Dimebag & Kerry King practicing together in 1989!!

FUCKING AWESOME, but my computer can't play it very well--it stutters like a motherfucker
Also, whoever fucking encoded the thing, it fast-forwards or some shit...annoying

Cool to see those guys so young...Phil and Dime were what, 21?

King isn't much of a lead player
jpike said:
Can you play any of thier leads? or any at all?
Actually I play bass. While I've never attempted to learn a slay solo I'm sure I could manage.

Can you play any of their leads? Or anything at all?
whitey131 said:
The more I thought about this statement, the more it sounds like your attempt at calling me out musically.

Here's my band http://www.gideonspawn.com

Where's yours?
That's exactly what he's doing. It's a cheap shot; instead of actually coming up with a coherent argument, he tries to shut you down.

Like if I say, "Star Wars Episodes 1-3 suck donkey dick", and you say, "well, let's see you make a movie, smart guy". Whatever.

Dime could shred, could play soulfully, he could jam spontaneously, and he had a beautiful yet brutal tone, one of the most recognizable in all of music. Kerry King can do none of these things.