Digitech GNX3 Vs. Boss Rp-6


Devon killed Buddy
Sep 4, 2001
Dawlat elBa7rain
Ok I know I've been pretty annoying with all these guitar-effect questions but this is it; this is the last one.
Which one's better? the Digitech GNX3 (Great Effects: distortion, wah, delay, chorus etc. and built-in 24-bit 8-track mixer) or the Boss Gt-6 (Also great Effects with many variations.

Well what do you think?

*Oops, typed in rp instead of Gt.*
the boss gt-6 is supposed to be THE pedal of pedals and has the reputation of being the best muli-fx pedals, i don't know much about it though. As for the digitech GNX it has fucking great features such as the built in 8-track recorder and the amp warping technology which sounds very VERY cool. You're supposed to be able to to select 2 amp models and two cabinets and warp them together, controlling how much of each goes into the final sound AND you can save those amp models and mix them with other custom amp models. You also get software to edit you patches and stuff and you can download patches and models off the net. I especially like the 8-track recorder and how you can use a smart media card to increase the recording time. I own a digitech rp200 it is a fucking great pedal, great sound quality and great effects probably the best in its price range. I would personally get the Digitech, it has some great features but i'm sure that you won't be dissapointed with whichever you decide to get.

Check out the reviews on Harmony-central:
Boss GT-6 reviews

Digitech GNX3 Reviews
The rp200 is sweet. But ive used a boss gt5 before and is just amazin too. It just comes down to choosing if you want either the very best cuality on effects ( boss gt6 ) or a high cuality demo making machine ( you can get good sounding demos out of the gnx 3, to give you an example they would sound FAR better than yayo's stuff )
BOSS equipment are built like tanks and aren't aesthetically pleasing. Digitech look pretty with plastic and stuff on them. Although they're also built well, they throw in all this extra stuff with the plastic and all that can snap off. I still have a BOSS ME-8 from five or so years ago, and the thing still hasn't died. I wish it would, so I would have a reason to replace it with something knew. But I don't...

Both of these pedals are good choices but the Digitech costs more, as it has more features than the Boss. IMHO, the built in 8 track isn't really worth it, as it only gives you 3 minutes to record in CD quality. If you'd like to record longer than that you have to get a Smartmedia card to expand the unit's memory - like a 128mb card or something along those lines, which is an additional expense. Unless you want to record at sub-CD quality and sacrifice your sound, which isn't cool, but might be alright if you're just whipping out a demo, or if you're Darkthrone. This is the extra thing you're paying for in the DT unit...