Diet and Nutrition.

Pretty much eat whatever I wanted. Probably around 3,000 calories a day. Lots of fast food, snacks, soda, etc.

I haven't really developed a plan my new one. Going to do some research then go to the store.

Weight: 239.4 lbs
Height: 6'0

So I'm really out of shape after I graduated high school and being out of sports. Looking for any helpful tips or suggestions regarding diet, work-out plans, etc. Thanks in advance.

Grow one more foot and you won't have to worry about losing weight.

Swimming is good, just do laps till your tired. Finding a pool can be a bitch though.

Running is great, especially uphill. Don't be lazy though, when your heart rate acclimates to your jogging/running/walking, you will not burn much energy as you were before. To stop this from happening I will tell you a beautiful trick, do this as follows:
1. Run, as fast as you humanly can, for thirty seconds straight.
2. Jog, for 30 seconds straight.
3. Repeat step 1, then step 2.
On your first time do this for a total of about five minutes, as there is no need to be balls out crazy about it. At the end of your first week, start adding more seconds to steps 1 & 2 (about ten seconds every three days should do it).

Weightlifting will make you lose a shit ton of weight, but for the love of god use free weights and have someone teach you form. I don't recommend machines just because a lot of your muscles in the surrounding area the machines focus on will not develop as well as they should, and this will lead to problems.

Resistance training is, imo, way better than constant weight-training to just lose weight. Also, do any exercise that has the word "Hindu" in it.

I'm 6'3", 230lbs. I should follow my own advice lol.
Weightlifting will not make you lose weight unless it is extremely fast paced and includes some sort of cardio
If you're eating 3,000 calories of junk food a day it is going to be pure hell to halve your calorie intake and cut out "bad" foods and you might be more likely to just go "ah fuck it" and eat 5 quarter pounders in one sitting.

One thing I find that works is eating sticky white rice instead of bread or pasta, fills you up longer.
I'm 6'3", 230lbs. I should follow my own advice lol.

Ha it's so easy to tell someone else the right thing to do and so hard to do it yourself, isn't it? If I followed my own guidelines I would look awesome!

I'm almost a foot shorter than you! Lots of giants in here.
Pretty much eat whatever I wanted. Probably around 3,000 calories a day. Lots of fast food, snacks, soda, etc.

I haven't really developed a plan my new one. Going to do some research then go to the store.

Shit dude, all you have to do is stop eating that crap and weight will melt off.

Do you live near a fresh and easy? If not, find one of those or a Win-Co. Buy fruit and veggies and just snack on those (I throw in bread because eating a huge supply of apples, to me, feels like I've eaten nothing at all - so the carbs are pretty damn filling).

Replace all soda and carbonated beverages with water and soy milk (Silk is fucking delicious, especially the chocolate kind).

Honestly, the best foods you can eat are green, have no preservatives, and typically have less than five ingredients (for example, when I buy a can of peaches - just peaches, I want it to say:

Ingredients: Peaches


Ingredients: Phenylalanine, Xanthum Gum, Corn-Syrup, Potassium Benzoate ( To Protect Taste), Aspartame, Peaches.
Metalheads are all tall, it's bizarre. I'm 5'6".

also, ew at the idea of "phenylketonurics" being in your peaches; I think you mean phenylalanine, not the people allergic to it :p
Ha it's so easy to tell someone else the right thing to do and so hard to do it yourself, isn't it? If I followed my own guidelines I would look awesome!

I'm almost a foot shorter than you! Lots of giants in here.

I should be bigger.

Typically I make less than 13k/year. I can barely live on my own, let alone eat. Typically I eat about 1k calories a day.

I have the metabolism of winter itself. I'm lucky though, I don't look fat at all because I have a very broad build.
I'm taller than you with these boots on!

Caecius, you don't even have to replace all your usual food with healthy organic shit - calorie in, calorie out, get used to eating less and then start eating healthier stuff.

And drink enough water so that your pee is always clear, half the time feeling "hungry" is actually feeling dehydrated.

But I'm sure this is all obvious common knowledge, I'm not trying to act like a nutritionist because god knows all I eat is rice, vegetables, meat, and fucking candy bars
Men are tall, boys are short.:p

Thanks for all the advice so far.

Definitely cutting a lot of the fatty foods and replacing with raw veggies, fruits, etc. Corn syrup is the enemy.
Metalheads are all tall, it's bizarre. I'm 5'6".

also, ew at the idea of "phenylketonurics" being in your peaches; I think you mean phenylalanine, not the people allergic to it :p

I just copy and pasted that shit from a coke label :lol:

Mathiäs;8876217 said:
Weightlifting will not make you lose weight unless it is extremely fast paced and includes some sort of cardio

True, but I should clarify my statement more anyway:
In theory, if you gain more mass, you will need more calories to burn for your body to run at optimal condition. Putting on more muscle will lead to an increased calorie burn - but it should be stated that not all bodies take stored energy from fat cells around the body. In some unfortunate people, due to lack of training, the body will begin to digest itself to use more energy.

I don't want to write anymore; just have a balanced diet and exercise every day in some way/shape/form.
I should be bigger.

Typically I make less than 13k/year. I can barely live on my own, let alone eat. Typically I eat about 1k calories a day.

I have the metabolism of winter itself. I'm lucky though, I don't look fat at all because I have a very broad build.

You can live on your own on that little in California? And you still buy organic groceries and soy milk? Props to you.
Well, I was just forced to move back into mom and pop's house three weeks ago because my best friend could no longer afford his portion of the rent. But yeah, with bills, school and a shit paying job I managed to still carve out time to eat healthy items. Again though, I really didn't have much food.

Still don't technically. I usually survive off the Fresh and Easy 50%off rack, all the organic food that is on its expiration date is put there. I grabbed three teriyaki soy bricks today for $1.50, and then two mango's from Win-Co for another $1. That's my dinner.
I admire your resolve, I'd have long ago resorted to stealing from the neighbors' citrus trees and eating bulk pasta.
There are no citrus tree's in the cities where I live, work or go to school.

Well, that's not true, UCR is known for creating a huge amount of new citrus hybrids; but all that shit is behind big fences - and like hell I want to be thrown out of a UC for trying to eat their experimental fruit.
Well shit, in that case I'd probably just resort to eating the neighbors - but I have serious issues with eating too much and overdoing it.
Mathiäs;8876217 said:
Weightlifting will not make you lose weight unless it is extremely fast paced and includes some sort of cardio

That's not true at all.

If I'm eating 2000 calories a day and my Basal Metabolic Rate is 2000 and I don't lift weight I fail to lose weight(cut).

If I am lifting 4 days a week and burning an extra 600 calories a week I will burn 1 pound of fat(3500 calories)in 6 weeks.
Replace all soda and carbonated beverages with water and soy milk (Silk is fucking delicious, especially the chocolate kind).

From what I understand, high amounts of soy are actually detrimental to your health, because it is an estrogenic. Basically it fucks with your glandular function by imbalancing the gender specific amounts of testosterone and estrogen because it is similar to estrogen.