Diet and Nutrition.

I try to eat a decent meal. Try not to eat so many fatty foods. I take walks, and sometimes like to run. I eat when ever I'm hungry, just make sure I eat the right food.
Hey King, not to sound like a "know it all" but you're really over doing it with the protein.

your body can only handle so much.

1/2 gram per body weight. so if you weigh 200 lbs all you need is 80-120 grams of protein.

Actually I just did a little bit of research and you are right. According to my weight and this equation I found, I only require around 130g/protein per day. I didn't really pay attention to the exact number of protein I needed in until now. That actually kind of makes me happy because I don't have to worry about it so much. I just need to boost my caloric and water intake is all.
I eat whatever the fuck I want. I usually work out three days a week, however during break this will be lax because the gym is only open in the morning soo.. fuck that. I drink a protein shake with creatine/glutamine before I work out. I weight about 190, one day I hope to be 200.
I just eat a healthy diet (fuck silly specialised bullshit, I don't like chocolate, sweets, fatty foods etc so meh) and run/cycle 4 or 5 days a week. I prolly get way more protein than I need cause I eat fuck loads of fish, I've found with weights I can put on muscle really easily I just cba with that. No care about body fat either, not that I really have very much; I just like to be able to get around and feel fine and running etc gives me time to listen to new bands I've DLed. Drink too much alcohol btu meh. ;>
no sugar, sweets, bread. 1 h of running/day, no alcohol, a lot of green tea.
oh..I'm sorry, is this a guy-only debate?
I have a terrible diet. I eat awful junk food all the time, and never exercise. I go through spurts of being really motivated and working out, but they fade quickly.

Junior/Senior Year of highschool I was in the best shape I have attained.
6'2" approx. 200 lbs. Since then, work and school have brought my exercise time to zero I gained a ton of weight. Same height but approx 258 lbs. i actually have a ton of time off at the beginning of the year and really want to try and get in shape again. I never have to worry about gaining mass, just getting rid of it!
^Theres always time for a good workout, you just have to put the effort. Plus doing something you really enjoy help also.

edit - about the walking thing, My cousin once told me that walking was more of a work out than a run. I called him crazy, but he was so determined on his crazy mind set I never bothered arguing with him.
I'm 167lb and 5'10'', I'm Asian so my built is relatively bigger than average for one. I eat only 3 meals a day, I work out everyday for about 45 minutes (skipping, push ups, situps/crunches repeatedly ending with stretching) and on top of that I do Muay Thai for 2 hours once or twice a week which involves, endurance, power, strength and aerobic exercises.
5'10" - 180 pounds or so. However I've lost a stone in 3 months since I've been at Uni; started playing rugby again and our skip is big on fitness.

Do a set of pushups, crunches and burpees every day. Go running 3 times a week (4 miles or so) Not big on weights but I do a bit.

Diet : Pretty balanced and healthy, dont actually eat a huge amount, I'm just genetically disadvantaged by not having a metabolism! Prone to binging however... And drink way tooo much! Oh well!
i'll start to work out next year. i've never entered in a gym to workout, and my shopfront is more bigger than a expected to be after all these years, so, i guess my health is in danger. i'm 26; 1 meter and 78 inches; 83 kg.

i guess i got a healthy meal. potatoes, carrots, bean and rice for lunch and dinner and hot choco with cookies in the morning, but i MUST WORK OUT.
Assuming by 1m 78 inches you mean 1m78cm, that's about the same height, maybe a little bit taller than I am. I used to weigh 82kg, started working out and got down to 76kg now. Healthy meals are very important though, so now all you gotta do is just regular exercise.