Distorted bass guitar...

Basically MY "grit" is usually just TSE BOD > Ampeg SVX > whatever compressiong/eq it needs. Basically it's a clean(er) track that's providing the body for the tone. I put a HP at the end of this track anywhere from 200-500, as long as it doesn't interfere with the lows on the sub track.

I bus all 3 of these tracks to one track, set levels between the 3 so I think it sounds good (my distortion track is usually really present. :grin: some like it subtle), then process the main bus to make them all work together as one cohesive unit via staged compression, eq, limiting, ect.

Here's a couple tracks I got of UM doing this:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3689406/Stick Stickly Forum - MIX 2 2.mp3
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3689406/COGNTIVE - 3.mp3

Sounds badass. So you're using BOD and ampeg for the main grit tone, are you also using ampeg svx for the clean lows? Or BOD or anything? Or is it just the totally clean DI with nothing on it, just compressed and eqd and limited? Damn, bass is complicated shit haha
Sounds badass. So you're using BOD and ampeg for the main grit tone, are you also using ampeg svx for the clean lows? Or BOD or anything? Or is it just the totally clean DI with nothing on it, just compressed and eqd and limited? Damn, bass is complicated shit haha
Well, clean and grit are the same thing to me lol. As far as metal goes anyway.
It's just basically one track for sub lows, one with BOD > Ampeg SVX, and then one with all out distortion.

Then each one is filtered, eq'd, compressed, and limited as such!
Well, clean and grit are the same thing to me lol. As far as metal goes anyway.
It's just basically one track for sub lows, one with BOD > Ampeg SVX, and then one with all out distortion.

Then each one is filtered, eq'd, compressed, and limited as such!

So for the sub lows, it's not going through Ampeg SVX at all, correct? What do you use for your all out distortion? I tried Solo C with some bass cab IRs. Like do you have the gain maxed out for the distortion track? I tried that and it just didn't seem right at all
PSA 1,1 is fabulous and you can have m a n y different distorted sounds.
EBS pedals also rule.
I'm not really into amp sims,i prefer the real thing,but they can work
So for the sub lows, it's not going through Ampeg SVX at all, correct? What do you use for your all out distortion? I tried Solo C with some bass cab IRs. Like do you have the gain maxed out for the distortion track? I tried that and it just didn't seem right at all
The sub low track for me will 99.9% of the time be straight from the DI. Just because capturing low frequencies from a cab in a room (let alone the IR in Ampeg SVX) will never turn out well unless it's a million dollar sounding room. :)

My distortion track differs all the time, but lately I've been using TSE 808 > TSE Svl > whatever IR I find sounds best.
The sub low track for me will 99.9% of the time be straight from the DI. Just because capturing low frequencies from a cab in a room (let alone the IR in Ampeg SVX) will never turn out well unless it's a million dollar sounding room. :)

My distortion track differs all the time, but lately I've been using TSE 808 > TSE Svl > whatever IR I find sounds best.

Cool, and on the distortion track what do you have the gain at? Like 12 o clock, or closer to max?
sounding much better, the lowend sounds a lil weak though, but it does sorta work for the mix. I guess you don't won't the low end too rounded aye
Just having another listen, it sorta sounds like the bass could be tighter, syncing to the guitar notes. Maybe a lil bit of editing to tighten it up
Its only on the odd note though, most is okay
Just having another listen, it sorta sounds like the bass could be tighter, syncing to the guitar notes. Maybe a lil bit of editing to tighten it up
Its only on the odd note though, most is okay

Its actually programmed bass, so I don't know how it could possibly be any tighter. So generally the tone sounds good though? Here's another mp3 from a different song :

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2354806/Sneap Forum Mix help/Track 2 No Solo 6 14 Mix.mp3

As for the low end sounding weak, do you mean I should raise the sub lows part? I just don't want it to sound too woofy
Anyone else? Planning on bouncing this today if nothing's wrong with it.

To me, it sounds kind of weak, but I wouldn't kill yourself over it. I like the bass to fit right under the guitars and add a little something, and your mix has a hole in that region. Bounce the project and move on, next time approach it differently and see what happens. If you work on one project for too long you start making bad decisions. I don't know how good of a tone you can honestly get with a programmed bass in the first place, so again I wouldn't cause yourself undue stress over it. Good work so far though.
To me, it sounds kind of weak, but I wouldn't kill yourself over it. I like the bass to fit right under the guitars and add a little something, and your mix has a hole in that region. Bounce the project and move on, next time approach it differently and see what happens. If you work on one project for too long you start making bad decisions. I don't know how good of a tone you can honestly get with a programmed bass in the first place, so again I wouldn't cause yourself undue stress over it. Good work so far though.

OK, cool. Just for curiousity sake, would you say it's the grit track that isn't loud enough, creating this hole you're talking about? Since the bass is in three separated tracks for subs, grit and distortion that would be an easy fix...
I reckon the grit or distortion track needs to add that little something to the distorted guitars as Jake mentioned...
...bring up the distortion track until the guitars really start grinding (as if there is a third guitarist down the middle)
if it sounds like too much distortion on some parts then automate the distortion volume down at those points until it cleans it up
About that timing issue I can hear, in the first riff the guitars are doing quick little notes wheres the bass is holding the notes for just a lil too long or sumthin
its actually quite hard to diagnose just listening to it, I really need to see where the transients line up and where the notes end
Like jake said though, it does sound reasonably good, so dont kick yourself, if you think its good enough then just move on bro
overall the mix is sounding pretty good
I reckon the grit or distortion track needs to add that little something to the distorted guitars as Jake mentioned...
...bring up the distortion track until the guitars really start grinding (as if there is a third guitarist down the middle)
if it sounds like too much distortion on some parts then automate the distortion volume down at those points until it cleans it up
About that timing issue I can hear, in the first riff the guitars are doing quick little notes wheres the bass is holding the notes for just a lil too long or sumthin
its actually quite hard to diagnose just listening to it, I really need to see where the transients line up and where the notes end
Like jake said though, it does sound reasonably good, so dont kick yourself, if you think its good enough then just move on bro
overall the mix is sounding pretty good

Cool, yeah I printed the final bass today and I did end up bringing the distorted track a bit.