Dimebag Darrell shot to death during concert

There lies the proof that stage invincibility and being a great person don't seem to protect you against the madness which humanity is......

Rest in Piece , Dimebag Darrol Abbott
i dont ever post on these boards but seeing that evergrey is the shit to me right now i figured i would speak out here

we all need to take a moment and reflect on what life is
this guy was doing what we all want to do in some sense...... life our dream
why would anyone wanna take someones life over that????????

to DIMEBAG i will always remember you for one thing one thing only

chandler arizona 1992 it was a summer fest and there was like 12 bands all day
you guys played at like 3ish
wow what a pit the most insane pit i have ever seen
i remember the blood the sweat the dust cloud stirred up during cowboys songs wow man you were the epitome of what a rock star is
prayers to your solumate she must be devistatedto her i say ...know he left this shit whole world and is waiting for ya on the otherside ...... damn huney from the bottom of ym heart im soooo sorry to dimebags family and friends i wish i couold take his place for you all right now :(
truely truely a sad day
again metal is not about guns and violence its about unleashing that shit and feelings in the pit ???? correct?????
i know in my 34 years i have survived on nothing but my faith and love in HEAVY METAL
the king diamonds of the world the iron maidens of the world the pantera of the world and most recent the evergreys of the world....
tears tears tears are falling my god what a tragedy....

thanks for letting me vent guys i soo apreciate the EVERGREY world right now

For every tear that falls .......... for dimebag,dave(drowning pool), and layne ....ill always remember you for what you made me think feel and believe...............

NOW TOM JONAS AND HENRIK and RIKARD AND MICHEAL........ give us fans something to remember dimebag and that awesome fucking crunching guitar sound.....
kin of funny
press says when nirvana came about metal died....hmmm i remember getting COWBOYS FROM HELL and nope metal wasnt and isnt dead...........
we as a metal society must unite and reach out to these lost mother fuckers and send em where they need to be ....... fighting the taliban not one another....

again thanks for letting me rant
How the hell can someone go shoot his idol??
I thought Lennon´s murder was wierd and stupid, but this is far more wicked!!! :yell:

He was a true :saint:

:cry: :cry: :cry:
Doomchica said:
It flips me out in terms of the future/ show security.... I always assumed we were safe since we're not in the rap world, you know?

I don't think the metal community is any less violent than the hip hop community; we're just more likely to use our fists (or elbows or heads or feet...) than knives and guns. I've seen people get the crap kicked out of them at shows.
The metal world is just as dangerous as the hip-hop/rap world. The difference is that for the most part, we metallers aren't cowards about it and don't have to be in a huge group to take on a single person. On the other hand, Wednesday was an examination in cowardice.

I personally think that John Lennon was one of the greatest human beings of all time.
As i read all the different forums and posts it warms my heart that so many people feel the same grief as i do. Dimebag's death is just so unreal, im feeling fucked up since i heard the tragidy.
I cant even imagine what Vinnie is going through now....
A lot of people think negative about metal and people who like it, but they dont see that a lot of us are actually humans as well. We are all normal people, and Dime was one hell of a friendly guy who loved his fans. Most people see him as some wild hairy guy running around the stage, but he was so much more than that.

Rest in Peace man, we will miss you

When I heard that “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott was murdered while on stage, all I could think about at the time was then I met him when I was 15 at Zia Records by my house in Phoenix, AZ. I waited some hours to get my poster autographed by all of Pantera, most importantly my favorite metal guitarist of all time. Years later, I had the privilege to talk to him at an adult level about 3 months before this tragedy happened, at the age of 22. With a beer in my hand at the famous Rainbow Room Bar and Grill on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, I ran into Dime by the cigarette machine and asked him if I could speak with him. We talked about a lot of things for about 5 min, like when he played Mesa Amphitheater in Mesa, AZ on The Great Southern Trendkill tour in 1996. He was real responsive and friendly, and I wished him much future success in his new band Damageplan which I was impressed by with the work he did on their debut album New Found Power. When I thought about how we said goodbye, what happened was Dime and I hit both our fists together, and I said, “See ya at the Damageplan show in Tempe, AZ and his typical saying he said to me was “You know it brother,” I basically cried the second I heard the news and reminisced on that great moment.

He was such a down to earth guy, and influenced my life as a guitar player all throughout my teenage years. It was spiritual to get ready for a Pantera concert and to hear the man play live growing up. This affects all the metal communities worldwide, it will affect me for the rest of my life, and he will go down in history as a guitar legend and as a lifestyle. As a musician, I am not afraid when I perform on stage, even if a band doesn’t have any security, there is that sense of decency at least for a human not to harm another human over music. For this person with mental illness or whatever it was that triggered the murder, the stalker like obsession for musicians or any celebrity should be reported immediately to authorities. I don’t think this has ever happened before in the history of music, as far as someone getting on stage and executing someone while they are still handling their instrument. I will never forget this tragic event, to me it hit harder than 9/11.

We dedicated our show to Dimebag Dec 10th, 2004 at The Marquee Theater at the same venue Damageplan performed about a month prior from the show. The show started out as a local metal bands fest, but it was declared a memorial for Dimebag with about 800 in attendance. Channel 5 news did a coverage story about the issue of violence at metal shows with me and some of the Motive members. Our vocalist Nathan Gearhart did guest vocals with a thrash metal band from Phoenix, called Motive, they performed Fucking Hostile by Pantera. R.I.P. Dimebag, shred some licks with Chuck Schuldiner in the spiritual world, and we will meet again. My deepest condolences go to the family and friends of the victims in this berserk asinine shooting.
jaimek said:
I don't think the metal community is any less violent than the hip hop community; we're just more likely to use our fists (or elbows or heads or feet...) than knives and guns. I've seen people get the crap kicked out of them at shows.
Well, I have never hung out in the hip/hop world and I don't anticipate that I ever will... Still, refecting on 20 years in the metal community, I have to agree that I have seen my share of fistfights, but the people I have been around have usually been way better behaved than the Bible thumpers would wanna believe. ;)

Difference is, you can recover from a punch in the mouth. Bouncers can usually break up a fight before it gets to the point where somebody can be maimed or killed. We are not afforded these luxuries when guns get thrown into the mix, and guns, to the best of my knowledge, seem to be more prevalent at hip hop shows and clubs.

I wish I could say they are not a problem at *any* kind of show... I hope this awful tragedy is an isolated incident, though in light of it I was doubly scared to hear that Paul Dianno was attacked onstage in Isreal by an overzealous fan 2 nights ago....
Doomchica: You're right. A punch is pretty much the extent of our fightings, or so it would seem. Black metal exluded that is.

As well, we don't tend to hold grudges as often as rap/hip-hop posses and gangs do. We duke it out and fo'get abou' it. We don't need fifteen guys with guns to settle a week long score against one guy. We can keep it clean.

Not to say that all rap fans/rap stars are all this violent, and not to say that all metal fans/metallers aren't violent either. Look at Gaahl. He believes he had reasons to attack that guy, but I personally don't see why. And, of course, poor old Danzig and his little brawl with the North Side Kings (or whoever that band was). I suppose it could have been a lot worse than Danzig being knocked out.

I'm a pacifist. So this all really sucks.
i just think that dimebag would be ok if they had metal detectors..... here in portugal dosen't matter if the band playing is a garage band or a huge band.. u have to pass through metal detectors... It's just unreal all of this.. Dimebag darrell dead... just can't belive it..
Raine Lionheart said:
First Somnium, then Quorthon, and now Dimebag. Not to mention Chuck Schuldiner a few years back.
Ok, they all died, but the reasons (suicide, cancer,..) were all quite different than this one..
I too was schocked to hear this. Not just the fact that DD died, but that those poor innocent fans, that just wanted to have some fun had to die too.. It seems like everywhere people (from fans to journalists) only revolt against DD's death, but don't really care about the other victims here..
I personally don't think the venue is to blame. If that crazy fan wanted to kill someone he could just as easily have done it outside after or before the gig as inside..
Security would have helped, but it's not a guarantee of safety.

Jaxx, the club I go to all the time, has metal detectors at the front door and a couple of big security guys, but it would still be easy for someone with a grudge to get in and hurt people. The last time Evergrey played there, I followed them in the back door after chatting with them for a couple of hours by the buses - I was amazed how easy it was to walk in, and nobody said a word to any of us who didn't have passes.

Granted, we were following the band in, but there were three bands walking around outside; it would have been very easy to assume that some random person was with one of the other two. And it's very dark in that corner where the back entrance is, even though they have stage security as well. Any fuckwit with a gun could get in, and before you know it, bam, it's over.

That possibility has always been there, though. I'm just really sad that someone took advantage of it. I'm interested to see how security measures will change as a result.
Raine Lionheart said:
And, of course, poor old Danzig and his little brawl with the North Side Kings (or whoever that band was). I suppose it could have been a lot worse than Danzig being knocked out.

Not to say that I am pro-violence...but he had that one coming.
From the sounds of it Doomchica, yes he did.

Anneke: I know that none of them were murdered, but that fact that they died period sucks, because Quorthon and Chuck Schuldiner especially, helped to shape their respective subgenres. Hell, Quorthon shaped black metal period, established it musically. Chuck damn well revolutionized Death metal. That's why I put their names along side Dimebag's. He added a new sound to metal in general.
@ Raine Lionhart: I agree with you...
I always be thankfull to Pantera to take MA on tour..
I want to share a post from someone with you, who really touched me:

To our friend Dime,
May you rest in peace, you will be dearly missed by all of us...

Last night I received the worst kind of phone call. A friend of mine was murdered. A friend who dedicated his life to putting smiles on people's faces. A friend whose heart was as big as his home state of Texas. A friend who'd give you the shirt off his back then drink you under the table. A friend whose music and humor touched the lives of millions in a positive way.

We'll miss you brother. Blacktooths forever on the other side.

Evil "D"/David Vincent