Shooting at Damageplan show, two band members dead

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Darth Kur couldn't be more right I guess... "sigh" I wish I could be fully bilingual to express myself correctly in those kind of situations.
Papa Josh said:
Furthermore: Quote GoD: "My view is that Dimebag was unlikely to achieve anything more in his life, and has achieved little more than a host of shit music, and worship from lots of drunken incestuous rednecks and people who love looking at the shallower aspects of music. I have no reason to grieve his death, respect the man in question, or have much care about any aspect of these events, except possibly to analyse the effect they'll have on metal in general."

Why even comment you sorry sack of shit. I wish your little shit stain ass was within my reach... come to Texas and talk about our boy like that...

Please, don't even start that shit. Enough people stereotype Texas as morons already without you providing them with any material to help "prove" their cause.
Man, the guy who killed Dime needs to be brought back to life, just so that Vinnie can shove Dime's very awkward (but awesome) shaped guitar up his stupid arse, then rip it right out his mouth and proceed to beat the shit out of him.
It wasn't a wild guess. I just don't believe in what-ifs. I see what's put in front of me and I make a judgment. Dimebag's not done anything that I consider valuable. If he had, I would know, particularly as he's a famous guy, because great things transcend the self and benefit far more. The only thing he's done that's well known is bad music.

This is just ridiculous GoD because you let your personal opinion get in the way of obvious fact. Dime *has* done what most in the Metal World do not get to accomplish. If he had not, we would not be having such a heated discussion about this guy. The hundreds of news outlets would not be covering it as much as they are either. Shootings happen everyday and never get airtime. It was the fact that this is a guy who has elevated himself to a certain status in the music community that allowed this terrible incident to be covered as much as it did. Pantera sold millions of albums... they sit in a low single digit percentage of Metal bands that can say that. He writes for guitar magazines, not any musician can say that for themselves. He was able with his new band to sign with Elektra Records...most bands wish they could get to say that (semi-major). He has hosted Headbanger's Ball. He signed with Dean Guitars and had guitars from Washburn and Dean named after him. He was working with Krank amplification on a custom amplifier model. I mean the list goes on and on as far as his accomplishments in the scene. It is in your "factual world" that he hasn't accomplished anything because you obviously are not into the music he has put out. that's your right of course, but no need to come into this thread and harp about it amongst the other obvious fans here, ya know?

The facts don't lie...Dime absolutely "transcended self" and made a name for himself in this scene. One of these days, and I don't say this to bash you or anything, but one day you will truly come to a point in life and really "get it" and you will look back on these idealogies of yours and just chuckle about "those days". I know you'll disagree now of course...

Also, for those that posted about this, of course we all mourn the loss of the others killed there, and in Iraq, etc....but this is a Metal forum and it has a particular focus on music/musicians etc. in the Metal scene. That's the only reason the others weren't singled out to be remembered on here prior to this.
A good and relevant post Mr Deron. The only thing i'd bring into question is the last point you make. I tend to think the reason no-one really mentions the other victims is because -in line with your point but not the real thrust of it- people just don't think about nor care for things that they don't personally know or identify with. Of course we mourn Dimebag because this is a metal forum, but that isn't really why we ignore the other victims. We tend to just not care anyway. But yes, otherwise great post'n'points.
I mourn his death because Pantera is THE band that got me into metal. I admit I am not a great fan anymore, but they were such a gateway for getting me into other bands and I will forever appreciate that. Sculpted nailed it, while I of course appreciate the soldiers in Iraq, I simple don't connect with them the way I do with musicians and other people I admire and look up to.
This is complete fucking lunacy - i find it so fucking hard to believe that there are people out there who find this a joke. You have no right to say this kind of shit about Dime, or anyone for that matter. What the fuck did he ever do to you?

Give us a good fucking reason then maybe you can be credible.

Just let the man rest in peace, this is my first post here, and i have to come in seeing people talk shit about one of the greatest pioneers with a guitar of all time.

Okcham said:
This has to be the stupidest comment made yet in this thread, and that's an accomplishment.

I actually nominate Okcham's quote to be the stupidest comment made yet in this thread. MetalAge's post was very accurate. How many 30 year-old goths do you see these days? They'll grow up eventually. But as of now, we have to deal with the annoyances of a 16 year-old goth; in other words, Guardian of Darkness. I agree completely with what MetalAge said.
Kronikle66 said:
I actually nominate Okcham's quote to be the stupidest comment made yet in this thread. MetalAge's post was very accurate. How many 30 year-old goths do you see these days? They'll grow up eventually. But as of now, we have to deal with the annoyances of a 16 year-old goth; in other words, Guardian of Darkness. I agree completely with what MetalAge said.

fuck yeah
Okcham said:
GoD's a goth now? Way to marginalize someone because they're clearly more articulate than you, what a primal defense mechanism.

I had no idea literacy rates were so low in GMD.

Ockham, let's put it simple... I've been here maybe 10 minutes, and I already see you as a big fat wet cunt who should be shot :)

You sound like you're trying extremely hard to sound high-class and shit, so just fuck off.

And I believe being articulate has nothing to do with this, fag.

Seeya, cockhead. :wave:
I think the Universe has come to the safe conclusion that Guardian of Darkness and Ockham are both homo :)
I think we should stay to the point, guys. Dime was a hugely influential man who will be missed by all who know who he is, even if they don't like to admit it.
Whew...what a thread.

For the record, GoD, I agree with you. Yes, read that again. There is a great difference between what you said and what that dipshit Blaphbee said. Namely, what you said had depth and was not an attempt to offend. It was simply misinterpreted.

My $0.02 is that there should be no obligation for you to respect DBD if you didn't like his music. There's no reason to respect anyone you don't wish to respect. We as people cannot judge other peoples' lives. We cannot know everything about another person. Our judgment is not transcendental or divine. We cannot deem people worthy or not worthy of respect. IMO, that is for God to handle. The lives and influence of others goes beyond ourselves and they cannot be evaluated.

If DBD's music did or does nothing for you, you have no reason to mourn. I was going to make a point about the need to mourn the loss of an innocent life, but you've covered that base with the explanantion of your philosophy of death's unimportance. Of course, this view seems natural to you. I, with my deeply religious views and Judeo-Christian values, mourn the loss, because I personally believe that although death is part of life, it is not easy for those who are left behind. We miss and wonder and pray that the departed's soul has gone to a better place. That is how I define "human" or "natural." I do fear death, because I'm afraid of no longer existing...but I don't worry myself into a tizzy over it all the time. Not everyone is like that. There is middle ground. I also wish to mention that my condolences go out to the other families who lost people in this tragedy. However, it's unfair for anyone to expect me to deliver the same feeling of loss as I do for DBD because I did not know those families or those others who were lost. I didn't know DBD. I only know what I've heard, and I loved his music and think he had a lot of talent. So that is why I mourn his loss. I enjoyed his music. Had I not enjoyed his music, I'd still be saddened because of the loss of innocent life. He had no ideology which he was advocating. Had the shooter had a motive of toppling the beer-drinking redneck empire in metal, I'd not have respected him any more. He still committed murder. This is hardly a cause worthy of murder. Metal is just not that important in the real world. It's just music. And I mourn the loss because I liked his music.

I do find it slightly unsettling that you have such a dry outlook on life at such a young age. A note of caution: don't make the mistake of thinking your view is superior to anyone else's. It is neither more or less intelligent than my view which I just stated. Your mentioning of strength and weakness leads me to believe that you see yourself as stronger than the supposed weak. This is untrue. I am also aware that you don'tr think all people are equal and disagree with my view, and that's what this is all about. Views. So I apologize if what I just wrote seems like a personal attack. It was just my expression of my view. Again, I'm bothered that what I say will make no difference to you, but I'm sure I'll get over it.

The bottom line is that you're not being nearly as much of asshole as everyone's making you out to be. ;) Take this from someone who values your opinion a lot. I simply needed to make the point that what people are saying are their own opinions or reflections on the matter. I don't agree with your view, but fuck anyone who says you're not allowed to have it. You had no apparent bad intentions, methinks.
The majority of people in this thread have managed to prove themselves to be the asses that they are.
I actually found that quite funny.


Funeral Portrait said:
Good to see that people are finally realizing what a worthless prick GoD is.
I realized this a long time ago. And it isn't because of situations like this. It is becasue the kid thinks he is smarter than everybody, that his views on life are more insightful. It's a crock of shit.
Okcham said:
^So why hasn't anyone made some sappy 1973-2004 R.I.P. time eulogy for them? Some of us are saddened because we see Darrel as a pivotal influence on metal, some of us don't. Just stop pretending you're more human because you get sad when anyone dies, you only care because you liked his music.
I'll tell ya, music might be the most important thing in my life. When you play an instrument, it is something totally else. It fucking lets me put everything I can't say into to something I can deal with, and when you here someone that touches that same spot it is the best feeling man. Dime did that for me when I was younger. His music means a lot to me because I feel we both put into to it what we feel and what we love. Man, you wouldn't understand if you haven't been there.

Now I am acting like an idiot trying to describe something that is impossible for me to describe. Meh.
Not only metalheads have to fight against The Government, The Church, our parents, and rejection from society... the sad thing is that we also have to fight other "metalheads", like the stupid bastard that said that it was good that Dimebag was dead. I´ve never listened to Damageplan, but Pantera was a very good band and Dime was a very underrated (read excellent) guitarist.

I´m glad that we all know what kind of people consider this terrible act a good idea and we all ignore such lactants like the mindless, immature asses they are.

Say "Hi" to Hendrix, Dime :rock:
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