Diet and Nutrition.

I'm suprised I'm not fat/physically sick nor have I had problems with my teeth because the majority of my diet consists of chocolate/sweets and soda. I enjoy food that is healthy and usually have a good dinner but breakfast and lunch usually consist of chocolate and coffee.
Then again my mental health isn't doing as good as I also get little sleep.

What would you guys recomend as far as food that is healthy in terms of energy/overall health instead of for losing weight?
Green leafy vegetables
lots of fruit
Whole grains
White meat (excluding pork)
Real butter, or other natural sources of saturated fast (natural saturated fats are very good for you).
lots of water
From what I understand, high amounts of soy are actually detrimental to your health, because it is an estrogenic. Basically it fucks with your glandular function by imbalancing the gender specific amounts of testosterone and estrogen because it is similar to estrogen.

I... did not know that!
just drink water dont be a pussy, i used to drink 3 gallons a day at least when I was losing weight. One before lunch, dinner and before i slept
That's not true at all.

If I'm eating 2000 calories a day and my Basal Metabolic Rate is 2000 and I don't lift weight I fail to lose weight(cut).

If I am lifting 4 days a week and burning an extra 600 calories a week I will burn 1 pound of fat(3500 calories)in 6 weeks.


Ok, you won't lose a substantial amount of weight. I've learned that you basically need to cut out all unnecessary calories and run a lot. I try to alternate each day, running for distance on lifting days and doing sprints/endurance training on off days.

Getting on an extreme lean diet that is filled with protein is what you need to do if you want to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

Also has anyone tried any metabolism boosters etc? I'm interested in trying something like that.
Mathiäs;8878507 said:

Ok, you won't lose a substantial amount of weight. I've learned that you basically need to cut out all unnecessary calories and run a lot. I try to alternate each day, running for distance on lifting days and doing sprints/endurance training on off days.

Getting on an extreme lean diet that is filled with protein is what you need to do if you want to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

Also has anyone tried any metabolism boosters etc? I'm interested in trying something like that.

if ur a pussy u take boosters
lul. My metabolism has been excruciatingly slow for as long as I can remember. It's not like I'm a couch potato either.
I tried some metabolism boosters when I first started trying to get into shape a few years ago. My experience = waste of money.

Doing intense cardio first thing in the morning, taking a vitamin B complex, avoiding simple carbs (including alcohol), and adding muscle, are the best way to boost metabolism)
Nothing could be further from the truth, matter of fact your metabolism its pretty consistant. Let me give you an example...

Take two people, one in good shape, one in very bad shape. They walk up a flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs the person who is in shape is fine, the person who is out of shape is breathing hard and his heart racing. Guess whose metabolism is elevated? The out of shape persons. Why? because hisbody is struggling to deliver oxygen (he's working twice as hard.). So essentially this person is out of shape but his metabolism is elevated, and as you get into better and better shape you metabolism will slow down a little bit.

So what you have to understand is throughout the years you have eaten a little bit more and exercised a little bit less and that’s just enough to upset the balance and put weight(fat) on you. A bad metabolism doesn’t make you fat, bad habits do.
Mathiäs;8878507 said:

Ok, you won't lose a substantial amount of weight. I've learned that you basically need to cut out all unnecessary calories and run a lot. I try to alternate each day, running for distance on lifting days and doing sprints/endurance training on off days.

Getting on an extreme lean diet that is filled with protein is what you need to do if you want to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

Also has anyone tried any metabolism boosters etc? I'm interested in trying something like that.

and again if i'm 185 with 10% body fat, 1 pound of fat IS substantial.
I am not out of shape, not at all. I'm 5'9 190 pounds and I run a 7 minute mile, bench max 290ish, etc. However, I'm not one of those people that can eat horribly and not gain any weight. In fact I went to Applebees today and will probably feel it's wrath tomorrow on the scale.
Mathiäs;8880146 said:
I am not out of shape, not at all. I'm 5'9 190 pounds and I run a 7 minute mile, bench max 290ish, etc. However, I'm not one of those people that can eat horribly and not gain any weight. In fact I went to Applebees today and will probably feel it's wrath tomorrow on the scale.

Yeah but nobody can eat over their BMR and not gain weight.

I mean what the hell are you going to eat at applebees? 6000 calories?

Even if you do, since you're 190 your body will naturally burn around 2000 calories.
Incorrect. One of my friends is 130 pounds and can eat all fucking day and not gain a pound of fat. I've been there to witness it.
Yea,ok. But are you with him every day 24 hours!? lol.

I promise you he has days where he eats 500 - 800 calories or less.

It's scientifically impossible to over eat and not have fat storage.
He lives right next to me and we go to school together, work together lol, so yeah I have a real good idea of what his diet consists of. And while I'm not an expert and barely know what I'm talking about, I would just chalk it up to him having an incredibly fast metabolism.