Dimmu Borgir banned for saying bullshit on the air


Metal Lord
Jun 19, 2002
Laurel, MD USA
o_O DIMMU BORGIR, were promptly escorted from the premises after using profanity during a live radio interview Wednesday afternoon for commercial rock radio station WMMS-FM (100.7) in Cleveland. The Norwegian black metal act was in town to promote their appearance on the main stage of Ozzfest at the Blossom Music Center in Cleveland on Thursday, August 19th.

According to a press release, the incident in question occurred shortly after the start of the interview with WMMS midday host, Maxwell. While responding to a question from the DJ regarding JUDAS PRIEST vocalist Rob Halford's sexuality, Dimmu Borgir vocalist Shagrath and guitarist Silenoz stated that the controversy surrounding Halford's homosexuality is "fucking bullshit" and that it was an honor to play on the same stage as Judas Priest. Maxwell
proceeded to declare the interview over at that moment and cut to a commercial. During the commercial break, Maxwell and station management ordered the band to leave WMMS studios. After coming back from commercial, the DJ insulted Dimmu Borgir on the air, urging Ozzfest attendees to throw rocks and other items at the stage during their set on the main stage Thursday.

The band is claiming that the boundaries of what they could say on the radio were not explained to them by station management before the interview, and that they had no idea what was considered unsuitable language for American radio. At this time, there is no indication that any action will be taken by WMMS's corporate parent, Clear Channel Communications.

Dimmu Borgir are currently performing on the main stage of this year's Ozzfest in support of their 2003 release Death Cult Armageddon, which has sold over 65,000 copies in the U.S. to date.

Here's the DJ's email address incase you want to send
him some hatemail.

This guys such a hypocrite that he's got the curse word Bitch on his radio profile http://www.wmms.com/jox_maxwell.html
How the hell can the radio station take action, when they urged people to throw rocks at the band? If anything, the band should be taking action against the station :erk:

Only in America.
It's going to be more exposure for Dimmu Borgir in the States. Thanks, Clear Channel.
thespectralsorrows said:
This guys such a hypocrite that he's got the curse word Bitch on his radio profile http://www.wmms.com/jox_maxwell.html

WMMS is well within their rights to escort the band from the property and off the air as it is a privately owned entity. Clear Channel already has enough on their plate with fines from the Federal Communications Commission for alleged on-air indecency from Howard Stern (most of which is bogus, in my opinion). Much as I hate to say it, Dimmu Borgir has done enough television to know what the Federal Communications Commission guidelines are for American broadcasting and, if not, then the producer of the show should have made sure that they did, indeed, understand. The part about rock throwing is out of line, though.

It should be noted that the word, "bitch," is not on the list of Seven Dirty Words that are forbidden from being uttered on-air. These seven words are:
  • Shit
  • Piss
  • Fuck
  • Cunt
  • Cocksucker
  • Motherfucker
  • Tits

You can also add, cock, prick, dick and pussy, though these are subjective, depending on their context. For instance, you can say, "The cock crowed three times," but you cannot say, "That guy got his huge cock broken and he had to go to the doctor." You can say, "I pricked my finger," but you're not allowed to say, "I fingered my prick!" Dick can be used if you say it to be an insult ("That guy's a real dick!"), but you can't use it to name the male genitalia. Same for "pussy." You can call a cat a pussy ("We grabbed that pussy, put it in a box and loaded it on the airplane!"), but you can't call a woman's vagina that.
So the radio stations website has scantily clad females everywhere and a 'babe of the day' section yet it says that you cannot say swearwords on air? Why did they have DB interviewed if they later tell people to throw rocks at them.

I am not a DB fan but this is just not right!
Thats such a load of crap. It really shows the direction that this country is headed and its a damn shame. Cencorship and stuff like that is getting way out of control. It reminds me of a quote I saw in Rolling Stone magazine; "After 9-11, Bush had the chance to unite the nation, instead he tried to push it to the right". The country is getting more and more conservative and that is fucking bullshit
Donnie Darko said:
Thats such a load of crap. It really shows the direction that this country is headed and its a damn shame. Cencorship and stuff like that is getting way out of control. It reminds me of a quote I saw in Rolling Stone magazine; "After 9-11, Bush had the chance to unite the nation, instead he tried to push it to the right". The country is getting more and more conservative and that is fucking bullshit

may I add that this has to be the most ridiculous tale I have ever heard - I am utterly astonished by the allegations that the band Dimmu Borgir would contain members expressing themselves in such a disharmonic way - it will take me several days to comtemplate the consequences for my well-being and my outlook on life and human beings in general - I shall be under a tree by the river
TwilightSymphony said:
It should be noted that the word, "bitch," is not on the list of Seven Dirty Words that are forbidden from being uttered on-air. These seven words are:
  • Shit
  • Piss
  • Fuck
  • Cunt
  • Cocksucker
  • Motherfucker
  • Tits
I'm obviously not in the US but I have heard all of these words used on radio over here. Besides don't they pay someone to bleep them:Smug: (no, I am not being serious)
Actually, that's the incident that got the whole ball rolling...one boob showing one of her boobs. Something like 500,000 complaints about that (considering the number of people watching the show, that only amounts to about 1/2%-1% of the total viewing audience). It gave the Bush-appointed members of the FCC the opportunity to try to turn the US airwaves back to the 1950's. I don't think it will happen.
This is what I was talking about in another post:

I'm American, but I live in Europe. I recently visited the states to see my family, and forgot how fucking dumb American logic is. We can't say "fucking bullshit" on the air, or show nudity, yet we can show someone getting murdered. Oh no, we offended someone's sensibilities...what do we do? We certainly didn't worry about offending the sensibilities of the civilian victims in the bomb impact in Iraq yesterday.
The later is about newsvalue... if it was a bunch of american soldiers, then there would be a big hollaballoh, now when there were Iraqi citizens (soon to be soldiers actually) no-one cares.