RIP Dimebag Darrell & Others at the Gig in Columbus


Nov 12, 2004
Horrific news at a gig in a Columbus nightclub.
I can't believe it.

5 Dead, 2 Wounded In Nightclub Shooting
Witnesses: Alleged Gunman Went Onto Stage, Fired Shots

Link to news here


A very sad day for the metal community.
Death to false metal, indeed! Perhaps this makes it that slight bit less likely that there'll be some insufferable Pantera reunion. Huzzah!
Just to add a small contribution to the bad feelings surrounding these horrible events...

This goes beyond music and beyond anything else we know, I am really saddened by the news and I can't believe in such reckless loss of life!!

Nothing else I can add other than my respect for Dimebag and the fans that died on that awful night...Rest In Peace :-(
whilst I'm not the biggest Pantera fan, I can safely say that I'm devastated that there'll never be a chance to see Drag the Waters or I'm Broken live, I love those songs and Dimebag Darrel's work on them was brilliant:( RIP
Just wanted to pay my respects to one of my favourite guitarists of all time. He has always been an inspiration, and has inspired me most of my guitar playing life. It's a total waste of life and talent.

RIP Dimebag.


it was exactly 24 years to the day, that another musical legend was deprived of his future, his family, and any chance of sharing his talents with future generations. Be you a Pantera fan/ Beatles fan; whatever, what Nathan Gale did was unjustifiable act of cruelty, one whose effect will extend far beyond the initial transgression.

I was and still am a huge fan of Pantera aswell as Damage Plan and just to know that Dimebag is no longer with us saddens me deeply. Dimebag added power, aggression, attitude and colour to a scene then populated by a host of carbon copies. An innovator in many senses of the word, we can thank him for creating and championing a sound that has changed the genre indefinately. That is somehting we can all appreciate and respect.

I for one will miss him greatly.
Yes it's sad that a decent guitarist died. He was a good guitarist and he could have done even better had he actually been in any decent bands.

The one thing I'm dreading now that he's dead is that there are going to be idiots going around acting as if he was a better guitarist than he actually was.

Still, it's sad and shows how fucked up some people are.

IOfTheStorm said:
Iconoclast: I hope you are joking (not that anyone can make a joke with these things)
Why would I be joking? I didn't know the guy, I didn't care for the guy, and I'm not about to get on my knees and fellate the guy['s corpse] just because he's dead like most other people are doing. Before this happened most people wouldn't even consider him as one of their top 50 guitarists. Now all I see is "he was a legend, one of the most influential guitarists etc etc". He was a bog-standard, sellout hick; his death doesn't change that.
maybe you should check Lux occulta's homepage and look at Vog's (also in Decapitated) Influences (and you cannot say Vog's not a great guitarist), or even read blabbermouth and see what Opeth, Cryptopsy, Carnal Forge and Obituary had to say and see how very wrong you are... (and if you say any of the above are sell outs, especially Cryptopsy, then you'tre just plain dumb)

Nailbomb: true, I myself am sad he's gone because I listened to a fair bit of Pantera in my early Metal days but I can think of tonnes that were better than him
Oh wow, a few shitty bands (excusing Obituary) liked Pantera. Big woop! You really think people gave as much of a shit about Douchebag Darrell while he was alive as they claim to now?

Seeing the hero worshipping going on in every forum and the expected onslaught of tributes in every magazine for a man whose band were major instigators of nu-metal just turns my stomach. The fact of the matter is that I had nothing in common with this trend-hopping asshole and I couldn't care less if he was dead.
Ok guys!

This is about the murder of four people at a metal gig. This is not about how great or crap Dimebag Darrell was or wether he's going to be a guitar hero or not now!

RIP Erin Halk
Nathan Bray
Jeff Thompson
Dimebag Darrell
Iconoclast said:
Seeing the hero worshipping going on in every forum and the expected onslaught of tributes in every magazine for a man whose band were major instigators of nu-metal just turns my stomach.

Nu-metal wasn't instigated by Pantera Iconoclast, OK I am a Pantera fan but not the type that will force you to listen to them. If you like their music fine if not then fine again.

Nu-Metal bands such as Linkin Park, Limb Biscuit and all that shit played music that was done ages ago. The first ever bands to do something like that were Run DMC & Aerosmith and Anthrax & Public Enemy.

Pantera for me stood above every other metal band in the metal dark ages of the Midd 90's. When Iron Maiden were releasing crap records with Blaze and Priest were copying Pantera and Metallica, Pantera were the only band to smash through all that crap with the Southern Trendkill (Again only my opinion)

But the fact remains that Nu-metal is the bastardisation of Rap and Metal and that was instigated buy the bands I mentioned above.
I didn't say that they were the instigators of it, but they played a major part in it. To deny that is moronic. They were trend-hopping cunts. Fuck them.
I for one am gutted by this news it is a sad day when someone can walk into a public place and just remove a talent in front of our eyes. he will be missed.
It is also good to see that the metal world is still the united , us against the world, all for one, group of people that it was 30 years ago.
Iconoclast said:
I didn't say that they were the instigators of it, but they played a major part in it. To deny that is moronic. They were trend-hopping cunts. Fuck them.

OK I hear what you say,

But for Pantera to have played a major part in the creation of Nu-Metal they must have influenced various bands.

I for one can't think of any Nu-Metal bands that sounded like Pantera.
Maybe some singers mimed Phil
but that's just about it.