i dont ever post on these boards but seeing that evergrey is the shit to me right now i figured i would speak out here
we all need to take a moment and reflect on what life is
this guy was doing what we all want to do in some sense...... life our dream
why would anyone wanna take someones life over that????????
to DIMEBAG i will always remember you for one thing one thing only
chandler arizona 1992 it was a summer fest and there was like 12 bands all day
you guys played at like 3ish
wow what a pit the most insane pit i have ever seen
i remember the blood the sweat the dust cloud stirred up during cowboys songs wow man you were the epitome of what a rock star is
prayers to your solumate she must be devistatedto her i say ...know he left this shit whole world and is waiting for ya on the otherside ...... damn huney from the bottom of ym heart im soooo sorry to dimebags family and friends i wish i couold take his place for you all right now

truely truely a sad day
again metal is not about guns and violence its about unleashing that shit and feelings in the pit ???? correct?????
i know in my 34 years i have survived on nothing but my faith and love in HEAVY METAL
the king diamonds of the world the iron maidens of the world the pantera of the world and most recent the evergreys of the world....
tears tears tears are falling my god what a tragedy....
thanks for letting me vent guys i soo apreciate the EVERGREY world right now
For every tear that falls .......... for dimebag,dave(drowning pool), and layne ....ill always remember you for what you made me think feel and believe...............
NOW TOM JONAS AND HENRIK and RIKARD AND MICHEAL........ give us fans something to remember dimebag and that awesome fucking crunching guitar sound.....
kin of funny
press says when nirvana came about metal died....hmmm i remember getting COWBOYS FROM HELL and nope metal wasnt and isnt dead...........
we as a metal society must unite and reach out to these lost mother fuckers and send em where they need to be ....... fighting the taliban not one another....
again thanks for letting me rant