Disabled by heavy metal.

Hahaha yeah, saw that a few days ago on my local forum.

Man... if only centrelink started give out Metalhead allowance.... they already give out plenty of Meth-head allowance to the southern suburbs, and plenty of Stolen-generation-stfu allowance. :(
Well hell, I have to take my dole form into Stinkalink tomorrow. Wonder if I could get away with that too, considering I am older than he is, therefore my life has been affected by my music choices for longer.
That guy so wins teh worldz. All one of teh internetz isn't even enough to show just how win that is.
reposted from the link i posted:

DoomsdayZach said:
lugubrious said:
And no, this isnt some asshole abusing the welfare system like a lot of blabbermorons believe.

Yes it is. This is fucking ridiculous and sounds exactly like some of the retards that live in this country. There are rules and expectations, and maybe having groomed hair (long or short), decent dress and minimal hygene is something that people SHOULD expect of others. If you're a metalhead and don't adhere to these things (and it's a fucking choice, not an addiction), you don't deserve to get the same wages as other people who have worked harder to get where they are.

Man, i choose to have long hair and wear metal shirts to work, and who knows? Maybe i could have something other than entry level, no benifits work if i cleaned up a bit? But ultimately that's a choice that I make, and i'm happy with the one i have made.

I seriously hate this guy. It's amusing, but at the same time, what a dick. Glad that we'll have yet another reason people look at the metal community as a bunch of slackers and wastoids.
This same topic came up on the mikeportnoy.com forums.

i think its rediculous that they would even give him disability for something like this. instead of disability and supporting his apparent addiction, why not give him rehab so he can not only continue to work, but also get somewhere.

all he is ever gonna be able to do is wash dishes if they are just gonna support his addiction. if they can ween him off it, maybe he can move up and be restaurant manager :D