District 9

I am so fucking psyched for this movie, but I'm just afraid it'll be a "ALIENS ARE BAD AND WANT NOTHING MORE TO KILL US, SO HUMANITY MUST RALLY AND LAY WASTE TO THE INVADERS" movie; Independence Day was the last good movie to be able to use that formula IMO, now I'm pretty sick of it!
I am so fucking psyched for this movie, but I'm just afraid it'll be a "ALIENS ARE BAD AND WANT NOTHING MORE TO KILL US, SO HUMANITY MUST RALLY AND LAY WASTE TO THE INVADERS" movie; Independence Day was the last good movie to be able to use that formula IMO, now I'm pretty sick of it!

I've just seen the trailer, but it looked different from that considering the part with the alien saying it just wanted to go home (or something like that).
I've just seen the trailer, but it looked different from that considering the part with the alien saying it just wanted to go home (or something like that).

Yeah, I know very little about it, I saw the trailer but couldn't hear much of the dialogue (noisy room), I'm just generally pessimistic, but hopefully since it's Peter Jackson it'll have some depth to it! I'm just psyched cuz the alien looked a lot like a Turian from Mass Effect :headbang:
Directed by a South African :p

The plot sounded dumb to me but there's a lot of hype behind it *shrugs*
I read it's based in an area not far from where I stay, called District 6.
Yeah, I see that now. And I gotta say, after reading my man Ebert's review of it, this will definitely be one to wait for the DVD! (only to rent, of course :loco: )
I saw the midnight show last night and I fucking LOVED it! Best flick of 2009 and best true SciFi film in a long time!!!!

Exactly. The suspense was killer... my heart thumped loud enough at times that I had to really use my ears to the movie cuz it was getting hard to hear :D RARELY do movies do that to me, NEVER like this one did. I'm 1/2 tempted to go see it again (have only done that to like 2 movies in my life)
only david lynch's later stuff even comes CLOSE to doing that to me
and even then, only inland empire actually went the extra mile and actually induced it at all (but that ended up being 3 hours of hell on earth, utterly incredible haha) for some reason i cant imagine this film putting me in the same position haha.