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sir rebirtthop

15 most amazing music sites on the web

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July 21, 2006 - 2:24PM

Don't look now but the online revolution is here. Here's a guide to some great online music sites.


Best for: buying music.

First came the iPod, in 2001. Then, in April 2003, Apple launched the iTunes Music Store (Australia's came last year). It's easy to forget now, but at that point record labels viewed the digital marketplace as an outlaw space awash with file-sharing pirates such as the formerly ubiquitous Napster.

In rode Apple founder Steve Jobs and everything changed. Three years later and iTunes has sold 1 billion tracks worldwide, passing this milestone last month. The store's global dominance of digital album and singles sales is estimated to be about 70 per cent.

Not everyone is happy, however. Napster has gone legit and is promoting an alternative subscription model, and both Amazon and Google are rumoured to be launching their own music stores. But to break Apple's stranglehold, all they really have to do is invent a portable player as sexy as the iPod and a download store to match. Until then, Jobs will reign supreme: the geek has inherited the earth.


Best for: band biographies and free classical music.

Almost everyone knows about Wikipedia - the free-content, web-based encyclopedia written collaboratively by volunteers. Evidently those volunteers include a fair share of music fans: you can find a vast store of musical knowledge here, covering pretty much every base. One noteworthy aspect of Jimmy Wales' creation is that Wikipedia also contains a vast reservoir of free sound files.

Because of copyright laws, the site doesn't have much by contemporary artists but its classical collection is growing daily. Mozart and Beethoven are best represented, with more than 20 pieces each. Other composers have fewer files, and they are in the "Ogg Vorbis" format, which won't play on an iPod although they are compatible with most computer players.


Best for: keeping up with the kids and new bands.

Thanks to the success of the Arctic Monkeys, there's hardly a soul who hasn't heard of MySpace, the largest online social networking site in the world. MySpace started in 2004 as a forum for anyone who wanted to post details of their life and contact other like-minded users.

More than 1 million bands and artists now use MySpace to announce tour dates and post messages.

Increasingly, the record industry is shy of signing acts that haven't already proved themselves in this way. Both Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and Wolf Parade prospered via their MySpace profiles and saw record deals follow.


Best for: amusing yourself on a half-day sick in bed.

With broadband becoming ubiquitous, internet video is the hottest new thing and YouTube is the place to check it out. Anyone from record and film companies to members of the public can transfer videos from their PC or Mac to the site, where users can view them without special software.

The 277,000 clips in the Music Channel range from the current to the classic and the professional to the endearingly amateur.

There's something for everyone, from Funkadelic, Iggy, and the Specials, to a disturbing mash-up of '50s sex education films found via an innocent search for "Britney + music".


Best for: Australian music news.

Although several overseas sites are possibly fresher with news, Undercover does an excellent job, generating more than a handful of local music news grabs a day.

It also has an impressive array of broadband-friendly video content such as interviews and music videos. The site does feature mostly major-label content and occasionally skews American - Undercover is affiliated with American sites, and Verizon Wireless' Broadband Beat.

Executive producer Paul Cashmere (who founded Undercover in 1994) is something of a music industry spokesman and he is often on programs such as A Current Affair commenting on the state of the industry.


Best for: new music tailored to your taste.

"I'm all lost in the supermarket," sang the Clash's Mick Jones, and anyone visiting the likes of iTunes recently will know what he means. The choice of tracks is so huge that locating what you want can be a nightmare.

This is where music recommendation software such as Pandora comes in. An online radio station with a twist, the listener picks his or her favourite tune or artist and the software creates a playlist of tracks with, purportedly, a similar genetic make-up.

Like the Clash? Try the Manic Street Preachers. If you like this, Pandora directs you towards Amazon or iTunes. It's a more accurate barometer of taste than the "customers who bought this title also bought ..." type listings as used by Amazon.

This could make Pandora the future when it comes to finding new and unknown pleasures.


Best for: downloading last night's mind-blowing gig.

For record fans who have spent years trawling through record fairs in search of needlessly expensive live recordings of their favourite bands, is heaven sent.

Carefully moderated to make sure no commercially available material (i.e. no singles or albums) slips online, it specialises, instead, in live gigs and demo tracks.

The scope of music, uploaded for free, is impossibly diverse, ranging from Wilco, Sun Ra and Springsteen to day-old Arctic Monkeys gigs. You need to persevere to sign up, as people only get taken on when someone else drops off. But once you're in, it's user-friendly and fun to rummage around.


Best for: weekly bulletin of indie music and news.

The most popular podcasts - radio shows designed for downloading to iPods and other MP3 players - are spoken word only, partly because major labels have been typically slow to decide the best way to license music for podcasts.

But with 30,000 subscribers downloading its weekly podcasts, Drowned in Sound has moved from cutting-edge independent e-zine to thriving interactive community.

Presented as an hour-long radio show, combining chat and humour with the best new music, DiS has proved its forward-thinking credentials elsewhere too; its in-house record label released Kaiser Chiefs' debut single Oh My God.


Best for: latest salacious and unholier than thou pop gossip.

Opinion is split on the best pop gossip website, but the two British heavyweight rivals are Holy Moly and Popbitch. Both have developed from a cliquey email of pop gossip circulated around a few extended mates to mass mailouts to millions.

Both have full websites, updated regularly, but their purpose remains the weekly mailouts, which arrive in your inbox towards the end of every week with a mixture of titillating gossip, wonderfully pointless pop trivia and hints to the identity of the unnamed celebrities in the latest lurid tabloid rumours.


Best for: the latest amusing music and video mash-ups.

San Franciscan DJ Party Ben is the master of the mash-up; songs comprised solely of bits of other songs, resulting in the final word in bastardised pop.

One current favourite is Madonna's Hung Up, which borrows from Abba's Gimme Gimme Gimme in freakish combination with Seattle indie band Death Cab for Cutie's Soul Meets Body.

Set up in 2004, the site continues to allow DJs and producers to swap the latest innovations for free and it has now taken mash-ups to the next level with streaming music video mash-ups.


Best for: never having to root in the attic for old music magazines again.

An archive of 10,000 classic pop interviews and reviews, searchable by artist or writer. You can while away hours seeing how critical opinions on the Flamin' Groovies have altered, and now, as the site builds its audio content, you can hear Hendrix mumbling about Electric Ladyland.

It's a cultural resource for students, a tool for journalists, and a great way to spend a wet afternoon. There's an annual subscription of $37 but it's worth it, if only to keep your house tidy.


Best for: sniggering at pop stars.

Founded six years ago and widely heralded as the modern-day equivalent of Smash Hits, Popjustice is the self-appointed defender of pure pop. Based on an innate understanding of the delicate equation of irreverence and insanity, idiocy and individuality, wit and style that equals pop perfection, it passes judgement on what's pop and what's not.

Its real brilliance, though, is the attention to detail epitomised by features such as the OutKast-inspired Shake it Like a Polaroid button, which simply made your screen shake like a Polaroid. Pure. Pop. Genius.


Best for: putting world music on the net.

On initial inspection, Charlie Gillett's website simply looks like a well-constructed slice of self-promotion with its archive of playlists from his BBC London radio show and biographical information. But press the "forum" button and you'll find a virtual 24-hour watering hole for insomniac world music fans.

Alongside debates on appropriate dress for African musicians, traditional roots versus club fusion, and the merits of DJing in smoky clubs, there are touching tributes to the likes of Ali Farka Toure. Although some debates stray off topic, it's a valuable resource for anyone interested in furthering their musical knowledge away from the mainstream.


Best for: the best new music writing on the web.

American webzine Stylus has the usual reviews and interviews but also contains quirky articles such as a collection of rockcrit haikus (hilarious and freakily accurate). Then there's a regular column, On Second Thought, which savages or salvages the reputation of albums depending on whether they're canonical or undervalued.


Best for: all things Dylan.

Apart from Paris Hilton (who doesn't count), surely no other artist receives as much traffic on the web as Bob Dylan. But of the all the sites devoted to him, this one is the best. Improbably run since 1994 by 57-year-old Norwegian librarian Karl Erik Andersen from his home on the edge of the Arctic Circle, its strength lies in a global network of fellow Bobcats who contribute daily links to just about everything written about Dylan as soon as it's published anywhere in the world. Add a discussion forum and such features as a "who's who" and a gazetteer cataloguing the people and places associated with his singular career, and it's the ultimate guide to Planet Bob.

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