Shooting at Damageplan show, two band members dead

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no one should be teling anyone to fell the way they do, but instead those people should let people that want to pay their respects to, and stop being fags (GoD)
Okcham said:
I like how everyone's saying we should mourn for Darrel because he was human and had a family and so forth, but nobody gives a shit about the other four people who died because they wern't famous.
not just Darrel, but the 2 fans and whoever the 4th person is.

lives were taken that shouldn't have been, and they deserve respect and their relatives, sympathy.
I just want to say that Dimebag helped define who I am today. Pantera was my influence growing up. Noone could ever party as hard as them, and I always wanted to have as much fun as they were having. I first listened to Pantera back around 1995, when I was 8 years old.

This is devastating to me, and it is a damn shame that Dimebag had to die doing what he loves. Even though he may not be the most talented (but he can still really play that guitar) metal guitarist, but he is certainly one of the most influential guitarists of all time.

Guys, take a few shots of Whiskey in memory of Dimebag Darrell, because he is now looking down on all of you guys.

Rest in peace brother.
Any mature person who didn't give a shit about Darrel's tragic demise would not make a post stating so. Obviously some of us lack any common sense to know that when a high profile musician/actor/athlete/porn star/what have you passes away their fans are going to grieve in some manner. Even if that grief is conveyed by typing a message on a bulletin board in hopes of finding some sort of solace with like minded individuals who carry the same sentiments. Anyone who can't respect such a fact is either, a cold heartless sack of shit, an immature child trying so hard to act grim in front of his online playmates, or mentally inept to the highest exponent.
Atlas Shrugged said:
Any mature person who didn't give a shit about Darrel's tragic demise would not make a post stating so. Obviously some of us lack any common sense to know that when a high profile musician/actor/athlete/porn star/what have you passes away their fans are going to grieve in some manner. Even if that grief is conveyed by typing a message on a bulletin board in hopes of finding some sort of solace with like minded individuals who carry the same sentiments. Anyone who can't respect such a fact is either, a cold heartless sack of shit, an immature child trying so hard to act grim in front of his online playmates, or mentally inept to the highest exponent.

so why dont you cry about it :erk:
Ok...I've got 40 minutes.

I know there's probably not a lot of meaning in your life. Probably few people you keep close to you, not many 'goals', nothing you'd miss if you were gone. Which is why you commit every fiber of your being to emracing cold, self-sufficient Black Metal ideology, and why you so vehementy oppose any style in which the musicians seem to be having 'fun'. Because you're not having any fun.

Wrong wrong wrong blarghhh etc.

There's a difference between believing life is nothing sacred or precious and believing that all humans should die after they used up their worth.

I didn't say "should", I just said it makes it less important.

Thanks for your post, Scotsman.

Dude...the guy's dead. He died young, and didn't do anything to deserve death.

I didn't say he "deserved" it, the concepts of "deserving" and "blaming" are silly anyway. I said it's not important that he lives.

Hey! I haven't fucked any of my cousins, yet.

I wish I could believe you. ;)

Chuck Schuldiner once said, "How easy it is to deny the pain of someone else's suffereing." Guardian of Darkness, you find it quite easy. I don't know whether you think you are "metal" or if you are just drowning yourself in bullshit ideologies. A man's worth to you is not the deciding factor in whether his life is worth living. Your life is irrelevant to me, and so was Dimebag's, but this does not mean that he, or anyone else does not deserve the chance to wake up every morning, play the music he's passionate about, or spend time with those he loves. Death isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when people in the primes of their lives lose life, that is reason to feel pity, or grief, which you said you have no use for. It is doubtful you value your own life very much. People who are attached to life feel bad because they know it's fleeting, and the death of someone else is a reminder of how lucky we are to be alive.

Eh, I can either go by something's worth to me or something's worth to the majority who're conditioned by a society based on clearly harmful values. I think I'll go with the former, thanks. And I'd rather do something with my life other than cry with happiness over how lucky I am to have one.

Respecting the dead is something that, I think, is primarily done to not hurt family and friends in their mourning process. I don't see any other reason for respecting the dead, but that reason is fair enough for me. I don't agree with your statement about pity and sympathy not being productive. Tears water the soul so it can grow, is what I say. Sadness is not a very obvious emotion in terms of productivity, but it is often an important stimulator for productivity. Great songs were inspired by such emotions, for example.

There's a difference between sadness and pity. Sadness is feeling your own loss. Pity is feeling a desire to quench somebody else's loss, and most people depend on it because they're so caught up on being 'selfless' - a make-believe concept.

I believe in natural processes such as survival of the fittest. I value strength over weakness. I have no time to spare being sad for those who can't fend for themselves.

In the current situation however, we cannot say that the victim sacrificed himself. He probably did not want to die yet. When a person dies without having a good motivation to die, that's a sad thing. And it's not only current society in which people are missed when they are dead. It's human nature.

Of course, if someone close to me dies I'll be hurt. I never tried to deny that. But you're all suggesting that I should be sad about ANYONE's death. Dimebag wasn't a hero, and he wasn't a great person in life generally imo, so I don't find his passing important. I didn't say he was a crappy person. If he was, then I'd be actively glad about his death. I just said it's not something I'm going to cry about.

But, that's just a wild guess. If you're talking about achievements that come in the form of fame, it might be true (although it might very well not be true, many people accomplish great things at higher ages). You say you believe in progression and mental strength. That is a very spiritual thing, and it has nothing to do with fame. If we relate that to Dimebag, you'll have nothing to say because you simply can't know. He might have reached a mental peek in a week from now. It's an individual thing in the end. The rest of that quote is just a shallow generalization which I don't really value enough to comment on.

The generalisation was pretty light-hearted.

It wasn't a wild guess. I just don't believe in what-ifs. I see what's put in front of me and I make a judgment. Dimebag's not done anything that I consider valuable. If he had, I would know, particularly as he's a famous guy, because great things transcend the self and benefit far more. The only thing he's done that's well known is bad music.

What about the 1100 kids that have died just in this Iraq thing.
Each one of them gave you their life so you could live in a free country.
These are the people we should be respecting and talking and crying about.

That being said, these fuckin' idiots that worship bands ( just like
the killer did) are what is wrong here, not the guns, not the venues,
and not the booze.
mabey it goes deeper into the way society is today and all that shit but
If you liked Dimebag, then please mourn his passing.
Don't put him on a pedestal above those that are losing their lives every
day over in Iraq. A life is a life.

You touch upon a valid point. I don't see anyone mourning for the thousands of other people who no doubt died today. Bit shallow to just mourn famous people, don't ya think?

GoD, if someone broke into your house at night and held a gun to your head you'd be pissing your pants and begging for your life.

I'd try whatever tactic I could think up to make him let me go. I never said I wanted to die. It's not something I shit myself over, though. I accept it'll come.

Personally I think you're good mod and you often make very good posts and seem like an intelligent guy but this time I think it's best to back off as comments like the ones you've made, although I can see where you're coming from, stir up the hornet's nest and do no good. Yes I know you're just showing your opinion but this isn't really the kind of thread for discussions like that and I'm not trying to tell you what to do but people just wanted to pay their respects to a musician that was obviously much loved, let them.

Thanks, and you're probably right, but I'd rather close up all the holes people have picked in my original posts. I don't want to be misinterpreted.

The simple answer is, you can't really judge the value of one's life based on how you feel about the person and how he or she has effected you, since his or her impact reaches further than yourself.

What's he done for the whole? Sod all useful. I value the whole, and I value a few things closer to me that he certainly hasn't touched upon. I know that he's had no effect on the things I value, and I go by my own value system based on my own logic, because I trust in myself.

GoD, it's apparent that you dislike Dime's image and his fanbase and what you stereotype their values as.

you then disregard him and (apparently) anyone else if they have died and not lived up to what YOU judge to be a valued life. you blow off his relatives, who hurt for his death.

i'd really like to know, are you somehow immortal? are you so immune to death that if your relatives died, you'd "Objectively" evaluate their existence before passing a judgment on their validity to earn respect? how disgusting.

when you are dead and gone, i doubt greatly that anyone would hold respect for your existence if they used your method to judge your contribution to this world.

your attitude is remeniscent of robotic programming, not human emotion. is that what you think "METAL" is?

i got news. it takes a "metal" Man to cry. it takes a "metal" man to admit sympathy, compassion, and courage. wave your upsidedown crosses, your studded chains, your leather and your steel. but those who have expressed condolence to the man's survivors and friends, EVEN IF THEY HATE HIS MUSIC, are the ones who are more "Metal" than you.

Basically, yes.
No. I love and value many of my relatives.
What I accomplish remains to be seen, really.
I disagree, I find my attitude far more natural than most of yours.
I don't want to be 'metal', tyvm. And I'm not emotionless and never claimed to be. I'm certainly not ashamed of admitting such a fact.

Good to see that people are finally realizing what a worthless prick GoD is.

How many cocks and straws was it, again?
Guardian of Darkness said:
I said it's not important that he lives.
Look, I don't care if it saddens you or not that he died. But, you can't judge the importance of one's life. Period.
Guardian of Gayness, you are so easily the biggest shithead on the entire internet. Dimebag Darrel is dead, have some respect and post something nice about him, his playing or his fans/friends/family or get the fuck outta here man, you stupid fucking cunt. Dude, even Pyrus said something thoughtful about the situation, and he usually talks shit about Pantera when they're mentioned as much as anyone, you should just return to whence you came from, your mother's vagina.
Fuck this Guardian of Gayness, just why do you deserve to live, what have you done of any worth?

Dime was a cool human being that didn't deserve this shit. Seems to be something that should be reserved for the likes of you. Join that fucking murdering punk ass ex-Marine in a burning inferno:hotjump:.

Fuckin' Twat.
Just ignore Guardian of darkness, he's only 16 years old , this what 16 year olds do annoy the fuck out of people. They do this cause they have no lives, no girlfriends,no jobs and they think they are fucking Elitists on Heavy Metal. GoD you should just shut up because you do not have any sort of knowledge of what dimebag was to guitar, this Thread is susposed to be in memory for Dimebag, so if you can please just SHUT THE FUCK UP , it would be greatly appreciated.
I fuckin back that up. I don't care about his being 16 (I am 16), i just care about him being an inconsiderate dickhead.
Look, the fact that people are making a deal about this and not about everyone else who died on the same day is NOT BECAUSE HE WAS FAMOUS. Dime and Pantera were a big part of MANY metalhead's lives. For me it's remembering my roots more than anything

I'd be realy interested in hearing GoD's impressions if someone important in his metal development, say Mikael Akerfelt, was killed in tragic circumstances... would he dismiss his past to keep metal? Or show a human face.
Furthermore: Quote GoD: "My view is that Dimebag was unlikely to achieve anything more in his life, and has achieved little more than a host of shit music, and worship from lots of drunken incestuous rednecks and people who love looking at the shallower aspects of music. I have no reason to grieve his death, respect the man in question, or have much care about any aspect of these events, except possibly to analyse the effect they'll have on metal in general."

Why even comment you sorry sack of shit. I wish your little shit stain ass was within my reach... come to Texas and talk about our boy like that...
Just ignore Guardian of darkness, he's only 16 years old , this what 16 year olds do annoy the fuck out of people. They do this cause they have no lives, no girlfriends,no jobs and they think they are fucking Elitists on Heavy Metal. GoD you should just shut up because you do not have any sort of knowledge of what dimebag was to guitar, this Thread is susposed to be in memory for Dimebag, so if you can please just SHUT THE FUCK UP , it would be greatly appreciated.

Ah! Now it all makes sense. Maddox, take it away (with minor * edits to suit the situation):

Maddox said:
...What I have a problem with are these *16 year old losers who hang out at raves wearing prosthetic fangs, listening to obnoxious happy-hardcore *metal with giant platform shoes (courtesy of "Hot Topic," because all vampires shop at trendy clothing stores for their pre-packaged sub-culture needs). When they're not busy doing the dishes for their allowance, they're out doing evil things like smoking, staying up past curfew, or reading books on the occult at Barnes & Noble. They join little "sanguinarian" clubs and they change their names to something adequately evil like Raven, Ivy, Memnoch, or *Guardian of Darkness.

These are the same people who say they laugh during dramas when someone gets killed. We all know a person like this, they think they're morbid and mysterious because they force out a contrived chuckle during a death scene. Oooh, you laughed during a murder, you're so unique and evil. The fact that the number of members in these stupid clubs surge every time a new "Blade" movie comes out eludes them. Who has time for things like facts and responsibility when you're busy "feeding" yourself by having orgies that give you magical powers? Idiots.

Here comes the awesome "pseudo-intellectual" response. I can't wait. Last time he called me a Scotsman. Maybe this time he'll call me El Cuadillo.

here's a cool article from of all places. it's some big metal names remembering dime.
(jst btw, this has been a shitty couple of weeks, my uncle died a week ago monday, and my aunt's funeral was today. she died late sunday/early monday.)

In the wake of the bizarre and tragic shooting that claimed the life of Pantera/ Damageplan guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott on Wednesday, friends and fans were coming to terms with the loss and remembering Dimebag as a man whose musical prowess was exceeded only by his love of life.

Fans were expected to gather for a vigil Thursday night (December 9) at the Columbus, Ohio, club where Dimebag was gunned down the night before (see "Dimebag Darrell, Four Others Killed In Ohio Concert Shooting"). But as fans mourned, so did the friends and colleagues who had shared the stage and the road with the guitarist. (Click for photos of Dimebag Darrell in concert through the years.)

"He's the type of guy that would do anything for his friends," Anthrax guitarist Scott Ian said. "He really did put his family and his friends first, and for him everyone was his family. Once you came into contact with Dimebag and became friends with that guy, it was a sacred bond. Once you shared drinks with that guy, you became a part of his extended family. ... The world hasn't seen someone with as strong an energy as Dimebag Darrell in my lifetime. He's one of those few people I've met who was absolutely special in every way."

"Dimebag was a dear friend of mine," Ozzy Osbourne said. "I'm absolutely beside myself with grief. I can't for the life of me understand why someone would do this. Pantera toured with me many, many times. I'll always remember the signed guitar that he gave me at my 50th birthday party. My heart goes out to Dime's family, his fans and the other innocent victims who were killed in this senseless tragedy. It's just terribly, terribly sad."

"Darrell and Pantera were one of the main reasons I joined a metal band," Korn frontman Jonathan Davis said. "This is a tragic loss for the music community and to all who knew him. Korn is truly shaken and we want to send our deepest condolences to the families of the deceased."

"I wish to thank and remember Darrell for his amazing life and the gift that he shared with me and so many others," Megadeth leader Dave Mustaine offered via his Web site. "I pray for Darrell's family and friends, specifically for their healing, their peace and their understanding of this tragedy in this time of need. I send my deepest heartfelt condolences to the Abbott family, to Darrell's friends, and to the fantastic Pantera and Damageplan fans around the world. We must never forget his life and his gifts, his genius, his terrific personality, and the legacy he left behind to remember him by."

"We had the pleasure of touring three times with Pantera," Deftones drummer Abe Cunningham said. "They treated us so well on the road. We had some great times hanging out with them. They treated us with open arms, especially the brothers [Dimebag and his brother, Vinnie Paul]. Darrell lived the music. We feel terrible, and our hearts go out to his family, brother and father. He was a legend in this business, and an unbelievable musician. He will be missed by all."

In addition to the peers who rocked alongside Pantera, a legion of young metal lions who were first moved by Dimebag's signature sound weighed in on his inspirational musicianship and spirit (see " 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott: A Larger-Than-Life Guitarist And Human Being").

"Dime's music was a huge influence on me personally and on Lamb of God as a whole," Mark Morton said. "As a guitar player, he was a true innovator. His sound tone and style shaped modern metal and his riffs are constantly referenced by nearly every band in metal, including my own. Only recently did I have the pleasure of hanging out with him on a personal level, and he was as genuine and down to earth as anyone you would ever meet. This is a huge loss to the music world."

"Dimebag Darrell was one of the nicest and most genuine human beings all of us in Unearth have ever met," vocalist Trevor Phipp said. "His presence, music and most of all his friendship will be dearly missed. Dime loved life, cared about people and was a true rock icon. Everything about him was admirable. Our thoughts and hearts go out to his family and friends."
Guardian......I see you've fully embraced the Anton LeVey/Friedrich Nietzsche/MLO philosophy...good for you. I hope is makes you happy. What you sadly are oblivious to is that adhering to such school's of thought does not make you into a powerful warrior nor make you grim and true. It makes you into a cold-hearted, unfeeling, disenchanted, machine. All you are capable of is making calculations and collating things into neat "logical" order.
I'll admit that I'm guilty of being less then compassionate or sympatric to various people and/or causes but I do not take the human equation out of the decision making process. You simply seem to not care one way or the other for anything or anyone unless it affects you personally which according to the afore mentioned philosophies is the excepted norm. But even in LeVay based Satanism concern for others, whether it be in your inner circle or not, is indicated. But to be truly "grim" one must take these thing's to an extreme. In that respect you're no different then the pathetic Christians that blithely love everything and obey whatever they consider as their lord's commandments.
When it comes down to it you are just a young person that is greatly lacking in real life experiences. In time perhaps you'll change but then again maybe not.
Don't feel as you have to reply with any lengthy quasi-intellectual Nietzsche'ian rhetoric for I've heard it all before.
Do us all a favor and go join the MLO and rant with all the like minded people about how you all despise the "cosmic" elements of existence and work your dark magick for the destruction of all.
By the way, not many would lament you're not returning here to these forums filled with weak and un-respectable humans.
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