Shooting at Damageplan show, two band members dead

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Firstly, condolences to those close to those who died. Secondly, I doubt many of you realize what it would have been like for the people there to witness such a thing. Terrible.

I was never really a Pantera fan, only heard a few songs, and if anything didn't like them because of their mostly white trash fan base, and for putting a negative stereotype of metal in people's heads. This does not at all mean that this was a good thing.

Chuck Schuldiner once said, "How easy it is to deny the pain of someone else's suffereing." Guardian of Darkness, you find it quite easy. I don't know whether you think you are "metal" or if you are just drowning yourself in bullshit ideologies. A man's worth to you is not the deciding factor in whether his life is worth living. Your life is irrelevant to me, and so was Dimebag's, but this does not mean that he, or anyone else does not deserve the chance to wake up every morning, play the music he's passionate about, or spend time with those he loves. Death isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when people in the primes of their lives lose life, that is reason to feel pity, or grief, which you said you have no use for. It is doubtful you value your own life very much. People who are attached to life feel bad because they know it's fleeting, and the death of someone else is a reminder of how lucky we are to be alive.
The Grimace said:
I could just go along with all the others, tell you what a fucking cock you are, but you're already reared up in defense mode, so I'm not throwing any punches.

What I will do is give you some advice:

I know there's probably not a lot of meaning in your life. Probably few people you keep close to you, not many 'goals', nothing you'd miss if you were gone. Which is why you commit every fiber of your being to emracing cold, self-sufficient Black Metal ideology, and why you so vehementy oppose any style in which the musicians seem to be having 'fun'. Because you're not having any fun.

Well, I gotta tell you... it's bullshit. It's an act, a costume to wear along with the corpse paint. Your heros have fucking dayjobs and wives.

We will all die some day, and as far as I know nobody's coming back. This is all we have, there's nothing afterwards, so love it. Embrace life, because you will die, and mourn death, to pay tribute to your continuing existance.



Well I'll be damned! I 100% whole heartedly agree with the Grimace's anaylsis. Grimace you'de make a good psychologist for disgruntle youth's my friend.
I can do a trick - quoting GoD a few times without one time mentioning "cocksucker" except this time!

None of this "respect the dead" crap 'cause, let's be realistic, he's never going to know about it anyway. None of this "pity those close to him for their loss" either; pity and sympathy are, to me, totally unproductive. Such emotions run riot in weak minds.
Respecting the dead is something that, I think, is primarily done to not hurt family and friends in their mourning process. I don't see any other reason for respecting the dead, but that reason is fair enough for me. I don't agree with your statement about pity and sympathy not being productive. Tears water the soul so it can grow, is what I say. Sadness is not a very obvious emotion in terms of productivity, but it is often an important stimulator for productivity. Great songs were inspired by such emotions, for example.

If one of these people dies such a great death - sacrificing themselves for something that transcends the individual, it should be a glorious and triumphant day, not a day in which we mourn and grieve and pity - like death inherently causes in current society regardless of the death's form
In the current situation however, we cannot say that the victim sacrificed himself. He probably did not want to die yet. When a person dies without having a good motivation to die, that's a sad thing. And it's not only current society in which people are missed when they are dead. It's human nature.

My view is that Dimebag was unlikely to achieve anything more in his life, and has achieved little more than a host of shit music, and worship from lots of drunken incestuous rednecks and people who love looking at the shallower aspects of music.
But, that's just a wild guess. If you're talking about achievements that come in the form of fame, it might be true (although it might very well not be true, many people accomplish great things at higher ages). You say you believe in progression and mental strength. That is a very spiritual thing, and it has nothing to do with fame. If we relate that to Dimebag, you'll have nothing to say because you simply can't know. He might have reached a mental peek in a week from now. It's an individual thing in the end. The rest of that quote is just a shallow generalization which I don't really value enough to comment on.

Dimebag Darrel inspired me a lot when I was starting to play guitar. His sound and riffing were the foundation for a completely new generation of guitarplayers. Occasionally I have been able to channel my emotions through Pantera's music. Dimebag was an honest musician, I've always felt that. RIP.
What about the 1100 kids that have died just in this Iraq thing.
Each one of them gave you their life so you could live in a free country.
These are the people we should be respecting and talking and crying about.

That being said, these fuckin' idiots that worship bands ( just like
the killer did) are what is wrong here, not the guns, not the venues,
and not the booze.
mabey it goes deeper into the way society is today and all that shit but
If you liked Dimebag, then please mourn his passing.
Don't put him on a pedestal above those that are losing their lives every
day over in Iraq. A life is a life.
Since I regularly frequent the Alrosa, I would just like you all to know that they have some of the biggest, scariest, but competant bouncers out there. No real security, just a couple of huge black guys. It is a bar, with a stage, first and foremost, capable of holding no more than 800 people I'd say. There are no scans as you go in, no pat downs, anything. If you are wearing visable chains, they will bitch at you, same for spikes, but aside from that, it's a very easy place to get into.

I'm kind of glad I had to work in the morning, otherwise I'd have most likely been there, right up front.
The ORIGINAL South Of Heaven said:
Since I regularly frequent the Alrosa, I would just like you all to know that they have some of the biggest, scariest, but competant bouncers out there. No real security, just a couple of huge black guys. It is a bar, with a stage, first and foremost, capable of holding no more than 800 people I'd say. There are no scans as you go in, no pat downs, anything. If you are wearing visable chains, they will bitch at you, same for spikes, but aside from that, it's a very easy place to get into.

I'm kind of glad I had to work in the morning, otherwise I'd have most likely been there, right up front.

Did you have any friends go?
And was there any of them taking pictures or video??
no one has put him on a pedestal - and no one here has said they dont mourn over all the soldiers that have died or any of the innocents that have died in war either.

the fact is this is about mourning someone that has died in the metal community and who had a place in many of our hearts. and yes a life is a life . . . but to me life is special - and im sure everyone is tired of seeing people try to take whatever feeling we have away from this situation with faulted logic.
GoD, if someone broke into your house at night and held a gun to your head you'd be pissing your pants and begging for your life.

Personally I think you're good mod and you often make very good posts and seem like an intelligent guy but this time I think it's best to back off as comments like the ones you've made, although I can see where you're coming from, stir up the hornet's nest and do no good. Yes I know you're just showing your opinion but this isn't really the kind of thread for discussions like that and I'm not trying to tell you what to do but people just wanted to pay their respects to a musician that was obviously much loved, let them.
The simple answer is, you can't really judge the value of one's life based on how you feel about the person and how he or she has effected you, since his or her impact reaches further than yourself.
This is stupid as shit and doesn't need to exist on this forum.

We're all going to die one day anyways. Words are weightless and worthless. We are gaining nothing from this conversation. I recommend it stop existing.
GoD, it's apparent that you dislike Dime's image and his fanbase and what you stereotype their values as.

you then disregard him and (apparently) anyone else if they have died and not lived up to what YOU judge to be a valued life. you blow off his relatives, who hurt for his death.

i'd really like to know, are you somehow immortal? are you so immune to death that if your relatives died, you'd "Objectively" evaluate their existence before passing a judgment on their validity to earn respect? how disgusting.

when you are dead and gone, i doubt greatly that anyone would hold respect for your existence if they used your method to judge your contribution to this world.

your attitude is remeniscent of robotic programming, not human emotion. is that what you think "METAL" is?

i got news. it takes a "metal" Man to cry. it takes a "metal" man to admit sympathy, compassion, and courage. wave your upsidedown crosses, your studded chains, your leather and your steel. but those who have expressed condolence to the man's survivors and friends, EVEN IF THEY HATE HIS MUSIC, are the ones who are more "Metal" than you.
Silent Song said:
when you are dead and gone, i doubt greatly that anyone would hold respect for your existence if they used your method to judge your contribution to this world.

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't care right back. Cuz, y'know he'd be dead and all.
Seraphim Belial said:
no one has put him on a pedestal - and no one here has said they dont mourn over all the soldiers that have died or any of the innocents that have died in war either.

the fact is this is about mourning someone that has died in the metal community and who had a place in many of our hearts. and yes a life is a life . . . but to me life is special - and im sure everyone is tired of seeing people try to take whatever feeling we have away from this situation with faulted logic.

I am not wanting to 'take away' your feelings. By all means , if he was a hero to you and you feel bad because of his passing, then by all means
'get it out'. I was just trying to bring some reality to those who
are mourning excessively and obsessivley. I mean, just look at these
Elvis mourners that show up every year at his grave. Crying and sobbing
and mourning. I am sure you have said "Jeeze, what is fuckin' wrong with
these idiots?" You see where I am going here?
Basically people are just attacking a complete misinterpretation of what he's saying. I'd argue with them but I'd rather go do something more productive than arguing on a forum, like playing video games.
I happen to think GoD and company arent the ones being stupid in this thread. i guess its a natural human desire to insist that others should feel the way you are feeling, but you guys are really getting too worked up over this. stop dwelling in negative feelings and focus not on his death but what he did during life.
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