Digi 002 mixer as DAW controller for Cubase?


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
I know it'll work as an interface, but does anyone know if the Digi 002 mixer can be used as a DAW controller for Cubase? I'm pretty set on picking up an 002r since they're pretty cheap these days and would be an easy way to add 8 inputs to my FF800 via adat as well as be able to run PT with it. It'd be fucking awesome if I could spend a bit more than the 002r and get the mixer and use that as a control surface, though! The cubase.net forums didn't have anything conclusive - has anyone tried this?
jeff - you cannot use the 002 board for controlling anything but protools, it's 100% propietary. The 003 however, is mackie compatible, and you CAN use it to control any DAW that supports mackie mixers.

and it only has 4 pre's. the converters are poopy. running a 002 ADAT into a fireface is....well that'd just be an insult to RME. but i suppose running the 002 pre's into the analog-ins of the RME would be pretty cool.
Yeah I don't understand why you would want an 002 for any reason. You already have that little Mobile Pre piece of shit for running Pro Tools, so unless you intend to track into Pro Tools you don't really need a solid interface. Even then, used Profire 2626 is an infinitely better option than an 002, should be like $400.
The Fastrack I have blows donkey dick and I'd rather just get an LE interface since it comes with the software and I'm not using this as my main interface

The 002 would be for scratch pres/just more in's in general, but I could also run the RME via ADAT into the 002 to track in PT if I wanted.

My logic was to have a robust interface if I needed to ever track in PT, and I really hate running USB since I only have 2 ports (3 if I use the expresscard slot) and I still track in Cubase a lot... Cubase dongle + iLok + USB interface = FUUUUUUUU

I wish that fucking MBox2 Pro wasn't so goddamn expensive/POS for the price, I want an MBox2 Micro with FW capability. Might have to just get an older M-Audio 1814 or something like that, I guess :(.
but I could also run the RME via ADAT into the 002 to track in PT if I wanted.

didn't think of that. that'd rool hard. if you have an affinity with tracking in PT and playing with faders, then i suppose that'd be an appropriate jump. but really, apart from impressing clients and making my dad jealous, the board isn't all that cool.
Yeah, and it's not at all expandable like the Mackie would be :(. Might just have to deal with the USB shite that is Mbox2 Micro, since I'm only limited when I'm mobile and not when on my big rig at home.