Dissection member in prison


Nov 1, 2001
I just read a review of Dissection at the BNR Metal Pages network, where it says he's now serving a long sentence for manslaughter. Anyone know what this is about? Something religious perhaps, like what they did in Norway?
Nödtvedt and this other guy (can't remember his name) murdered a gay person. Nödtvedt was sentenced to 7 or 8 years in prison for helping in the murder. Not sure of the truthfulness of that second sentence.
He he actually here in sweden there was a lot of talking about this murder...they showed a special program on tv in "Svenska Mord" about how Jon Nödtvedt and Vlad killed that guy...they reconstructed the whole murder in the program...some actors played Jon and Vlad..it was kind of amusing actually...and i think they even showed some seconds from the Where the Dead Angels Lie video...a whole bunch of free publicity for the band!!!
Originally posted by Harlot of God
He he actually here in sweden there was a lot of talking about this murder...they showed a special program on tv in "Svenska Mord" about how Jon Nödtvedt and Vlad killed that guy...they reconstructed the whole murder in the program...some actors played Jon and Vlad..it was kind of amusing actually...and i think they even showed some seconds from the Where the Dead Angels Lie video...a whole bunch of free publicity for the band!!!
Cool!!!BTW just listened to SotLB...amazing!!!