So sad :-(

La Rocque

I am that I am
May 22, 2004
an exit to eternal summer slacking
At Least 3 Dead, 4 Wounded In Nightclub Shooting
Witnesses: Alleged Gunman Went Onto Stage, Fired Shots

POSTED: 10:32 pm EST December 8, 2004
UPDATED: 11:36 pm EST December 8, 2004
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- At least three people died and four others were wounded after a shooting at a Columbus nightclub on Wednesday night, NBC 4 reported.

The shooting took place shortly after 10 p.m. at Alrosa Villa, located at 5055 Sinclair Road.

Two members of the heavy metal band Damageplan were reportedly shot and killed, including Dimebag Darrell, formerly with the band Pantera, NBC 4's David Wayne reported. The alleged gunman also died at the scene, Wayne reported.

Shortly after the band began playing its first song, a man reportedly ran onto the stage and began shooting, according to a witness who identified himself as Sean. Some members of the audience reportedly thought the man running onto the stage with a gun was part of the band's act, NBC 4's Erin Tate reported.

Witnesses said that several shots were fired at the band. Witnesses said that a bouncer at the club tackled the alleged gunman before that person was shot and killed. It was unclear as to whom shot the alleged gunman.

Alrosa Villa is a popular north Columbus nightspot for young adults, featuring rock and heavy metal bands, NBC 4 reported.

According to the band's Web site, Damageplan was touring nationally. It performed in Buffalo, N.Y., on Tuesday night and had a concert scheduled in Flint, Mich., on Thursday.

Damageplan featured former Pantera artists Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul. The pair were joined by vocalist Patrick Lachman and bassist Bobzilla, according
Whether you're too black metal to care...or too "cool" to shed any respect for the least 90% of all metalheads liked Pantera at one point or another. Grown out of them or not, acknowledge the fact that Darrel was a valuble musician in metal and an influence for many. We all liked Pantera in our early days of metal...RIP
Shitty day. Shitty day.

only after spinning 'Cowboys From Hell' did I realise what a terrible loss this is. I really forgot what Pantera means to me over the past couple of years, and I forgot how awesome there music was. I've never had one of my idols die during my life time, and its just not a good feeling. Im surprised I didnt get my ass kicked today, looking back I know my mood and attitude was unreasonable, but some people are just insensitive. Shity day.
Listened to Vulgar Display Of Power for the first time in a while on the way to school today. Crappy, crappy news.
I didn't think much of Dimebag's guitar work on the last Pantera album and haven't heard Damageplan, but the first four metal Pantera albums are enough to get me floored. Because of hearing the news that is. Pantera was the first more extreme metal band that I got to know, after all.
This is indeed terrible news... if it is true. i am really into early pantera stuff. to people who think its good that people get killed: you are immature assholes.

Yeah I heard about what happened to Dimebag Darrel, you can read and watch more of it on this link below. Our band Vehemence played at the Al Rosa Villa venue with Decapitated in the summer of 2002, and from what I remember I could step off the stage if I wanted to, you were that close to your fans, they could get close enough to you to flick your ear, or punch your face. Also I remembered that place had no security other than the door guy.

Its unclear still, if this is a conspiracy, or freak psycho incident. I guess this is what happens with rock stars are playing smaller venues; they may think it’s friendly but could lead to many other things like death or assault. I heard the responses from the Howard Stern show.

I met him several times, and got the opportunity to hang out with him for some hours and some minutes each time Pantera or Damageplan came through Hollywood, or Phoenix, Arizona. It’s a very sad day in metal. He was a good guy, take it from me. – John from Vehemence
hey whats that shit? being happy that someone is dead
well perhaps if it would be hitler, stalin, pol pot and so on
but no musician
I was never a too big fan of pantera but I respected them
sad story Im very shocked about this
and dimebag never was one of the morons who tried to be evil or grim, hating the world and whatever...
it was just a guy who liked to play in a metalband...
Its unclear still, if this is a conspiracy, or freak psycho incident.
according to a swedish article, an eyewitness heard him scream something like "you split up pantera, you ruined my life". but there'll of course most probably be a lot of theories and rumours before this is over...
this day has been very very sad for me too,i can't believe how can some ppl die with no reason!ok,it sounds pathetic,but i feel this way.i considered Darrel a sort of icon for me and i love Pantera's old stuff like some of the best metal albums (i mean Vulgar and Cowboys).at home i have their original stuff (vynils and videos) and i mean,they were important for me.
there's no use to say something more but i feel really sad.

@misanthrope:shame on you,you loose my respect.i think no one should EVER talk that way
I was never really into Pantera, but it hurts me a lot. I always think of pictures, seeing me in the crowd when it happens. I just posted something as a comment to the news on a german metal-page. Here it is, if anyone wants me to translate, tell me, but right now it's too late for that. Here it is:

Ich habe es in meinem vorigen Post nicht erwähnt, aber obwohl ich Pantera nicht zu meinen Lieblingsbands zähle, so trifft mich diese Sache doch sehr stark.

Was soll das, was bringt das, was kommt jetzt?

Ich kann das nicht verarbeiten, da ich ständig die Bilder vor mir sehe, die ich nie gesehen habe: die Band kommt auf die Bühne, die Menge (außer einer Person) freut sich, will feiern. Alles geht los, das moshen fängt an, alle haben Spaß. Da steht plötzlich einer auf der Bühne, mit ner Waffe... Er schießt, mehr als einmal, auf den Gitarristen. Dieser sackt mit seinem Instrument zusammen, geschockte Gesichter auf Seiten der Band, Verwirrung bei den Fans. Ich weiss auch nicht, was da gerade vor sich geht.

Dann wird es erst... Den Rest will ich hier nicht posten. Ich fühle mit Dimebags Familie, denn jeder der einmal eine geliebte Person verloren hat kennt dieses Gefühl der Leere. Ich hoffe, dass dies ein Einzelfall bleibt und dass härtere Kontrollen durchgeführt werden. Wie oft schon dachte ich am Einlass: "Wenn ich jetzt ne Knarre im Stiefel stecken hätte würd's kein Schwein merken." Ich tat das immer als Illusion ab (warum sollte das jemand machen, wir gehören schließlich alle zusammen). Aber jetzt holt mich die Realität ein, und das schmerzt.

Keine Ahnung, ob jemand das alles jetzt gelesen hat. Aber wie auch immer, wir werden Dir gedenken, Dimebag. Finde Deinen Frieden, finde Dein (Amerikaner kennen das nicht, aber wie auch immer...) Valhalla.

In Trauer,

@Schwedentod: mir gehts genauso. ich stell mir solche sachen auch immer bildlich vor, meist geht es ganz von selbst, ob man will oder nicht. das macht aber umso mehr betroffen. bin echt down wegen dieser tragödie, pantera waren eine zeitlang meine top-band, die ersten beiden alben zählen zu meinen lieblings-scheiben.