Dimebag Darrell reportedly shot to death Wed.

Holy shit!!!!!!! This is really disturbing. I cannot believe what I am reading. I just saw Damageplan a few weeks ago at HOB Hollywood. So alive and wonderful. RIP Dimebag Darrell. They said 4 or 5 shots!!!! Damn. Absolutely unbelievable. I only remember him high five-ing me and Sara in the hallway after a stellar performance that night completely happy and glowing. Jesus. Who was the other member..............and what up with security check at the doors???? How could someone get into a club with a fucking gun these days??????
I just read another story on AOL that said he shot a bouncer and another guy and they haven't identified the other victim(s). I'm not sure if the shooter is the 5th casualty or if he killed 5. From the looks of the story he singled out Darrell 1st.

Yeah I heard about what happened to Dimebag Darrel, you can read and watch more of it on this link below. Our band Vehemence played at the Al Rosa Villa venue, and from what I remember I could step off the stage if I wanted to, you were that close to your fans, they could get close enough to you to flick your ear, or punch your face. Also I remembered that place had no security other than the door guy.

Its unclear still, if this is a conspiracy, or freak psycho incident. I guess this is what happens with rock stars are playing smaller venues; they may think it’s friendly but could lead to many other things like death or assault. I heard the responses from the Howard Stern show.


I met him several times, and got the opportunity to hang out with him for some hours and some minutes each time Pantera or Damangeplan came through Hollywood, or Phoenix, Arizona. It’s a very sad day in metal. He was a good guy, take it from me. – John from Vehemence
Keyser Soze said:
Rest in Peace :(

I am truly heartbroken :cry: These were my boys from Texas. I have all their Pantera CDs. Pantera was and always will be my all time favorite band. My heart goes out to all friends and family. A sad, sad day!!!!
In your honor Dimebag I dedicate this Indian prayer to release your spirit...

O wankan tanka stinta wadita a hda.(Oh Great Spirit welcome my brother home) wadita owicazi kayanerenh.(may he rest in peace) wadita nagi wakiyan akia tate. (May his spirit fly upon the wind)ti wadita nagi ahan, yima yehan wanka. (where his spirit lies, there is a good place to be). :worship:

Such a terrible, terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to all the victims and their families. It must have been so horrifying to be there and witness such a senseless act of violence.

I can't help but feel a bit angry too because there are those out there blaming the music, as though that was what caused the shooting. John Lennon wrote peace songs and still died at the hands of a crazed gunman. It would be no surprise at all if these were the same people who support cutting the funding for mental health services.

Sorry about the rant, but when I see the outpouring of love and sympathy from the metal community and the true sorrow felt by all, I can't help but be offended by the idiocy of some people in this world who are just looking for a convenient scapegoat for their agenda. It's just wrong.
I have been thinking about this all night, and it just hasn't settled in my mind. Fuckin A, this is just wrong. What is really strange is how easily this could happen, but how very little it does. I'm pissed, I'm sad, I'm a little confused.

Aja has a very good point about what certain members of religious groups and others of "high society" will say about this. You know for a fact that his death somehow be used as an example of the pitfalls of rock and roll. They have been waiting for something like this for quite a while now, I assure you. All we can do now is sit back and be prepared to roll our collective eyes at what will be coming out of their mouths...

One more thing. It never seems to matter how old or young they are, they are always taken too soon.
There really are no words to describe how upset I am, and I'm sure everyone who likes metal or even not into metal feel. It's like a huge void in the metal world. I just hope Darell and the rest of the people who died are in a better place. Two things bother me though. Darrell died the same day John Lennon died, Dec. 8. One can only speculate that this insane nut targeted the same day on purpose. The second thing that bothers me is that I briefly spoke to a person who was at that concert and I asked him if there was any security patting people down before the show began. He said no because there they don't feel a need for security to check people as they go in. (???) Vehemence who posted here was absolutely correct. I'm sure places who don't pat you down like Paladinos will begin to. When I see the Slayer show in about a week, I hope Tom Araya dedicates South of Heaven to that loser, because thats where he's going. Sorry, like I said, im upset.

P.S. If anyone has MTV 2, Headbangers Ball will pay tribute to Dimebag and Damageplan this Saturday hosted by Dave Mustaine. www.megadeth.com
I'm just stunned and amazed and what happened. My sympathies and thoughts go out to the families of the victims.

Unfortunately, most clubs have no policy of searching people coming in. I know we don't do it here in Utah, as most customers would complain. Maybe things might change because of this.
I watched the news last night and it was said that he killed Dimebag because he blamed him for breaking up "his band" Pantera. I think that the saddest part is the bad blood between the members when they broke it off. Phil and Rex have to carry that with them for the rest of their life. Life is too short to hold grudges. Especially when you've had a long term relationship like they did. In the immortal words of Pantera's song Hollow..

"It's so important to make best friends in life...."

I was sadden to read all the harse words on Pantera's website. Phil talking crap about the Abbott brothers and vise versa. Too, too sad!!

As far as security, yes, it most definitely should be improved. The night that I saw the Maidens in San Marcos at the Longshot, a lot of purses were stolen that night. I overheard a conversation between the doorman and others.

This just brings back the hard memories of my friend Paulette that was murdered in August of this year. She was a lead singer for a local band here in San Diego. Such talent snuffed out way too soon. Senseless. The more you try to make sense of it, the harder it is. Only the Great Spirit knows His intentions. It is not ours to question.

Much love to everyone. We are bonded in our grief. Metal will live on...
Air Raid Siren said:
Sorry about the rant, but when I see the outpouring of love and sympathy from the metal community and the true sorrow felt by all, I can't help but be offended by the idiocy of some people in this world who are just looking for a convenient scapegoat for their agenda. It's just wrong.
The love and support that I have seen from the fans, even people who weren't Pantera or Damageplan fans is truely moving. I salute every one of them. :headbang:
What really floors me is the total senselessness of the whole thing. Killing people cause your favorite band broke up? That is just pitiful. This hits awfully close to home for me, as my wife was shot at a freinds birthday party, just one month before we were married. She missed death by an inch. The reason for the shooting? Some guys were kicked out for trying to steal the tap for the keg and decided to retaliate by doing a driveby.

On a lighter somewhat humorous note, some of us in my car club have been posting about Dime on our site. There was some talk about how much media exposure this has been getting, and someone pondered the question "So you are sitting there with your kids watching the news, and one of them asks 'Daddy, whats a dime bag?'. How do you explain that?"
When I heard that “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott was murdered while on stage, all I could think about at the time was then I met him when I was 15 at Zia Records by my house in Phoenix, AZ. I waited some hours to get my poster autographed by all of Pantera, most importantly my favorite metal guitarist of all time. Years later, I had the privilege to talk to him at an adult level about 3 months before this tragedy happened, at the age of 22. With a beer in my hand at the famous Rainbow Room Bar and Grill on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, I ran into Dime by the cigarette machine and asked him if I could speak with him. We talked about a lot of things for about 5 min, like when he played Mesa Amphitheater in Mesa, AZ on The Great Southern Trendkill tour in 1996. He was real responsive and friendly, and I wished him much future success in his new band Damageplan which I was impressed by with the work he did on their debut album New Found Power. When I thought about how we said goodbye, what happened was Dime and I hit both our fists together, and I said, “See ya at the Damageplan show in Tempe, AZ and his typical saying he said to me was “You know it brother,” I basically cried the second I heard the news and reminisced on that great moment.

He was such a down to earth guy, and influenced my life as a guitar player all throughout my teenage years. It was spiritual to get ready for a Pantera concert and to hear the man play live growing up. This affects all the metal communities worldwide, it will affect me for the rest of my life, and he will go down in history as a guitar legend and as a lifestyle. As a musician, I am not afraid when I perform on stage, even if a band doesn’t have any security, there is that sense of decency at least for a human not to harm another human over music. For this person with mental illness or whatever it was that triggered the murder, the stalker like obsession for musicians or any celebrity should be reported immediately to authorities. I don’t think this has ever happened before in the history of music, as far as someone getting on stage and executing someone while they are still handling their instrument. I will never forget this tragic event, to me it hit harder than 9/11.

We dedicated our show to Dimebag Dec 10th, 2004 at The Marquee Theater at the same venue Damageplan performed about a month prior from the show. The show started out as a local metal bands fest, but it was declared a memorial for Dimebag with about 800 in attendance. Channel 5 news did a coverage story about the issue of violence at metal shows with me and some of the Motive members. Our vocalist Nathan Gearhart did guest vocals with a thrash metal band from Phoenix, called Motive, they performed Fucking Hostile by Pantera. R.I.P. Dimebag, shred some licks with Chuck Schuldiner in the spiritual world, and we will meet again. My deepest condolences go to the family and friends of the victims in this berserk asinine shooting.
and I'm pretty disgusted. Perhaps Mr. William E. Grim, the writer whose email address is given at the bottom of this rant, needs to hear from some of us. I'm so glad my parents are not like this pompous asshole. Aja, you kinda were saying this kind of stuff would surface and here it goes.

Dear friends !

In a moment when the whole metal world is shocked by what happened a few days ago, an ignorant conservative journalist wrote the following article about the tragic death of Dimebag Darrell.
I cannot believe what I read....

Please judge for yourself and stand in awe...realizing what can be in store for metal fans in the US and world wide

I am speechless...


Conservative Web Site Says DIMEBAG 'Contributed To Culture Of Death' That Spawned His Killer

William Grim, Contributing Editor of the popular conservative
Web Site The Iconoclast, has penned the following article with regards to the recent murder of DAMAGEPLAN/ex-PANTERA guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott:

You've undoubtedly heard by now that a demented fan last week killed heavy metal guitarist Dimebag Abbott at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. While I am extremely happy to hear that the assassin was shot to death by a brave Columbus policeman and I in no way want to engage in a blaming the victim scenario, I cannot deny that there much in Mr. Abbott's demise of one being hoisted on one's petard. The squalor, inhumanity, filth (both in the metaphorical and hygienic senses), depravity, ugliness and ignorance of everything that heavy metal represents (Like rap, I cannot use the noble term music in a description of heavy metal) creates a mindset among its devotees in which Mr. Abbott's assassination was an event that was all but waiting to happen.

It was highly amusing, and also terribly sad, to watch on television fans conducting a "vigil" for the slain Mr. Abbott outside of the Alrosa Villa. It was an assemblage of ignorant, semi-human barbarians who were filthy in attire and manner, intellectually incoherent and above all else, hideously ugly to the point of physical deformity. Here is a definite case in which the outer appearance of these "fans" accurately represented the hideousness of their souls. That the physical deformity of their ugliness was self-inflicted makes the spiritual tragedy of their misspent lives all the more tragic.

But one can see why the heavy metal fans so closely identified with Mr. Abbott. He was an ignorant, barbaric, untalented possessor of a guitar and large amplifier system. Freakish in appearance, more simian than human, he was the performer of a type of "entertainment" that can be likened only to a gorilla on PCP. Lacking subtlety, wit, style, emotional range and anything approaching even the smallest iota of intellectual or musical interest, Mr. Abbott was part of a generation that has confused sputum with art and involuntary reflex actions with emotion.

De gustibus non disputandem est. Matters of taste are not subject to argument. That has been a general principle of aesthetics for some time, and when we are talking about the visceral preference for Mozart or Haydn or Beethoven among civilized human beings we are on pretty safe ground. I do not understand exactly why I prefer Haydn to my good friend who prefers Beethoven. But we both agree (as do all civilized human beings) that both Messrs. Haydn and Beethoven are numerous steps further along the evolutionary trail than Dimebag Abbott.

Here is one area in which conservatives have failed and failed miserably. Whether it is out of a lack of interest or despair, conservatives for too long have ceded the entire field of aesthetics to the trust fund red babies of the blue states. And look at what this has brought us. So-called heavy metal music, so-called rap music, operas and stage plays in which modern "stagings" reduce Verdi and Shakespeare to the condition of a schizophrenic's finger paintings. Leftist domination in the visual arts has made a mockery of the aesthetic greatness of modernism and replaced it with the turd encased in Lucite. And the grammatically-challenged racist rantings of Amiri Baraka now pass for poetry.

However, we conservatives should not confuse family values with aesthetics. In the realm of art, our evangelical brethren have many crimes to answer for. When a church replaces Bach with Bacharach it has engaged in the aesthetic rape of the liturgy. Just because one has good intentions and approaches the numinous with "sincerity" and "authenticity" (the latter term ironically being a buzzword among the Marxist aestheticians of the Frankfurt School), that does not absolve one from aesthetic responsibility.

As far as I am concerned, those who advocate a dumbed-down liturgy and schlocky pop music substitutes for Bach, Handel and the masses of the Renaissance, are as offensive as the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and his perverse sexual politics.

Part of the hard work of civilization is teaching young to be able to distinguish between the good and the bad in all aspects of life. If we teach our young children to obey the 10 Commandments and to obey the laws of the land, but don't teach them to realize that Johann Sebastian Bach is superior to Dimebag Abbott, we have failed as parents and mentors. If a person has gone through 12 or 13 years of education and has not developed an appreciation for the greatest artistic achievements of mankind, that education has been an utter failure.

While laissez-faire is the correct approach to economics it has no place in the realm of aesthetics or morality. A confidant civilization imposes its morality and aesthetics on it young people. Yes, you heard it right. We impose. The Rousseauian noble savage is a myth. Left unchecked and untutored the savage will never attain nobility.

There are those who will accuse me of elitism. And I admit it. I am a conservative elitist. I want the very best. The very best form of government, the very best of civilizations, the very best educational system, the very best literature and art, the very best music, the very best way of life. If I need open heart surgery I want to go to an elite heart surgeon.

Mediocrity is the goal of socialism. Americans should aspire to greatness.

In the past forty years, conservatives have won great victories in the political, economic and moral realms, but we stand to throw all our gains away if we do not reclaim ascendancy in the aesthetic realm as well.

And while the murder of even a semi-human barbarian like Mr. Abbott is tragic and to be lamented, it would be wrong to ignore Mr. Abbott's complicity in contributing to the soul-deadening culture of death, ugliness, depravity and inhumanity that spawned his killer.

Hugo von Hofmannsthal once remarked that "all powerful imaginations are conservative." It is time for conservatives to utilize their imaginations and reclaim the field of aesthetics from the left-that is, while there is still something left in the aesthetic realm worth reclaiming.

William E. Grim is a writer who lives in Germany and is a native of Columbus, Ohio. He may be reached at wgrim@myrealbox.comand you can read more by and about him at The Official William E. Grim Web Site.