"Dio - Killing The Dragon"

Well ive heard a couple of tracks (KTD and Push) sounds like he has picked up right after Last In Line, tis cool! :rock:
It was awesome, talk about over the top! Just the kind of thing you pay your money to see!

Apparently Metallica supported him on that tour and bagged him for the excessive stage props and that.... bahhh people pay to see a show, if you can afford it, give it to them! Metallica ended up realising that anyway soon, look how cool their Justice/Black tours were.
Load and Reload tours were great also, and you are right, people pay their money to see a SHOW, not 4 bums playing instruments!
Exactly :)

I can't really understand why grunge became so big and crushed metal in the mainstream in the early '90s. Why the hell would people say "Ahhhh I'm sick of being entertained, let's see a fw bums stand there and whinge."
