Dimmu & Behemoth @ Starland?

Didn't make it to this show though I would have liked to. Life has just been really hetic lately with so much going on that I could not squeeze it in. Over the past couple years I have drawn away from black and death metal big time and do not really listen to any bands along those lines anymore. However two bands I will always look back on and still enjoy are both Dimmu and Behemoth. They stand out so much above the others due to the way they craft their music and put on excellent live shows. I feel those two bands are at the top of the ladder when it comes to those two genres.

The first time I saw Behemoth was a few years ago at BB Kings. They were opening for Suffocation which is whom I was going to see because I saw them previously open for Morbid Angel and enjoyed them very much. I walked in towards the end of Cattle Decapitation and was happy they were over because I thought they were horrible. Next up comes this band from Poland called Behemoth and there was some sort of spark running through the crowd as they took the stage. I suddenly became very interested and started paying attention. I was drawn right into their power and energy it was like nothing I have ever seen before from a death metal band. Though I knew none of their songs I was headbanging and getting really into it two or three songs in. I remember being extremely disappointed when their set was over as I wanted more. When Suffocation came out I was so blown away by Behemoth that I sat down for their first few songs and I think that by their fifth song I made my way for the exit and started heading home. Bought Demigod a few weeks later when it came out and had that in heavy rotation for quite some time. Saw Behemoth again opening for King Diamond. Another flawless amazing set, just thought that it was a crime that they were going on before Black Dahlia Murder.

As far as Dimmu goes I first saw them at the NJ Hardcore and Metal Fest in 2003. I knew nothing about them or Children of Bodom going into that night. I was mostly there to accompany my cousin and my friend and to check out Nevermore whom I love. That night when I saw Bodom and Dimmu take over that stage and the way the audience responded it was was if they were the Judas Priest and Iron Maiden of extreme metal. I was blown away and soon bought all their albums. Sadly I never had the chance to see Dimmu do a full headlining set. I believe the only other time I saw them was their Ozzfest performance which was just amazing anyway because who would have ever thought you would see Dimmu, Slayer, Priest and Sabbath all in a row.

Too bad I missed this tour since they are the two that I still dig. Looking forward to catching them down the line again.
I'm not very familiar with the music of either Keep of Kalessin or Behemoth. I think I gave Armada a quick spin once and wasn't impressed enough to feel revisiting was worth my time (fairly average, fairly uninspired Black Metal). So my perspective on this show wasn't that of a Behemoth fan. That said, as live acts, there's absolutely no comparison. Behemoth is 10x the live band that K of K is, in terms of energy, stage presence and musicianship.

I suspect the fact that their videos have all been exceptionally well done and that they've been in heavy rotation on MTV2's HB, has gotten people to go to their shows and their live performance has sealed the deal.

Saw them at Wacken and thought they were very good.


Hey man, you should give Armada another spin. It's definitely not average or uninspired. To be quite honest... it's not totally black metal either! The fact that they blend black with death and mix it with other genres makes them stand out from the rest imo. I haven't seen them live though so I dunno where they stand there. Cool to hear that Dimmu still has it.
Hey man, you should give Armada another spin. It's definitely not average or uninspired. To be quite honest... it's not totally black metal either! The fact that they blend black with death and mix it with other genres makes them stand out from the rest imo. I haven't seen them live though so I dunno where they stand there.
I'll give it another spin. I spun a few tracks after reading your post. While they incorporate influences from other sub-genres, I'd still say Black Metal is by far the most prominent. But hey, arguing over which genre a band falls in, is as pointless as musical conversation gets.

Cool to hear that Dimmu still has it.
Well, I suspect everyone brings their A game to Wacken.

I caught both bands at NEMHF over the weekend...Behemoth stole the show by far. Only stayed for a few Dimmu songs, couldn't handle much more than that. The drummer they have with them is sloppy as hell and really took away from the performance. Also, the horrendously cheesy videos Dimmu had behind them were real lame (think skulls shooting lightning bolts to form pentagrams, but even lamer than that already sounds because it was quite poorly put together).
Who is playing drums for them this tour? I had heard it was Tony Laureano but I have a really hard time believing that he would be sloppy at all.
As a side note, the chap who made the leather armor for Behemoth and Dimmu Borgir just happens to be a newly added crafter at the Georgia Rennaissance Festival. I happened to mention 'metal' at his tent and his eyes lit up...and then he showed me the signed pic of Behemoth wearing his stuff. Pretty awesome. (And pricey, but oh well....)