Diverse vs consistent


Jul 21, 2005
In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend
Which one do you like in metal bands? A band that chucks out good release after another, but every album sounds practically same (Iron Maiden, Ajattara, Dragonforce, bleh, I can't think of stuff now) or band that goes through lots of changes in every album and experiments a lot, sometimes with good results, sometimes with very bad results (Amorphis, Bathory, Covenant, Tiamat, Ulver et cetera)?

Personally, I like variety, but it also makes me sad when an excellent band becomes something I don't like at all, my biggest woe being maudlin of the Well becoming Kayo Dot.

I really appreciate bands that try new things, even if they fail. I would much rather have a band I really enjoy put out a new twist on their music or try something new for an album, then the same damn thing over and over. I am glad Carcass evolved through each album. Although Necroticism is my favorite album by them, and I enjoy that they left that album for what it is.
It really depends. If a band has a good formula, like Bolt Thrower, I say stick with it. The more they play that style the better they will become at it, and they will really excel at playing that one style. On the other hand, Carcass is one of my favorite artists, but I think had they stagnated at Necroticism or prior, they wouldn't have been as good. It really depends on the artist/style.
Personally I think it's great when bands try something new, they don't always have to get it perfect, but it keeps them fresh. I have enjoyed all of Ulver's albums and although they didn't get it completely right on Blood Inside, I found it really interesting to listen to. It's fine if a band has got a solid formula and can do what they do well, but chances are I'll only buy one of that bands albums, but if a band changes, I'll want to buy all the albums to see how they've evolved.
Consistency is preferred. It doesn't mean every album has to sound the same, but sticking to the same style and playing what they know as opposed to going completely wayward is much better imo.
It just depends on what the band plays best. Like sometimes a band will change styles and it will make them sound 10,000 times better than before.
Diversity might look better on a bands profile but if they're coming out with shitty material and lost all sense of direction then I'd prefer a band with a consistent sound but still coming out with quality material.
Diversity and consitancy. A band should try new things,etc.., but make a slower progression introducing new ideas rather than just sounding like they never existed prior to their new album. I like when you can tell a band was going to go where they do musically on future albums. Sometimes a band could have pushed their style but never do causing you to think what an album inbetween would have sounded liked. Finish what you started fully until you really get sick of it. Bands that have the same notes,chord progression on every album do start to get old especially when every album they have released in 10,15 years blends together like mush. Learn some new chords or something for the love of god.

Style instrument sound and production should be changed up to an extent.
byrne said:
Consistency is preferred. It doesn't mean every album has to sound the same, but sticking to the same style and playing what they know as opposed to going completely wayward is much better imo.

I like bands to explore what they are doing already further, but keep with what they are good at. bands with a diverse catalogue are unnecessary. There is no need for a band to do a whole lot of different things unless they are good at all of them. For example, why the fuck do the LLN bands seem to want to do ambient side projects? LEAVE IT TO PEOPLE WHO ALREADY DO AMBIENT! they SUCK at it. Every band i think should do their thing and stuck with it. If i want a different sound, i'll go with a different band.
Variety. Who wants to listen to the same song 50 times? A great band can tackle headbanging songs but also play ballads, instrumentals, covers, a variety of lyrical material, and so forth.