dirty little secrets

Korn love their stuff
Deftones i agree white pony is AWESOME! i love that album!
and i have bon jovi's these days green day - insomniac heh haven't listened to it for forever actually was one of the first cds i ever bought and i bought coz it had geek stink breath i think that was the name. And then i have some rap wu-tang,eminem,dr.dre,mob depp heh haven't listened to them either for a long time busy with listening to metal!
ehm and i also have two limp bizkit albms the debut and significant. yeah i bought them when i was into nu-metal i still like some songs of em haven't listened to them either for along time don't have time when there is better music to check out...
I have lots of nu-metal CD's, but I'm not ashamed of them. Actually now that I think about it, there isn't really much to be ashamed of, only a few hip-hop CD's and some punk CD's.

Bleed for me:

I wouldn't regard Demanufacture as nu-metal, it was around before nu-metal. I think of it more as industrial metal, but that's just my opinion.

I also like NIN.
I guess I can't say I'm embarassed about anything I listen to. If I were, I wouldn't listen to it. And calling a "guilty pleasure" is just an act of self-deception.

I do own every Tori Amos CD, and my friends act as if I should be ashamed. What's to be ashamed about? She's the darkest female artist with anything approaching popularity I can think of; wonderful musician; excellent songwriting, even brilliant on some albums; cool ideas of what music is, as evidenced by her choices of covers and collaborators (Slayer, Trent Reznor, Nirvana); fuck, she's dope :).

If you're ashamed of it, don't listen to it.
Originally posted by saturnix
everybody has a band/cd or two that they SHOULDN'T like, but they do. for instance, i happen to really like Billy Joel, and a Swedish pop singer named Robyn (at least she's Swedish!)

anybody else?

What was that? Are you saying because we like x music, we cannot like y?

That's the "tr00 blackmetal" mentality, I think :confused:.
er.... i say "shouldn't" like because there are obviously bands that don't do much as compared to "metal" bands. i happen to like robyn, despite the fact that she is essentially a piece of fluff... some of the bands on this thread deserve more respect than others, thusly aren't "embarrassing" in its true sense.
um...eehhh..well i use to think pantera was cool. and britney turn me on sometime. but i think that's about it.

even the singer of saturnus like madonna so you have nothing to be ashame of. except for liking eminem, uhh, that's just too wrong for me
I caught shit on this forum a little while back for listening to Ani Defranco.....
maybe she's a little to prolific to put out 100% quality 100% of the time, but there are a few pretty special moments.




probably too much to list, but ill try:

Bon Jovi.. i own many CDs... Dry County is their best ever song, These Days is their best album, both still get a decent listen..

80s Metal... poison, motley crue, skid row, etc etc..

Powderfinger, pearl jam, rem, live... the type of music that is easy, nice to listen to.. you can play when other people are around, and talk over.. yet is still interesting..

hmmm, Green Day's Dookie i still love..

the list goes on and on..

i like some Silverchair songs ("Ana's Song", "Emotion Sickness")

i like radiohead and tool but neither of those should make an appearance on this thread (but other people mentioned them so... )



none of this im ashamed of... if i get something from music then ill listen to it... if not then i wont...
YaYo... dude. I have all of Bon Jovi's records up to Destination Anywhere.

These Days is awesome. "My guitar lies bleeding in my arms" Is an awesomely dark song.

Hey god is good too.

Bon Jovi :headbang:

I have all of Bruce Springsteen's catalogue too... ha ha.
"My guitar lies bleeding in my arms" Is an awesomely dark song.
Isnt it just?? That whole album is so varied though, thats whats good about it, i mean its all rock but its all structured differently with different sounds and stuff, great album.

uhh theres another song.. something about "its hard, letting you go"... its fairly dark and miserable too, but its also got a nicer sound to it in parts.. listen to that song and listen to the acoustic guitar fingerpicked sound that first comes in after a little while, its mixed so well..