DIY drum trigger


Aug 2, 2007
Tracking a band using 2 racks and 2 floors tomorrow so needed an extra trigger.
Cheap piezo transducer wired to XLR and covered in gaffa tape :-) and taped to drum head.
Works fine when I tested it.
Will report back on how well it does for tracking 11 songs over the next few days.
The Piezo cost less than €2 and I have a few spares.

If this works and lasts the album, a full set of triggers for a 5 piece kit can be had for a tenner :-)
Yeah. I have replaced the piezos on my DDrums plenty of times too.
The DDrums just push a piezo against the head on a piece of foam so my DIY should work fine.
I have Rolands for kick and snare but DDrum pro for the toms ( and 2 knackered DDrum kick triggers)
I must get a few roland tom triggers too.