Shooting at Damageplan show, two band members dead

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deth_head said:
Ockham, let's put it simple... I've been here maybe 10 minutes, and I already see you as a big fat wet cunt who should be shot :)

You sound like you're trying extremely hard to sound high-class and shit, so just fuck off.

And I believe being articulate has nothing to do with this, fag.

Seeya, cockhead. :wave:

Your post would clearly have been more effective if you weren't blatantly proving Okcham's point with your 3rd grade level babbling. For the record, I agree with GoD. However, Dimebag was a huge influence on me as a guitar player in my younger days so his death has had some effect on me.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I feel an Anus-esque rant coming on.

In your view murder and death are the worst things in the world. In mine, they are not. For me, the importance is in what the man who was murdered accomplished in life, and what effect that murder will have. I don't believe in equality, thus I don't feel that everyone is equally deserving of respect in life. And death is simply an end - the moment a person dies his worth can be evaluated as a whole, and only if that worth is positive should he be given respect.

None of this "respect the dead" crap 'cause, let's be realistic, he's never going to know about it anyway. None of this "pity those close to him for their loss" either; pity and sympathy are, to me, totally unproductive. Such emotions run riot in weak minds.

Someone like Quorthon has my respect for having created something I consider valuable, but I won't claim that there was any reason for him to live longer taking into account that his abilities were certainly deteriorating. How can I say ............................................................y basically leads to mass degeneration and weakness. I, valuing progression and mental strength, oppose it...................................................But if you feel that some deaths in contempt for that if you wish, but I'm certainly no "worse" than you.

My view is reason to grieve his death, respect the man in question, or have much care about any aspect of these events, except possibly to analyse the effect they'll have on metal in general.
where do you find time to write such crap...
so anyone find out the other peoples names who died - because i havent been able too . . .

i wonder how they are going to bury DBD too . . . . he was shot in the head at close range after all . . . .
First of all...



Guardian Of Darkness:I understand your ridiculous points completely, no misunderstanding. I used to be you. Then I.... well... stopped being a little suck-ass, and got with the Big Plan.

I've already done the Freud analysis (though I didn't have a chance to mention your mother's problems, sadly.)

So now, listen closely...

You.... are.... a.... stupid... faggot, kid.

Die... now... please.

How's that for succinct?
WOW im totally amazed....all of those that are bashing saying how much you dont care about what has happened. why the fuck did you even read the first post let alone continue to post. your opinion obviously means shit to those that do care. this persons life has more value than that persons, or these people dont deserve to live becuase they have presented no value to you individually. you try to make "so called" intellectual comments when theres no intelligence to begin with. all im seeing is the de-evolutioning of the human race in general. compassion goes hand and hand with intelligence, and not just one specific type of intelligence to say, book smarts or street smarts and yes common sense. if an equal balance of these had been attained then you would infact feel compassion naturally. im not saying that everyone should feel the same sympathy as everyone else. you should at least empathize (meaning: i understand how your feeling and it IS important but im unaffected by your loss) with your fellow metal heads. someone posted that this thread be locked and i agree its doing no one here any good.
The Grimace said:
First of all...



Guardian Of Darkness:I understand your ridiculous points completely, no misunderstanding. I used to be you. Then I.... well... stopped being a little suck-ass, and got with the Big Plan.

I've already done the Freud analysis (though I didn't have a chance to mention your mother's problems, sadly.)

So now, listen closely...

You.... are.... a.... stupid... faggot, kid.

Die... now... please.

How's that for succinct?

Succinct? Yes. Substantial? No.
The Grimace said:
Nietzsche = Quite keen.

You = Not so much.


So shut it, cock.

I felt inclined to reply to your stupidity for the simple fact that I don't believe that childish insults add up to a cogent argument.
Okcham said:
I'm not sure I see where you're going with this, if anywhere.

He's going nowhere. He thinks that if he uses the "rolls eyes" smilies and rattles off a few insults then he's winning.
What happened to Dimebag Darrel is simply absurd!
He was one of the biggest Metal guitar players of ever...
But this is the consequence of uncontrolled weapons selling in some States of the U.S.A.
I must head to the AIDS clinic because after skimming over this topic, I'm quite certain I need to have some bloodwork done.

An axiom of internet forums: when the overwhelming majority of users are bawling their eyes out over some occurrence it is inevitable that a poster will piss on their holy grail as offensively as possible. I suspect that even the dumbest tools recognize this as ineluctable, but perhaps I underestimate their stupidity. In whatever case, they simply cannot control themselves. As if adhering to some undiscovered natural law, they reply with a block of poorly typed juvenile insults and death wishes. To sum it up: the emotions of mongoloids are easily manipulated.
Dr. K said:
But this is the consequence of uncontrolled weapons selling in some States of the U.S.A.
That's a total crock of shit. A gun is a tool, not unlike a hammer, screwdriver or an axe. All have the capacity to kill in the wrong hands. It's the person the wields the item that does the wrong's committed against others.
And don't bother saying that it's easier to kill with a gun compared to the aforementioned objects. Gasoline, when lit, can destroy that much more. Do you suggest banning gas?
Let's just for arguments sake say that guns are banned. The next step is to say that knives are bad. Sharp and deadly...they must go. Then perhaps baseball bats and any other club like items, ect, ect, ect.
Hell, let's get rid of everything and all run amok nude. But wait...hands cam become bad we banned those evil axes...we could get rid of those troublesome fists.
Dr. K said:
What happened to Dimebag Darrel is simply absurd!
He was one of the biggest Metal guitar players of ever...
But this is the consequence of uncontrolled weapons selling in some States of the U.S.A.

Not to say that the availability of firearms has no bearing upon crime, but only an idiot would simplify to that degree.
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