Disturbed - Indestructible

frankly I don't think anybody cares about your expanded vocabulary. Just because you have a dictionary in front of you when you post doesn't mean you are better than any other on this forum, which is seen perfectly in your flamewar with wankerness in which both of you threw bullshit wrapped in pretentious vocabulary at each other.

Oh fucking puh-leeaaase! Dude, if you want to lecture someone on pretense, could you at least try not to do so from atop a giant mound of it? Think ya could do that for us, hmmm? Jeezus, I actually feel dumber for having read that depressing little commentary of yours. I suppose suggesting you try reading a fucking book once in a while to remove some of your own limitations as opposed to whining about them in public would be wasted on you, wouldn't it? (rhetorical question)

Have a nice day!
Oh fucking puh-leeaaase! Dude, if you want to lecture someone on pretense, could you at least try not to do so from atop a giant mound of it? Think ya could do that for us, hmmm? Jeezus, I actually feel dumber for having read that depressing little commentary of yours. I suppose suggesting you try reading a fucking book once in a while to remove some of your own limitations as opposed to whining about them in public would be wasted on you, wouldn't it? (rhetorical question)

Have a nice day!

do tell me what the pretentious part was in acusing you of being way too self-righteouss. Your flamewar with wankerness was nothing but drivel and I merely pointed out that out, and bam! you go into agressive defense mode throwing shit at me. Apparently you are not very good at dealing with criticism.
And your attempt to ridicule me by telling me to read a book once in a while just fails. Basically what you said was "omg! I...read...more!!... books..than..you!!!111.!!.(which I don't think you do),...therefore....you..fail u sanctimonious pathologically insecure dumbass!!!"
frankly I don't think anybody cares about your expanded vocabulary. Just because you have a dictionary in front of you when you post doesn't mean you are better than any other on this forum, which is seen perfectly in your flamewar with wankerness in which both of you threw bullshit wrapped in pretentious vocabulary at each other.
I sense another one intimidated by those more versed. Wanky did you make a new SN? :lol:

Sure, as long as you get the point across the objective is reached, but especially on the internet where tone of voice, body language, and the like are not possible, using more specific diction allows a better chance that the precise point you want to get across arrives intact. If you think that's pretentious or requires a "dictionary" than clearly you have not read enough books to supplant your vocabulary. Seriously, I can't understand why people would prefer "u suk fag" over a well composed paragraph.
I sense another one intimidated by those more versed. Wanky did you make a new SN? :lol:

Sure, as long as you get the point across the objective is reached, but especially on the internet where tone of voice, body language, and the like are not possible, using more specific diction allows a better chance that the precise point you want to get across arrives intact. If you think that's pretentious or requires a "dictionary" than clearly you have not read enough books to supplant your vocabulary. Seriously, I can't understand why people would prefer "u suk fag" over a well composed paragraph.

I appreciate when people are using well composed language, but in this thread it was only used to cover up bullshit. It is of little importance how eloquent you are, when the essence of what your are saying comes down to "u suk fag".
Would you say that a steaming pile of dung was more appetizing if it was decorated with pearls?
calling someone a sanctimonious pathologically insecure douche when what you really meant was "u suk fag!" and then saying "using words with more than two syllables will apparently cause migraines for some" is very pretentious.

and by the way I'm not "wanky", look at the join date.
Haha, of course that's not me. I don't know what the point of making a second account would be to argue with that guy. I have nothing further to contribute on the matter except I look forward to when Roadking stops complaining about how he's smarter/older than everyone on the forum and goes to one more appreciative of his tremendous intellect/advanced age.
I have nothing further to contribute on the matter except I look forward to when Roadking stops complaining about how he's smarter/older than everyone on the forum and goes to one more appreciative of his tremendous intellect/advanced age.

Mmmmmm... SMELL the insecurity! ME complaining?! Congratulations on finally uttering your first truly funny statement! Once again, allow me to suggest you scroll up to see who initiated the bitch-like sniveling and whining. Go ahead, we'll wait, or do you really want me to quote it back up? Or are you already too busy soiling your Huggies again? Either way, grow the fuck up, already! Your incessant bitching and crying about, of all things, "vocabulary-envy" is embarrassingly unmanly to behold!

And don't you worry your sensitive little head, honey; I'll always be around to rub your nose in the smelly little piles of obtuse hypocrisy you invariably leave in your wake and to smack you across the nose with the rolled-up newspaper of reality when necessary, so you may as well stock up on the Kleenex and get used to it, 'cause I'm not going anywhere!

All kidding aside, seriously bro... seek professional help SOON with those colossal esteem issues of yours, it's rapidly becoming too nauseating to watch! :puke:

Good luck!

Your Pal,

Whew!! This thread is sooooome huge pissing contest!!:erk:

I'll throw MY OPINION out there that I don't like Disturbed at all. Nobody cares, right? I don't care that nobody cares.

My real opinion is that I dislike all nu-metal as a whole. Nu-metal is/was nothing more than mainstream "metal" trying to regain its rank after the onslaught of grunge. It was actually a desperate cry for help which, sadly became very (too) popular, and remains to be to this day. A lot of the good metal was washed away with the flood of grunge bands that came in. When the grunge flood started to subside, crap like Godsmack (obviously named after an AIC tune) made it big. Godsmack actually incorporated a lot of that grunge sound in their music, so did STP on their first album. STP later changed their sound mutiple times, seemingly not able to actually find themselves. God smack still repeats the same crap they puked out on their first. I mean, how many songs are they going to put in the line "go away!"? Disturbed still has that monkey noise, which seems to be their flagship sound. Don't get me wrong, there are growing styles of nu-metal out there, such as Slipknot, Korn, and many others. But I do understand the whole Hot Topic thing, and these bands feed off of that. I must say that nu-metal is nothing more than recycled riffs simplified enough to be able to be force-fed to the masses, who in turn hopelessly buy into it; allowing these mainstream mass-marketed shit bands to gain massive revinue, by playing radio-friendly 3.5minute songs. Quality is spared for quantity, so that these bands become nothing more than over-payed background noise.

There I said it. I know it was long, but that's my opinion. But who am I to tell other people what is good and what is shit? This is just me.:p
Hey man, I respect your opinion when it's put out there like that. :headbang: Better than these snotty kids typing "ufag" and hitting enter. I've a sneaking suspicion they use the extra time saved to go reapply their eyeliner. But hey...
Whew!! This thread is sooooome huge pissing contest!!:erk:

You're absolutely right, and I'm quite sure it's become just as boring to watch as it is to participate in, so I think I'll actually heed my own earlier advice and leave it to Wanker and his sock-puppet/imaginary friend Tubular from here. Let them cry on each other's shoulders about all dem meen ol' peepel whut likes ta yuze all dem big ol' werds dat makes dere heds hert sow baad and makes dem feel all dumm!

I'll throw MY OPINION out there that I don't like Disturbed at all. Nobody cares, right? I don't care that nobody cares.

My real opinion is that I dislike all nu-metal as a whole. Nu-metal is/was nothing more than mainstream "metal" trying to regain its rank after the onslaught of grunge. It was actually a desperate cry for help which, sadly became very (too) popular, and remains to be to this day. A lot of the good metal was washed away with the flood of grunge bands that came in. When the grunge flood started to subside, crap like Godsmack (obviously named after an AIC tune) made it big. Godsmack actually incorporated a lot of that grunge sound in their music, so did STP on their first album. STP later changed their sound mutiple times, seemingly not able to actually find themselves. God smack still repeats the same crap they puked out on their first. I mean, how many songs are they going to put in the line "go away!"? Disturbed still has that monkey noise, which seems to be their flagship sound. Don't get me wrong, there are growing styles of nu-metal out there, such as Slipknot, Korn, and many others. But I do understand the whole Hot Topic thing, and these bands feed off of that. I must say that nu-metal is nothing more than recycled riffs simplified enough to be able to be force-fed to the masses, who in turn hopelessly buy into it; allowing these mainstream mass-marketed shit bands to gain massive revinue, by playing radio-friendly 3.5minute songs. Quality is spared for quantity, so that these bands become nothing more than over-payed background noise.

There I said it. I know it was long, but that's my opinion. But who am I to tell other people what is good and what is shit? This is just me.:p

There! See kids, was that so hard? Formulate a lucid opinion, and put it out there without having to tag it with the "if-you-don't-agree-you're-a-fag-cuz-I-can't-take-it" disclaimer, and continue the discussion from a point of rational, civilized debate. It baffles me why more people can't help themselves but to take the opposite approach... and they wonder why I'm cynical?!

I respect your opinion, Serenity, but I do think you're over-generalizing a bit. It's all subjective, of course, but bands like AIC & Stone Temple Pilots both put out some brilliant material, hardly what I would think of as contrived drivel composed for the sole reason of mass-market appeal. STP's catalog has been patchy in spots, but really fucking good in others. Alice was phenomenal band with wayyy more to offer than just hackneyed formulaic bullshit, but unfortunately, we all know how tragically that story ended! That said, there are indeed vast amounts of vapid, inconsequential poot out there, I just happen to think there are exceptions to every rule if we open our eyes long enough to look for them.

Anyway, this thread has a distinctly not-so-fresh smell about it, so I'm going to sign off from it from here on. If Wanker wants to believe this makes him some kind of "winner", let him have it... Lord knows he needs the self-affirmation! lol
Guess I should've added that I am in fact an AIC fan, as well as old Soundgarden (BMF and earlier). STP got boring really quick, and Pearl Jam's alright. Godsmack, Disturbed, Slipknot, mudvayne, Korn, etc, etc, etc all blow!

Just my opinion, folks.
Well, I have not posted here for a really long time. But I think Opeth have went the direction of Disturbed.