Discovering PQ


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
I got an email from a guy called Andrew from the USA, telling me how he discovered the band and I thought you guys might like to read part of it as it is kinda cool!

I found about you guys while I was in Japan back in May... I walkedinto the Metal Disc Union in Shinjuku, Tokyo... and heard this
unbelievable music blasting the moment I walked in (If I remembercorrectly, it was Find My Heaven)... I was blown away by what I heard, Imanaged to ask the clerk what they were playing... he showed me Magic
Never Dies.... I bought it right there (not even knowing it was onlyreleased in Japan at that time), needless to say the rest of the album
blew me away too.... Find My Heaven, Galaxies Unkown, Hold Onto Love,

The Longest Night, The Message, Magic Never Dies... heck the whole

album... seriously, some of the best music I've ever heard. When I got

back to the US, I ordered copies of Wings of Forever and Neverworld....

both awesome albums. Neverworld was especially amazing. I loved that

you guys had Sabine from Edenbridge (another excellent band)doing some

vocals on Lost Without You.... I'm also really fond of Edge of Time and

When I'm Gone. I'm just fortunate to have walked into that record store

right while they were playing your music...
That's fantastic. If only they played stuff like that in our HMV's or Virgin Megastores instead of stuff people are gonna buy regardless of whether it's played in stores.

I reckon the same would happen over here...MND is a rare album in that has unlimited appeal in my opinion, it's just so accessible and damn near perfect that the same thing could happen to many people who hear it for the first time.

Excellent stuff though, must be a nice feeling to get an email like that. :headbang:
MND is an awesome album, have to say when i heard the samples i wasnt very taken with them, but i decided i'd buy the album anyway cos you cant really judge songs from samples, or even the album come to that. So i got it eventually and listening to it i thought it wasn't really very good compared to the other two albums which are immense, which i was a bit disappointed by as you've proved to be excellent song writers and musicians. BUt i thought if i listen to the album lots then i'll get used to it, get to know the songs and it'll grow on me, and of course it did! Loads of albums that i love i've thought were pretty poor or average upon first hearing, so i try to never judge an album on the first listen but give it a good chance to grow on me. And now MND is sounding really great. Went for a walk to the shops today to get me some stuff and had all PQ albums on my mp3 player and i was just wanering along in the sun miming along to the songs, so i probably looked a complete pillock but in my defense i just cant help singing along to the songs i love!

Well done guys! Can't wait to see you at Eddies in November!!
Ooooh...ummm...I guess I found out about you clicking on 'customers also bought...' on amazon, saw Neverworld, decided to check you guys out and then proceeded to order the cd immediately!! That was a while ago....
I think that's lovely that someone actually cared enough to write and tell you how much they enjoyed your music. :Spin: Too few take time out to tell a band that and it's such a shame as without feedback you're never really going to know what people make of all your hard work.

On a side note, we had MND on the other week while driving up to Hawick for a gig and one of the young uns said ... 'is that Devin Townsend?' ... to which we just laughed and rapidly went about educating this young scamp to the delights of PQ. We're still undecided whether that would be classed as a compliment or an insult, not really a comparison we'd have made. However, we took it to be a positive remark as the lad is in fact quite keen on Devin Townsend. Make of that comparison what you will! :loco:
i have PQ playing quiet often at my work For Evermore is my mangers favorite track :)

I discovered PQ at bloodstock in 03 they blew me away live went straight to there merch desk and brought Wings Of Forever than later on met the guys and got in signed and the rest they say is history
I also discovered PQ through Bloodstock 03, but it was a few months before that i found them, decided i should check out some of the bands on the bill so i could see which ones i wanted to make sure i saw there. PQ were one of the ones i chose but i couldnt download the mp3s from the site so Steve was kind enough to send them to me on a CD, so i have an official unique PQ sampler CD technically i guess :lol:
I got into powerquest after's review of Neverworld. Now powerquest is one of my all time favorite bands.

I listen to powerquest at work as well, but I work with ignorant people who refuse to step out of their country music bubble. They always get pissed off and make me turn it off, so they can play their Garth Brooks or whatever. They never give me a reason either. I think they just enjoy being pricks.
On another note, I finally found MND in a record store in town today, sitting right at the front of the 'P' section. I grabbed it immediately. It's really classy with the digipack / DVD even having a slipcase of its own. Way to go, guys!
It's funny how chance circumstances like that can turn you on to a band, eh? You don't ever tend to forget moments like that....

As far as comparing notes goes, I discovered PQ at the Self-Promotion forum here at UM! :p downloaded the demo, ordered the album about two months later off came through on a Saturday morning as I was trying to sleep off a terrible cider-induced hangover :loco: seeing as I weren't exactly going anywhere I gave it a listen...awww the things you remember! :p
Bloodstock 03 for me as well

heard glowing reports from siliconmessiah, saw the band live and brought the album. got symphony's sig and he pointed me towards alessio with words which are impossible to forget ("the italians are the ones in the poncy flower shirts")
Dan W said:
Bloodstock 03 for me as well

heard glowing reports from siliconmessiah, saw the band live and brought the album. got symphony's sig and he pointed me towards alessio with words which are impossible to forget ("the italians are the ones in the poncy flower shirts")

Haha! Awesome matey! hehe!
Dan W said:
got symphony's sig and he pointed me towards alessio with words which are impossible to forget ("the italians are the ones in the poncy flower shirts")

lmmfaao!!! :lol: Classic!