Rest In Peace

Oogadee Boogadee

Division drummer
Jan 23, 2004
Baltimore, MD

A sad day...

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- At least five people died and two others were wounded after a shooting at a Columbus nightclub on Wednesday night, NBC 4 reported.

The shooting took place shortly after 10 p.m. at Alrosa Villa, located at 5055 Sinclair Rd.

Two members of the heavy metal band Damageplan were reportedly shot and killed, including Dimebag Darrell, formerly with the band Pantera, NBC 4's David Wayne reported. The other band member's name was not released. The alleged gunman also died at the scene, Wayne reported.

Shortly after the band began playing its first song, a man reportedly ran onto the stage and began shooting, according to a witness who identified himself as Sean. Some members of the audience reportedly thought the man running onto the stage with a gun was part of the band's act, NBC 4's Erin Tate reported.

Witnesses said that several shots were fired at the band before a bouncer tackled the gunman before he was shot and killed.

Columbus police Sgt. Brent Mull said the shooter appeared to be targeting the band members. After opening fire on the stage, the gunman turned on the crowd. At that point, an officer shot the man dead, Mull said. Police said there could have been many more fatalities had the officer not killed the gunman.

NBC 4 reported that of the surviving victims, one person was in critical condition while the other was in fair condition. Several others were treated at the scene, suffering from various injuries.

Alrosa Villa is a popular north Columbus nightspot for young adults, featuring rock and heavy metal bands, NBC 4 reported.

According to the band's Web site, Damageplan was touring nationally. It performed in Buffalo, N.Y., on Tuesday night and had a concert scheduled in Flint, Mich., on Thursday.

Damageplan featured former Pantera artists Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul. The pair were joined by vocalist Patrick Lachman and bassist Bobzilla, according to their Web site.

Watch NBC 4 and refresh for additional information.

I remember seeing one of the final stops on the "Cowboys and Idiots" tour with Wrathchild at the Bayou. Dimebag, wa sone of the most energetic live players I've ever seen.

I almost didn't make it work today because of the emotional outpouring by the local DC/Baltimore scene on 98Rock this AM.

RIP Dimebag, I'm sure there's a case of beer and a guitar waiting for you in heaven.
Totally insane. Sadly, it seems that something stupid like this has to happen every few years. RIP, indeed, and much sympathy to Vinnie - can you imagine watching your little brother murdered in front of you? Unreal.

And a graphic mutilating murder at that...

I thought the same thing - every few years, somebody you grew to know and admire through music and art leaves way to early.

My first concert ever (this will reinforce my "youth") was the Megadeth, Pantera, White Zombie show at Hara Arena in Dayton Ohio back around 92. Pantera stole the show - the crowd was wiped by the time Megadeth hit the stage.

I was a freshman, and my mom dropped me off. While waiting in line outside the venue, she came back and gave me some McDonald's drive through food. Those around me got a kick out of that. How cute.
just got the details on this tragedy this morning. I second the previous post, I'm sure there's a case of beer and six string that never break waiting on the other side for Darrell.
I'm still in shock...I read the news while on break at work this morning. Had to read it a few times before it sank in. Unbelievable. My heart goes out to Vinnie - I just cannot imagine seeing anyone I care about but especially a family member gunned down like that. Why is it always the good ones that get taken away too soon?

I wrote a long post and then the fucking computer crashed on me, so I'll write it short:

I have many strong and happy memories tied to Pantera, Diamond Darrell will always be a part of who I am because of his profound influence on my life.

Rest in peace.
I, too, have many memories of Pantera - some of them from the stage we usually haunt, in fact.

I can say one thing for sure - I'll never look out the stage door of Jaxx from the stage the same way again. The Great White thing was tragic because it was preventable. This is tragic because it wasn't.
