Need your help in making a decision!

I don't see anything wrong with not being satisfied with a sub-par performance. I said Behemoth was great. this guy didn't seem too concerned about symphony x or i would have said they're an amazing live band. But he knew that. Dimmu was horrible the last two times they were in town, and were better when i saw them a few years ago. Why were they horrible? Because Vortex looked bored on stage, Hellhammer is horrible in dimmu (far too mechanical... technically a great drummer but has NO feeling), Shagrath needs to stop eating so damn much or else just abandon the leather pants (i say that and i'm generally not worried about anyone's fat-ass on stage) and the band just looks like they're going through the motions of a job. It's not interesting to me. If someone else finds it interesting, fuckin' cool, but if they're asking for opinions, i don't mind giving mine.

Nothing worse than forum where someone asks for opinions and people get pissed if someone has a negative opinion on something. God forbid i actually care about a band i pay to see putting on a great show.

Edit: I haven't seen Keep of Kalissen live. I'd like to. I hear they're great, and Armada is an awesome album. I'd like to see them tour with a better package next time.
I wasn't saying you were wrong. I was just implying that you're typically more negative than positive.

In fact, I have a very hard time pinpointing more than a handful of times you've said you liked something.
Dimmu sucks live now. They're terrible, so if you go to that show you can feel free to leave before they play. behemoth is a great live band if they happen to score on the sound. If their sound sucks, their songwriting is too chaotic for it to be anything but mud. If their sound is good, they'll rock your nads.

Epica is nothing special live, with or without simone.

I saw Dimmu with and without Nick Barker, and they were more precise with him than with Hellhammer. Nick, IMHO, is a better drummer than Hellhammer, and although Bostaph is good I was really looking forward to seeing what Nick would've don on the chair for Testament. Behemoth puts on a good live show too. I'd have to go to both shows though, they're all too good not to.
I wasn't saying you were wrong. I was just implying that you're typically more negative than positive.

In fact, I have a very hard time pinpointing more than a handful of times you've said you liked something.

Some people mistake opinions that are realistic for negativity. Just because a person doesn't bow down to mediocrity & isn't afraid to speak out against it doesn't mean he is negative. Actually...said person may be trying to enlighten you to your choice of bands that are stale, bland & non-talented. Some people can't handle realism.
Some people mistake opinions that are realistic for negativity. Just because a person doesn't bow down to mediocrity & isn't afraid to speak out against it doesn't mean he is negative. Actually...said person may be trying to enlighten you to your choice of bands that are stale, bland & non-talented. Some people can't handle realism.

I agree with everything except for the last part. Honestly, i could give a rat's ass what someone else listens to. That's their deal, and maybe what's stale and overdone as a whole is new and fresh to someone. I'm not going to try to take that away from them, i'm just saying it doesn't work for me.

I've also noticed that people tend to think in groups, so if most of the group is saying "oh yeah, amazing, we love it :worship:notworthy:worship:notworthy " then people seem to have a hard time disagreeing. I just don't see why it's so bad to have a differing opinion.
Well thank you all for your insightful :loco: information... After reading the first 3 or 4 responds I was seriously leaning towards Dimmu, but as the thread progressed.... I will buy my tickets on Wednesday this week so a decision has to be made by then.