Disincarnate Bootleg live Video?


Metal Otaku
Aug 1, 2002
Daytona Beach, FL
I dunno if I should even say anything about this, but there's a bootleg vid of Disincarnate working it's way around the 'net atm. It's listed as being from "Hadley MA 8-8-93". Sucker's 300mB though.

Video quality's pretty poor, as it was a VHS tape done from in the audience, but for those of us that never got to see these songs live, it's still damn cool.

The only reason I found it is that I frequent certain Bittorrent sites to get my Fan-subbed anime fix. :)

Anyway, James, you f'ing rip on this thing. Even with the poor sound, and the dark and grainy vid, you still f'ing rule. :headbang: Hell, I didn't even know you guys toured at all, who's playing bass?
If I could host it on a sever, I would... lol I'm not online long enough to offer to send it over IM, it would just take too long.

If you have, or can get, a Bittorrent client(search on google, there are a couple open-source apps), I can email out the "tracker" for it, and just 'seed' the file at night.

Let me know. :)
I have the Testament music video for "Low", it has james in there playing on an emg loaded strat, its pretty cool, but in the beginning, he puts his hand on his face and swings it side to side, looks pretty badass, only flashes his face once after the solo is done hehe