Holy shit! :(

its a sad day wen a legend can't get up n perform 2 his fans without th threat of bein shot. I fuckin hate americans, no wait, i just fuckin hate people in general. jus pleased he got2 deliver so much in his little life. peace
thats mad! who sells these people fire arms seriously? they should be forced in2 a personally test b4 even bein aloud in2 a gun shop or what can we expect?
PaulChaos said:
wouldn't really have helpped here. His mum bought him the gun. And she even knew that he was mentally unstable.

Yeah but, according to Metal Hammer anyway, she bought him it before he was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. Not saying that makes it ok, as I violently abhor guns and anything to do with them, but still, mags/papers get hold of info and twist it, and it's not fair.