Direct Vs. Mic


Mar 31, 2007
Kearney, NE
Moved on to guitars in the album's recording process, and I'm running into a problem. I've read the threads on the clayman sound and slipperman's shit, but I'm having a hell of a time getting a good mic'd amp sound. The lows are real "farty" and the notes aren't coming out very clear. We've had to damn near dial out all of the low end to try to get anything useable. And having the amp at the volume it needs to be to get the speakers to move is a bitch to control!!! (my neighbors are calling the cops...)

To make this shit even harder, I heard a demo from another band around here that recorded all the guitars direct and they sounded fucking killer! Everything came through and it still sounded heavy as shit. They were using a boss 8track with a built COSM amp sim.

I'm not one for amp sims, but what sounds good sounds fucking good. Any advice to help me out? What's your opinion on going direct?

Hear's what we're using:
ESP with Evolution pickups
BBE Sonic stomp
Marshall ATV 150
You mean Marshall AVT... not ATV...

...and that right there is your problem... they sound like ass pancakes... IMO

you're probably better off going direct and using impulses...

what speakers/cab are you using?

I've also had nothing but problems trying to use BBE gear... I tried using a 482i on my Dual Rec (when I still had one) and it sucked all the life out of it... didnt matter what the setting were, it sounded like a 15 watt practice amp... really pissed me off.

never heard anything decent come from it, except a 882i in a hifi home stereo system... sounded nice.
Yea, Avt is what I meant. Marshall cabs. Celestian speakers. not sure of the model though. Came with the head. Everything sounds good, I just can't get it to sound good mic'd.

What do you mean by "impulses"
Do a couple searches...

uhm... if it sounds good to you in the room, then try moving the mic... keep moving it until it sounds good... try moving the mic back from the cab until it sounds good...

keep trying different things until you capture what your ears hear... IF it sounds good.
I recorded a mode 4 back in the day... I'll post it later today... it didnt sound half bad... but the vocals on that track... EWW!

Yeah, I mean it CAN sound quite decent but when I did it It was quite a while back and I did a few mistakes. Just so much fuzzyness that I had to EQ the whole high section out lol. Mesa is just ohhh LAA LAAA! :D
avt = bizz fuzz crap dont bother trying to record this amp unless you realy like the sound of it as for direct or mic i would go with the mic (but thats cos i dont know shit about direct) if you can but if t neigbors are calling t cops go find out about the direct option also you could record the guitar signal and post it up here for someone to reamp it they might do it for free and it would probaly sound a lot better than t avt ( i dont mean to rip on your amp dude its just your not going to get a pro sound out of that amp sorry )
I would have expected someone to ask this straight away, so maybe this is a continuation of another thread I missed, but... uh... what mic(s) and pre(s) are you using?