Diezel Einstein / Mesa V30 / I5 E906 / Full Production

The mix has a hi-fi sound like a professional studio mix would sound. You're a great engineer. I agree with skesis268 that sometimes the guitars can sound thin.

:notworthy thanks so much, mate, very nice of you to say that!
this gives me a lot of confidence, thank you very much!

the guitars : yeah, i'm never really satisfied with how my orange
cab with celestion v30 8 ohm speakers makes my guitars sound a little
quirky (is this an actual word :lol:) ...

i will talk to peter stapfer (who builds the diezel cabs) for further
help on choosing THE speaker for my diezels.
Get a Mills Acoustics cab. I'm working on that as soon as I get paid for my next project.


I don't think the orange cab is really the issue, to be honest. I did a shootout http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/rate-my-mix-tone-threads/523356-amp-cab-shootout-windsor-vendetta-avatar-mesa.html between my Avatar Contemporary 4x12 (which is the EXACT same size, wood and design as your cab) and a Mesa Oversized 4x12 and the differences were negligible. It was something you could probably EQ out or change mic position to fix.