. Seems really easy to just not buy junk food when you go grocery shopping. That shouldn't be a motivation issue, just an issue of remembering not to get the shit when you're at the store.

This. I don't by chips and chocolate chip cookies cause if I did I would eat 'em, and I can put down a bag of chips or a sleeve of cookies in one sitting.
Yep, same here. And if you really need snacks there are plenty of decent substitutes to be found, like crackers or canned fruit or whatever.
Saltines are great as snacks, especially with some peanut butter.

The only real snack I plan on buying when I'm on my own is Cheese-Its as those are one of my weaknesses.
Not sure I've had that. Sounds pricey.

$2.18 at the commissary. I think they run $3+ at walmart. The full thing is Oscar Meyer ("Deli Fresh") Chicken Strips. I get the Southwestern seasoned ones. Can make sandwhichs out of the larger strips and snack on the bits that are too small to put on a sandwhich conveniently, and it's like 40+ grams of protein per package.and it's delicious.

Edit: Not to be confused with "Deli Creations". I tried to find a pic on the interwebz but all I could find was this:

$2.18 at the commissary. I think they run $3+ at walmart. The full thing is Oscar Meyer ("Deli Fresh") Chicken Strips. I get the Southwestern seasoned ones. Can make sandwhichs out of the larger strips and snack on the bits that are too small to put on a sandwhich conveniently, and it's like 40+ grams of protein per package.and it's delicious.

That sounds like it has potential. I'll have to try that for lunch sometime.
Weight Watchers says that 1 cup of brussel sprouts is 0 points!

Brussel sprouts ftw!!!

Eat raw celery constantly for the rest of your life and eventually you'll die of starvation. Certain things consume more calories to chew and digest than they actually contain.
Does anyone else do this (only people who are hardcore into working out would do this)?

On days I work out, I eat the majority of my carbs around my workout. When I work out after work in the evening, I will have a protein/fat breakfast, a low carb protein bar between breakfast and lunch, a moderate carb lunch (to provide some fuel for the workout), a protein bar around 3:30/4:00, workout around 5:00, and then a fuckton of carbs after the workout. I'll have a postworkout shake with 150+g carbs and 100+g protein. Then a 150+g carb/100+g protein meal about an hour later.

This is a variation of the animalbolic diet, in which you eat carbs only after your workout, but you have a shitload of them. I found this diet has allowed me to greatly increase strength and muscle while staying lean. I've been bulking on it for over a year. I'm between 6'1 and 6'2, 195 pounds and <10% bodyfat. Bench 405 lbs for 2, and do pullups with 3 45 lb. plates on the weight belt. Admittedly, I don't do dealifts because of lack of flexibility, and I don't max out in squats. My legs are lagging bigtime, and I reckon that if they were up to par with the rest of my body, I'd easily weigh over 200 lbs.